Designing XAI Adapters

The product provides a set of adapters to process your XML requests. The adapters point to a specific Java class that renders a service. If you find that you need to use a protocol, which is not supported by the adapters provided, you will need to add a new XAI Class (which points to a Java class) and a new XAI Adapter. It is recommended that your implementers contact customer support. The following adapter classes are provided.

Note: Due to the limitations of Siebel VBC, this adapter is more suited for accessing simple List and Search services, or the main row of a Page maintenance service. It cannot be used to access nested components in a system business service.
Note: The Siebel VBC structure must exactly match the elements in the corresponding XAI service. For more information about using an XAI service as a Siebel VBC, refer to Creating a Siebel VBC Definition based on a schema.