External System - Main

Open this page using Admin Menu > External System.

Note: This page is only available if either the Outbound Message or the Open Market Interchange module is not turned off.

Description of Page

Enter a unique External System and Description.

Use the field Our Name In Their System to specify the identity of your organization (i.e., your external system identifier) in the external system.

Note: The workflow process profile and notification download profile are only applicable to products that support workflow and notification. They and are not visible in the product if the Open Market Interchange module is turned off.

If this external system sends inbound communications through notification upload staging, the type of workflow process that is created is controlled by the sender's W/F (Workflow) Process Profile.

If you send notifications to this external system, select a Notification DL (download) Profile that is used to define the configuration of the outgoing messages.

Note: The remaining fields are not visible if the Outbound Message module is turned off.

Set Usage to Template External System for external systems whose outbound message type configuration is inherited by other external systems.

If the outbound message type configuration should be inherited from a template external system, define the Template External System. If this field is specified, the outbound message type collection displays the data defined for the template system as display-only.

The Outbound Message Type accordion contains an entry for every type of outbound message defined for this external system. For each type of outbound message identify its Outbound Message Type.

Define the Processing Method for messages of this type. If the value is XAI, indicate the appropriate XAI Sender. If the value is Batch, indicate the appropriate Batch Control.

The Message XSL is the schema used to transform information from the format produced by the system to a format understood by the sender, who receives a message of this type.

Enter the file name of the appropriate W3C Schema if you want to validate the message built for outbound messages for this external system / outbound message type prior to being routed to their destination. Refer to Outbound Message Schema Validation for more information.

Response XSL will have the same search service as is used for the existing Message XSL field. This field will only be displayed when the processing method is Real-time. Refer to Outgoing Messages for more information on how it is used.