
The Envelope element may optionally be followed by the 'Header' element, which may contain the following optional elements:

The SoapActionVersion element

Multiple versions of a schema may exist for the same service. The SoapActionVersion element in the header defines which version of the schema is to be used for the service.

For example, if the service requires a request schema name AccountRequestSchema and the version element on the soap header is <SoapActionVersion>1.2</SoapActionVersion>, then the server attempts to use a schema with the name AccountRequestSchema.V1.2.xml.

When the version element is not present in the request, the server uses the default version as defined for that service in the XAI Inbound Service page.

The CorrelationId element

The CorrelationId element can be used by the sender to match an XML response to an XML request. When a CorrelationId is specified in the header of the request document, the XAI server copies this CorrelationId header element as is into the XML response document.