How to Build the XML Request Document

To execute a service, an application sends an XML request document over HTTP or to one of the XAI defined receivers. The request document must be built according to the request schema defined for that service. In addition, it is recommended that request documents adhere to the SOAP protocol. For these cases, a SOAP envelope must wrap the request document.

A request document contains the following elements:



Inbound Service Name

Service Element

[Service Header]

[Service Details]

The Service Header and the Service Details elements are optional (unless specified otherwise in the request schema) but at least one of the service header or details element must appear in the request. For retrieval service, usually the Header is enough, for maintenance service the Details element is enough. All other elements are mandatory.

The following XML document shows a simple request adhering to the SOAP standard.

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:envelope">



<Credential domain="NetworkUserId">









<PersonHeader PersonID="0726118368"/>



