Inbound Message Error Handling

For messages that are processed using the staging upload table, application errors that prevent XAI from successfully processing the message cause the staging record to be marked in error and highlighted via a To Do entry.

For messages that are not processed via staging upload, your implementation should consider what should happen to application errors. If the origin of the message is able to handle an immediate error returned by XAI, then no special configuration is needed. An example of this is an HTTP call to our system where the originator of the message is waiting for a real-time response.

Otherwise, for messages where errors should not be returned to the originator, but should be highlighted in this system for resolution, be sure to mark the Post Error switch on the XAI inbound service. When this switch is turned on and an application error is received by XAI when processing the message an XAI upload staging record is created (along with a staging control record) and marked in error.

For example, if a message is received via a JMS queue, application errors that prevent XAI from processing the message should not be returned to the queue because there is no logic to route the error to the sending system.