Real Time Messages

The system supports the ability to make web service calls, i.e. sending real time messages, to an external system. The configuration of real time messages is similar to the configuration of near real-time ones, with the following exceptions:

Just like near real-time messages, you can easily create outbound message records from a script. When a real time message is added, the system immediately routes it to the external system. If the external system provided a response message back, the system captures the response on the outbound message. If the outbound message type for the external system is associated with a response XSL it is applied to transform the response. In this case the system captures the raw response as well on the outbound message.

Any error (that can be trapped) causes the outbound message to be in a state of Error. It is the responsibility of the calling process to check upon the state of the outbound message and take a programmatic action. When the outbound message state is changed back to Pending the message will be retried.

The base package provides a business service called "Outbound Message Dispatcher (F1-OutmsgDispatcher)" that further facilitates making web service calls, allowing the calling script to configure the following behavior:

Refer to the description of the business service for a better understanding on how it works.

Note: HTTP Sender. In the current release of the product, only senders that communicate via HTTP are supported.