Understanding Web Service Adapters

The system provides tools to communicate with an external system using certain types of web services. The base product provides a configuration object called Web Service Adapter that provides the following functionality:

The following points highlight limitations associated with the types of web services that the system supports:
The following topics describe the system functionality in more detail.

Importing a WSDL

The configuration of a Web Service Adapter starts by identifying the WSDL (the web service description language document used to define the interface) provided by the external system. The following steps describe the base product functionality provided to allow a user to import a WSDL.

At this point, a web service adapter record is created in pending status. The next step is to generate the request and response data areas for the operations configured as active.

Generating Request and Response Data Areas

Each active operation for the web service adapter requires a pair of data areas, request and response, that represent the request and response XML messages for the operation.

The base product provides steps to generate the data areas as follows:

The generated data areas provide the API for the implementer to use when implementing the web service call in an appropriate algorithm or service in the system. The data areas contain the appropriate mapping from the elements that the implementer works with in the code that invokes the web services and the WSDL definitions.

To facilitate the generation of the request and response data areas, the base product invokes a special business service used to create the appropriate mapping. The business service is defined as a BO option on the Web Service Adapter business object. This allows an implementation to provide a custom business service to further enhance the request and response mapping where appropriate.


Generated data areas. It is possible to edit and modify the generated data areas after they are created. An implementer can change element names or remove unneeded elements if desired. Manually changing the generated data areas must be done only when absolutely necessary. The system is not able to validate manual changes. Issues with the data areas would only be detected at run time.

Activating Web Service Adapters

The business objects provided by the base package for web service adapters include a simple lifecycle of pending and active. Configure the web service adapter and its data areas while in pending status and activate it when it is ready to be implemented in the appropriate system functionality.

Invoking Web Services

To make a call to a web service using a web service adapter, the system has provided a Web Service Dispatcher business service (F1-InvokeWebService) to submit a web service call. The calling program is responsible for retrieving all the information to correctly populate the request data required by the web service call before invoking the business service.


Refer to the detailed description of the business service for more information.