XAI Adapter

To define a new adapter, open Admin Menu, XAI Adapter.

Description of Page

Indicate a unique Adapter Name and Description.

Indicate the XAI Class , which is the name of the Java class, implementing the adapter. The class should be one that is defined for an adapter. The adapter classes provided with the product are BASEADA- Core Adapter, BUSINESSADA- Business Requests Adapter, LDAPIMPRTADA- LDAP Adapter, SIEBELADA- Siebel XML Gateway Adapter, STGUPADA- Staging Upload Adapter, XAICMNDADA- XAI Command Adapter.

Fastpath: Refer to XAI Class for more information.

The following fields are not applicable for the BusinessAdapter adapter.

Use the XAI JNDI Server to indicate the name of the WebLogic JNDI server running your product. Refer to XAI JNDI Server for more information.

Indicate the Default User to be passed to your product server when this adapter is executed.

Note: If the XML request is sent over an HTTP connection, which has been authenticated, the authenticated User Id is passed to your product.

The Default Date format and the Default DTTM (date / time) Format specify date and date/time formats to use when a schema does not explicitly indicate formats.

Owner indicates if this XAI adapter is owned by the base package or by your implementation ( Customer Modification). The system sets the owner to Customer Modification when you add an XAI adapter. This information is display-only.

Where Used

Follow this link to open the data dictionary where you can view the tables that reference CI_XAI_ADAPTER.

Note: The information in this table is cached by the XAI server and by the MPL server. Changes to values in this table do not affect the runtime copy of these servers. Refer to How to Refresh the Runtime Copy of the Registry for steps required to ensure that the servers use the most current data.