XAI Dynamic Submission - Main

To create and submit an XML document for testing, navigate to Admin Menu > XAI Dynamic Submission and navigate to the main tab.

Description of Page

Select the XAI In Service Name, which identifies the XAI Inbound Service called by the XAI tool to load/update the system data. After selecting, click Load UI. This button causes the system to read the XML schema associated with the service and build the screen with the associated prompts and fields, which enables a user to enter data.

Note: Testing schema. This page tests submitting the schema referenced on an XAI inbound service. If your service references an XSL transformation script, that information is ignored. This page tests post-XSL transformation.

Select the Transaction Type associated with this XML request. The valid values are Add, Change, Delete, List, Read, Search and Update. This information is built into the XML request document.

Set the Trace option to yes to request level tracing to be executed inside the XAI tool . This results in information written to a file, which may be useful in debugging.

The bottom portion of the screen contains field prompts and input fields for the data associated with the XML request linked to this service. The system dynamically builds this portion of the page by reading the XML Request associated with the service. You can enter data in the displayed fields.

Note: This page also generates other tabs dynamically for any collections that exist for the service being displayed. These tabs vary based on the service. The response tab is the only other tab that is always present.

Enter values in the appropriate fields. You need to have some knowledge of what information is needed based on the service and transaction type. For example, if your service is accessing the account record and you want to read the record, you only need to provide the account id. However, if your transaction type is add, you need to fill in all the fields necessary for adding an account. If you have not entered values correctly, you receive an error in the Response.

When finished entering values in the fields, click Show XML to see the XML request built based on the schema and the values of the fields entered.

If everything looks OK, click Submit to execute the XML request. Note that this request information is not saved anywhere. It simply calls the system with the appropriate service name and executes the XML request.

You are brought to the Response tab, where you may view the response.