XAI Option

The XAI Options page defines various system settings used by the XAI and MPL servers. The settings here may be overridden by the AdHoc Parameters section of the XAIParameterInfo.xml or MPLParameterInfo.xml. To define options for your environment, open Admin Menu, XAI Option.

Description of Page

Define the following information for your XAI and MPL servers.

Option Description MPL / XAI Option Name
Automatically Attempt Resend to Unavailable Sender (Y/N) Set to Y if you wish to enable Automatic Resend. Set to N if you wish to log errors when the system fails to send an outgoing message. shouldAutoResend
Default Email Sender This is the default XAI Sender used for sending e-mails when no explicit XAI Sender is specified. defaultEmailSender
Default Response Character Encoding Determines the character encoding to be used when a response is sent. For example, you may specify UTF-8 or UTF-16. If no value is specified then the default is UTF-8. If no special encoding should be done, then enter the value none. defaultResponseEncoding
Default User The default user is used by XAI to access your product when no other user is explicitly specified. Refer to Server Security for more information. Additionally, the Default User is used for MPL transactions where there is no facility to provide a User ID. For example, no facility exists to provide a user id when reading messages from a JMS Queue. In these messaging scenarios, the system will use the Default User for authorization purposes. defaultUser
Email Attachment File Location This is the default location of e-mail attachment files. If not specified, the e-mail service provided with the product assumes a full path is provided with each attachment file. emailAttachmentFileLocation
Email XSL File Location This is the default location of e-mail XSL files. If not specified, the e-mail service provided with the product assumes a full path is provided to an XSL file as part of an e-mail request. emailXSLFileLocation
JDBC Connection Pool Max size The MPL uses a pool of JDBC connections to connect to the database. This option determines the maximum number of JDBC connections that can be opened in the pool. The default value is 100. JDBCConnPoolMaxSize
Maximum Errors for a Sender This value is required if you have enabled Automatic Resend. It defines how many errors you receive from a sender when attempting to send an outgoing message before you mark the sender unavailable. maxSendingErrors
Messages JDBC Connection Specifies the JDBC connection that XAI uses to read the text for its messages. messagesJDBCConnection
Messages Language The default language to use for the messages. language
MPL Administrator Port The port number to be used for receiving MPL operator commands. adminPort
MPL HTTP Server Authentication Method This setting, along with the MPL HTTP Server User and Password are used to secure commands received by your MPL (such as those issued via XAI Command) through HTTP. Currently only BASIC authentication is supported. MPLHTTPAuthMethod
MPL HTTP Server Password This setting, along with the MPL HTTP Server Authentication Method and User are used to secure commands received by your MPL (such as those issued via XAI Command) through HTTP. The password should be in encrypted form, using the same encryption that is used for the database password. . MPLHTTPAuthPassword
MPL HTTP Server User This setting, along with the MPL HTTP Server Authentication Method and Password are used to secure commands received by your MPL (such as those issued via XAI Command ) through HTTP. MPLHTTPAuthUser
MPL Log File The MPL Log File setting is used to specify the name of the file where MPL log information is to be written. The log contains technical information about the operation of the MPL. MPLLogFile
MPL Trace File The MPL Trace File setting is used to specify the name of the file where MPL trace information is to be written. MPLTraceFile
MPL Trace Type The MPL Trace Type is used to enable or disable tracing of the MPL. The possible values are FULL- All trace messages are written to the log file and NOLOG- No information is written to the log file. MPLTraceType
Outbound Message Schema Location Enter the full path of the virtual directory where valid W3C schemas are stored if your implementation wants to validate outbound message schemas. For example: http:/localhost/cisxai/schemas. xaiOuboundSchemaLoc
Privileged Users Comma separated list of users that are allowed to specify an effective User or effective User Id via framework custom SOAP Headers. superUsers
Records MPL Receiver Will Process At a Time If your implementation has configured multiple MPL servers, indicate the number of records that each MPL receiver should process. Not currently used
Schema Directory The full path of the virtual directory where XML schemas are stored. For example: http:/localhost/cisxai/schemas. If this option is not specified, the XAI uses the current directory, from where it is being run, to locate schemas. schemaDir
Schema Validation Flag Enter Y to turn on schema validation for outbound messages. Enter N to turn this off. xaiSchemaValidationCheck
Send SOAP Fault as HTTP 500 Enter Y to ensure that a SOAP error is reported as an HTTP 500 "internal server error". sendErrorAsHttp500
Sender Retry Seconds This value is required if you have enabled Automatic Resend. It defines how many seconds to wait after marking a sender unavailable before you mark the sender available again (and retry sending messages to it). senderWaitTime
System Error JDBC Connection When a request fails to execute due to a system error, the MPL retries its execution several times. The MPL registers the system error in a table and uses this table for the retries. This setting specifies the JDBC connection required to access this table. Only enter a value in this field if it is different from the database environment used to read the XAI registry. systemErrorTableJDBCConnection
System Error Max Retry When a request fails to execute due to a system error, the MPL retries its execution several times until a maximum number of retries is reached. This option specifies the maximum number of retries. systemErrorMaxRetries
System Error Retry Interval When a request fails to execute due to a system error, the MPL retries its execution several times. This option specifies the number of seconds the MPL server waits between retries. systemErrorRetryInterval
Thread Pool Initial Size The MPL uses a thread of pools to enhance performance. The MPL starts with a minimum number of threads and grows/shrinks the pool based on the MPL system load. This option specifies the initial number of threads in the thread pool. The minimum number of threads is 12. threadPoolInitialSize
Thread Pool Max Size This option specifies the maximum number of threads in the thread pool. threadPoolMaxSize
Thread Pool Non Activity Time This option specifies how long a thread in the pool may be inactive before it is timed out and released from the pool. poolNoneActivityTime
To Do Type for Inbound JMS Message Errors To Do type for inbound JMS message errors. The inbound message processor uses this To Do type when creating To Do entries for inbound JMS messages that cannot be successfully processed. The system provides the To Do type F1-INJMS that may be used here. toDoTypeforInboundJMSMessageErrors
To Do Type for Outbound Message Errors To Do type for outbound message errors. The outbound message receiver uses this To Do type when creating To Do entries for outbound messages that cannot be successfully processed. The system provides the To Do type F1-OUTMS that may be used here. outboundErrorTodo
WSDL Service Address Location Specifies the SOAP address location that XAI uses in creating a WSDL. If no value is present, the XAI's URL is used. wsdlAddressLocation
XAI Authentication Password The multi-purpose listener uses this field in combination with the XAI Authentication User when attempting to communicate with the XAI server over HTTP, which is running on a secured servlet and requires authentication. HTTPBasicAuthPassword
XAI Authentication User The multi-purpose listener uses this field in combination with the XAI Authentication Password when attempting to communicate with the XAI server over HTTP, which is running on a secured servlet and requires authentication. HTTPBasicAuthUser
XAI Trace File The full path name for the file, where the XML messages should be written. For example: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\cisxai\xai.log. traceFile
XAI Trace Type

Use this option to specify the level of logging. The possible values are FULL- All XML messages are written to the log file and NOLOG- No information is written to the log file.

Fastpath: Refer to Server Trace for more information about tracing.
XSL Directory The full path of the virtual directory where XSL transformation scripts are located. XSL transformation scripts can be defined for each service. By default, this is the same directory as the schemas directory. XSLDir

Where Used

Used by the XAI tool to obtain various required settings and locations.

Note: The information in this table is cached by the XAI server and by the MPL server. Changes to values in this table do not affect the runtime copy of these servers. Refer to How to Refresh the Runtime Copy of the Registry for steps required to ensure that the servers use the most current data.