XAI Service Import

The service import page allows you to import the definition of an XAI Inbound Service from a file into the XAI service table. This function may be helpful if you need to copy in the definition of this service from a separate environment. To import a service, open Admin Menu, XAI Service Import.

Description of Page

Upon initial entry into this page, you are provided with an input field, where you can enter the file name to import. Click Browse to search for the desired file in a directory.

Once the file is identified, click Read File, to read in the contents of the file.

Note: The format of the file must include tags indicating the column names for XAI Inbound Service table along with the values of the columns. For an example of how the format should be, simply go to the XAI Service Export page, export a Service and view the format of the resulting file.

Once the file has been read in, the list of XAI services found defined within the file is displayed in the Import grid, identified by their XAI In Service Name and Description. In the Import? column, indicate which services to import.

If a service with this service name already exists in the table, you must check the Overwrite Existing switch in order to indicate that the imported file information should replace the current service. An XAI Inbound Service that is provided as part of the system (i.e., with an owner of Base Product) may not be overwritten.

Click Save to proceed with the import. If any problems are found, information is displayed in the Message Text column.