LDAP Import

Open Admin Menu > LDAP Import to import users and groups into the system.

Note: LDAP Import Setup. Your system must be appropriately configured for this page to operate correctly. Refer to Setting Up Your System For LDAP Import for more information.

Description of Page

Enter the LDAP JNDI server that should be used to connect to the LDAP server from which you want to import users or groups. Refer to Defining a JNDI Server for more information.

If the LDAP server from which you are importing users or groups requires authentication, specify an LDAP User and LDAP Password for the server.

Note: Username and password. Contact your LDAP system administrator for the format of the username and password to use.

From the LDAP Entity drop-down list, select either User or User Group depending on whether you want to import users or groups from the LDAP server.

Select the name of the User or Group that you want to import. (The label of this field changes depending on the LDAP Entity you selected.) You can use the search button to search for a list of users or groups that exist in the LDAP store.

After all fields have been specified, click the Find icon to return a list of all the objects contained in the selected user or group. If a user is specified, all the groups to which the user belongs are displayed in the grid. If a group is specified, all the users that belong to the group are displayed in the grid.

Click the Synchronize button to import the specified user or group and its linked objects (shown in the grid).

The LDAP Import service creates the configuration parameters on the XML staging control table and the XAI Staging Control page opens to let you view the status of your request.

Fastpath: For more information, refer to How Does LDAP Import Work?