Mapping LDAP Entry Attributes to Base Object Attributes

Each attribute in the LDAP entry is mapped to attributes in the base object using an <LDAPCDXAttrMappings> section under the LDAP entry. Each <LDAPCDXAttrMapping> element has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
ldapAttr The name of the LDAP attribute to be mapped.
cdxName The name of the base product attribute to be mapped. Note this is the name of the attribute in the XAI schema for the User or Group maintenance services.

The name of a Java class to be called. To provide more flexibility in attribute mappings, especially when there is not a simple one to one attribute mapping, you can derive the value of a base product attribute by calling a method in a Java class. The Java class gets the LDAP entry as input and implement its own logic for computing the value of the attribute.

The class should implement the ICDXValueObtainer interface whose source can be found in the cm_templates directory. The class should be available to both the defaultWebApplication and the XAIApp.

idParm When the javaClass attribute is specified, the IdParm attribute contains a parameter value that is passed to the Java class method.
format When the javaClass attribute is specified, the format attribute contains a parameter value that is passed to the Java class method.

The default value that will be assigned to the CDx attribute when one of the following occurs:

- The LDAP attribute contains a null or empty value

- The LDAP attribute does not exist or is not specified.

- The Java class method returns a null or empty value.

Default values are applied only when creating a new entity and are not applied to updated entities.