Database Processes Define The Maintenance Objects To Compare

A database process (DB process) is meta-data that defines the group of maintenance objects to compare. To be exact, a DB process defines the maintenance objects whose tables are compared by a comparison background process.

Note: Important! There are many sample DB processes provided in the demonstration database. For information on how to copy a database process from the demonstration database, refer to How To Copy Samples From The Demonstration Database.

A DB process has 1 or more maintenance objects; the number depends on what you want compared. For example:

When you link a maintenance object to a DB process, the system assumes that you want to compare EVERY row in every table defined on the maintenance object. If this is what you want to do, then you are finished with the DB process configuration tasks. However, if you want to compare a subset of the rows on these tables, the next section describes additional configuration tasks that must be performed.