Difference Query - Difference Query

The Main tab provides a summary of the differences in the maintenance objects. This tab shows the details of every maintenance object. Use Admin Menu > Difference Query and navigate to the 2 nd tab to view this information.

Note: Drill-over from the main tab. The easiest way to populate information on this page is to drill over on a row in the summary grid on the Main tab.

Description of Page

Please see the Main tab for a description of the fields in the first section. The following points describe the remaining fields:

Don't forget to click the search button after changing the filters.

Click Select All to select all root objects currently displayed in the grid.

Click Clear All to unselect all root objects currently displayed in the grid.

The grid displays the root objects that correspond to the criteria specified in the filter. The following points describe each column:

Click Approve to set the status of selected root objects to Approved.

Click Reject to set the status of selected root objects to Rejected.

Note: Run CL-APPCH. After approving root object, run the apply changes background process ( CL-APPCH ) to apply the changes to this environment. Don't forget to return to this query to confirm that all of your Approved changes have Completed.