Difference Query - Main

Use Admin Menu > Difference Query to view a summary of the differences between the maintenance objects in two environments.

Description of Page

Batch Control , Batch Number , and Batch Business Date is the batch run that compared the maintenance objects.

DB Process is the DB process that defines the maintenance objects that were compared.

Environment Reference is the name of the environment whose data was compared against the data in the current environment.

The grid contains a summary of the comparison results:

The summary is further categorized based on the promotion status of the difference. Distinct summary lines are shown for each status value - All , Approved , Complete , Error , Initial , Pending , Rejected.

The area above the grid allows you to filter the items that appear in the grid:

Don't forget to click the search button after changing the filters.

The following points describe each column in the grid:

Click Approve All to set the status of all root objects associated with the Batch Control and Batch Number to Approved.

Click Reject All to set the status of all root objects associated with the Batch Control and Batch Number to Rejected.