MS SQL Server (EnvSetup)

The registration utility may be executed from any workstation configured to connect to both the production environment database and the ConfigLab environment database.

In this example, we describe how to register a ConfigLab environment. We'll call the supported environment database "CDXPROD" and the ConfigLab environment database "CDXCLAB".

A sample file MS SQL Server-compare-source.bat is provided with an example for a Compare Source >registration.

Database security will need to be setup for the utility to register.


CDXPROD - The database already has a user-id. CDXPRODUSER defined and security has been generated for this user.

CDXCLAB - The database already has a user-id. CDXCLABUSER defined and security has been generated for this user.

For the utility to register database CDXCLAB in database CDXPROD, additional security needs to run.

In database CDXCLAB, add the user CDXPRODUSER:

exec sp_adduser ' CDXPRODUSER ',' CDXPRODUSER ','public'

Generate security for the user CDXPRODUSER in database CDXCLAB.

Add an ODBC connection on the database server, called CDXCLAB, with login id sa connecting to CDXCLAB.

Add an ODBC connection on the database server, called CDXPROD with login id sa connecting to CDXPROD.

You may specify the following parameters on the command line. If parameters are not supplied, the registration utility prompts for them:

Note: When you run a distributed transaction against a linked server in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 on a computer that is running Microsoft Windows Server 2003, the following settings are required for Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC).
Note: Note In some cases, you must start the DTC service before you start the SQL Server service so that the linked server distributed queries work correctly.