Root Object - Main

Use Admin Menu > Root Object to view the prime key root objects.

Description of Page

Root Object displays the description of the maintenance object related to the root object including:

Root Object is the unique identifier of the root object.

Maintenance Object displays the code and description of the root object's maintenance object.

Environment Reference displays the code and description of the environment that was the source environment of the comparison.

Action displays the action assigned to the root object by the comparison process.

Status displays the status assigned to the root object. This field is updateable for root objects in approved , rejected , and error status for the most recent batch run related to the Compare DB process.

Batch Control and Batch Number describe the batch run of the Compare DB process used to create the root object.

The first grid at the bottom of the page describes the components that make up the value of the Primary key of the maintenance object:

Field. The name of a given field that is part of the Primary key constraint for the record's table.

Description . The description of the field.

PK Value . Displays the PK field's value.

Constraint Id. Displays the Primary key constraint associated with the record's table.

Sequence Displays the order in which the record's field is displayed as part of the Primary key constraint.

The second grid describes the DB process instructions that are associated with the root object (as a difference could be highlighted by multiple DB process instructions).

DB process. The name of the Compare DB process used to create the root object.

Process Sequence. Along with DB Process , this represents the reference to the DB process instruction that specifies the root object's maintenance object.

Primary Root . The identifier for the root object that groups this root object together with other root objects for processing when changes are applied.

Maintenance Object Description.

This is the description of the maintenance object associated with the Primary Root object.

Level Nbr. An internal level number assigned to the root instruction during the compare.

Root Instruction. The unique identifier of the root instruction.