Archive Process Order

To minimize the number of inter-database foreign key references, it is desirable to archive sets of production data in a specific order. Suppose that you wanted to archive meter read data. The CI_BSEG_READ (bill segment read detail) table contains non-identifying relationships to the CI_MR (meter read) table. Almost every meter read record is referenced on a bill segment read detail record.

Using the sample process for archiving meter reads alone would result in very few meter reads being archived because the sample meter read archiving processes would not allow dangling intra-database foreign key references from bill segment read to register reading. Performing a bill archive prior to performing a meter read archive alleviates this problem.

Cannot Archive Most Meter Reads

Figure 1. Bill Segment Reads Reference Register Readings

Archive Bills First

Figure 2. Archive Bills First To Remove References

Now Archive Meter Reads

Figure 3. Bill Archive Removed References