Archive and Purge Procedures

An archive or purge procedure is a set of processes used to accomplish an archive or purge task. An archive or purge procedure consists of a set of four background processes that are executed in a specific order. Each background process is submitted separately, and has a specific function. An Archive or Purge DB process specifies a batch control that relates to the first background process that is executed. This is not to say that a different program is required for each Archive or Purge DB process, as there is one generic program that performs the first step of any archive or purge procedure.

For example:

Note: Batch Controls. The batch controls used for background processes submitted for Step1: Create Primary Archive Root Objects are typically named the same as an archive or purge DB process.

The subsequent background processes are also generic programs that perform functions related to a step in any archive or purge task. The same programs are executed for Step 2, Step 3 and Step 4 regardless of the archive or purge DB process. While this concept is confusing, it may become clearer as we look at what each step does.

Note: Separating Procedures. You may prefer to set up separate batch controls for steps 2, 3, and 4 for each Archive or Purge DB process. While there is slightly more configuration involved, it may be worthwhile in terms of maintaining clear separation of your archive and purge procedures; for example, you may want to keep steps 2, 3, and 4 of an "Archive Bills" archive procedure separate from steps 2, 3, and 4 of an "Archive Pay Events" archive procedure.

The following steps are performed for any archive or purge procedure. Remember that each step in an archive or purge procedure is a separately submitted batch process:

Fastpath: For more information on submitting batch processes, refer to Online Batch Submission.