Archiving Data Directly to a Target Environment or Purging

The AR-DCDT background process loops through the archive root instructions related to approved archive root objects (they were set to approved in Step 3: Recursive Integrity Check). The processing order is by Primary archive root object reference, from the lowest level Child archive root objects up to the Primary archive root object. The program issues a commit after each Primary archive root instruction has been processed. If a validation error occurs while processing an archive root instruction, the program deletes all of the archive root objects whose root instructions reference the same Primary archive root object.

This background process processes archive root objects related to the specified Archive or Purge DB process. You specify the DB process as a parameter on the batch control.

Execute Processing Algorithms

If there are processing algorithms associated with the archive root instruction being processed, both programs execute them before the data is deleted. These algorithms resolve foreign key references on production data that reference the subset of data to be archived. They may also resolve aggregate summaries (e.g. updating a summary adjustment to maintain a service agreement balance).

Delete Production Data and Root Object

Both programs handle the deletion of production data. Purge DB processes are handled differently than Archive DB processes.

For a purge:

For an archive: