Criteria Algorithms Exclude Records

During an archive or purge procedure, background processes are executed to build the subset of production data to be archived or purged. We'll call this set of background processes the Archive Engine. When the Archive Engine runs, criteria algorithms specified on DB process instructions are executed. Criteria algorithms are supplied with the primary key value of a maintenance object's primary table. These algorithms simply return a Yes or No value depending on program logic that determines whether the object may be archived or purged. These algorithms are usually defined on a Primary DB process instruction, but there is no restriction. When criteria algorithms specified on Child DB process instructions return a No (do not archive/purge), none of the records associated with the Primary DB process instruction nor any of its children are archived or purged.

Fastpath: Refer to Defining Database Process Instruction Options for more information on setting up DB process instruction algorithms.

For example, an "Archive Bill" DB process includes an instruction algorithm to determine "Bill Archive Criteria". The instruction algorithm's program logic performs queries based on the primary key values of records on the CI_BILL table, and returns No (do not archive/purge) if any of the following conditions are met:

Age and State
