Database Users and Database Relationships

When an environment is installed initially, a database user is defined as the owner of all the application database schema objects. We'll call this database user CISADM. To use the archive engine, two additional database users are necessary for each environment's database:

Prior to registering an Archive environment, the following database relationships must be configured by your implementation's database administrator to match the diagram below:

Note: Same Oracle Instance. If you configured your archiving environment to be in the same Oracle instance as your production environment then you don't need to configure a database link.

Notice that the database relationship originating from the production environment's CISUSER database schema references the CISUSER schema in the archive environment's database. A database relationship originating from the archive environment's CISREAD database schema references the CISREAD schema in the production environment's database.

Archive database processes that are run from the production environment move data into a given archive environment. When the process populates tables in an archive environment's database, the CISUSER to CISUSER database relationship is used.

So that archived data may be viewed along with production data in an archive environment, the registration script creates super views of application tables by defining a union of the production database tables with a given archive environment's corresponding database tables. These super views replace the "CI_" synonyms normally defined under the CISREAD schema in the archive environment. When a user logs onto an archive environment and maneuvers around the system, the data presented is from the super views. To accomplish this, synonyms from CISUSER in the archive environment database tables are unioned with the CISREAD production database synonyms over the CISREAD to CISREAD database relationship. The super views are read only, of course.

As mentioned previously, most entities in a given archive database are accessed using a super view when accessing an archive environment's data under its CISREAD schema. This implies that an application server and web server must be installed and configured to reference the CISREAD schema, not the CISUSER schema. Refer to Managing Archive Environments for more information.

Within the CISREAD schema, certain tables are not presented from super views:

Fastpath: Refer to Defining Table Options for information on identifying system tables.
Fastpath: Refer to Defining User Groups for more information on specifying access modes to application services for user groups.
Note: Archiving Data Using Flat Files. As an alternative to archiving data using the database relationships described above, you can move your archive data to flat files and then subsequently import these flat files into your archive environment. For some environments, bypassing the database relationships for the archive step may provide better performance. Refer to Step 4: Move or Delete Production Data for more information about the background process that archives data to flat files.