Production and Archive on the same Oracle Instance

In current versions of the application framework, the support for archiving has been extended to allow for two schemas within the same Oracle instance.

Since both Production and Archive schema’s data is being processed within the same Oracle instance, the configuration eliminates data processing over database link and improves performance for the archiving process. The following diagram illustrates the relationship between Production and Archive schemas.

Notice that the database relationship originating from the production CISUSER schema references the ARCUSER schema in the archive schema. A database relationship originating from the archive ARCREAD schema references the CISREAD in the production schema. Archive database processes that are run from the production environment move data into a given archive environment. When the process populates tables in an archive schema, the CISUSER to ARCUSER database relationship is used. So that archived data may be viewed along with production data in an archive environment, the ArcSetup script creates super views of archived tables by defining a union of the production database tables with a given archive environment’s corresponding database tables. These super views replace the "CI_" synonyms normally defined under the ARCREAD schema in the archive environment. When a user logs on to an archive environment and navigaytes around the system, the data presented is from the super views. To accomplish this, synonyms from ARCUSER in the archive environment database tables are unioned with the CISREAD production database synonyms over the ARCREAD to CISREAD database relationship. The super views are created only for the tables that are archived and ofcourse, they are read only.

Since most application objects in a given archiving schema access an archive environment’s data under its ARCREAD schema. This implies that an application server and web server must be installed and configured to reference the ARCREAD schema, not the ARCUSER schema. In order to move the data from production schema into archive schema and to view archived data along with production data, the registration utility generates required security grants for CISUSER and ARCREAD users.Oracle (EnvSetup)

The registration utility may be executed from any workstation configured to connect to both the production environment database and the supporting environment database.

In this example, we describe how to register an Archive environment. We'll call the production environment database "CCBPROD" and the Archive environment database "CCBARCH".

You may specify the following parameters on the command line. If parameters are not supplied, the registration utility prompts for them: