Run The Background Processes

When the background process that you set up by duplicating CL-COPDB batch control runs, it highlights differences between the "copy archive/purge process" DB processes in the demonstration environment database and your target environment database.

The first time you run this process, it creates root objects in your target environment database to indicate the copied DB processes will be added. You can use the Difference Query to review these root objects and approve or reject them.

Note: Automatic approval. When you submit the background process, you can indicate that all root objects should be marked as approved (thus saving yourself the step of manually approving them using Difference Query).

Next duplicate the CL-APPCH batch control, as this is a system installed batch control that has the correct program name and batch parameters used to apply the changes of approved root objects created by the first batch process. Populate the identifier of the Compare DB process in the appropriate batch parameter.

After you've approved the root objects, submit the background process associated with the duplicated CL-APPCH DB process to add the DB processes to your target environment.