Set Up A DB Process To Perform The Copy

You need to configure a DB process in your target environment that copies the sample archive and purge DB processes from the demonstration environment. This is confusing because you are configuring a DB process in one environment that copies DB processes from another.

First, set up batch controls to "copy sample archive/purge processes". Our suggestion is to duplicate the CL-COPDB batch control, as this is a system installed batch control that has the correct program name and batch parameters used to compare data between two environments. Make sure to populate the environment reference batch parameter with the environment reference of the demonstration environment.

Next, set up a DB process to "copy sample archive/purge processes". Our suggestion is to duplicate the CL-COPDB DB process, as this is a system installed DB process configured to copy other DB processes. For clarity make the name of the duplicated DB process match the name of the duplicated batch control. Also, make sure you change the override condition table rules on the Primary DB process instruction:

This assumes that you want to copy all of the DB processes prefixed with CI_ARC or CI_PUR to your target environment. You may replace the table rule's override instruction with a WHERE clause defining any desired DB processes you want to copy from the demonstration database.