Business Service - Main

Use this page to define basic information about a Business Service. Open this page using Admin Menu > Business Service.

Description of Page

Enter a unique Business Service name and Description. Use the Detailed Description to describe the purpose of this business service in detail. Owner indicates if the business service is owned by the base package or by your implementation ( Customer Modification).

Important! If you introduce a new business service, carefully consider its naming convention. Refer to System Data Naming Convention for more information.

Enter the internal Service Name being called when this business service is invoked.

Enter the Application Service that is used to provide security for the business service. The application service must have an Access Mode of Execute.

Click the View XML hyperlink to view the XML document used to pass data to and from the service in the Service XML Viewer. You may find it useful to leave the application viewer window open while defining your business service schema.

Note: XML document may not be viewable. If you create a new page service and do not regenerate the application viewer, you will not be able to view its XML document.

Click on the View Schema to view the business service's expanded schema definition. Doing this opens the schema viewer window.

Where Used

Follow this link to open the data dictionary to view the tables that reference F1_BUS_SVC.