Context Menu Button

The button containing the menu icon to the right of the Mailing Premise ID label is an example of a "context menu" button:

Context menu buttons exist to help you navigate to other pages with data pre-displayed. For example, when you click the Premise context menu button, a pop-up menu similar to this appears:

Each menu item represents a different page. When you select a menu item, the system opens the respective page and passes to it the ID of the related object. For example, if you were to select Go To Service Point from the above menu, the system would open the Service Point page and pass to it the ID of the associated premise.

If the menu item has a button to the far right, this means there are two ways to transfer to the associated page:

Different context menus exist for each of the major objects in the system. For example, the context menu for Premise contains premise-oriented menu items, whereas the context menu for Account contains account-oriented menu items.