User - To Do Roles

Select Admin Menu > User and navigate to the To Do Roles tab to define the To Do roles assigned to the user.

The information on this page cannot be modified if accessed through My Preferences.

Fastpath: A user's To Do roles control the types of To Do entries the user can access. For additional information on To Do roles, see To Do Entries Reference A Role.

Description of Page

The grid contains the user's To Do roles. To modify a To Do role linked to the user, simply move to a field and change its value. To remove a To Do role, click the - (minus) button. To add a new To Do role, click the + (plus) button and enter the role.

Where Used

Every To Do entry references a role. A To Do role has one or more users (and a user may belong to many To Do roles). Users who are part of the To Do role assigned to a To Do entry may work on the To Do entry. For more information on this feature, see The Big Picture Of To Do Lists.