Batch Run Tree - Main

This page allows you to view the status of a specific execution of a batch job. Navigate to this page using Main Menu > Batch > Batch Run Tree .

Description of Page

Select a Batch Control process and Batch Number to view information and statistics on the batch run's "threads". The concept of a "thread" is a bit difficult to explain. The following points should help understand this concept:

The tree includes a node that displays the total number of records processed for the batch run, the total number of records in error for the batch run and the batch run elapsed time. The elapsed time is the longest elapsed time among the batch thread(s). The message is red if there are any records in error.

If the background process has been enabled to create To Do entries for object specific errors, information about the To Do entries are displayed in the tree. This information is not displayed for each thread, but rather all the To Do entries created for the batch run are grouped together. The To Do entries are grouped by their status.

The messages that appear under a thread always show the start and end times of the execution instance. If errors are detected during the execution of the thread, these error messages may also appear in the tree. Refer to Processing Errors for information about the types of errors that appear in the batch run tree.