Report Submission - Main

This page allows you to submit a report on-line. Navigate to this page using Main Menu > Batch > Report Submission.

Description of Page

To submit a report, choose the Report Code for the process you wish to submit. Refer to Defining Report Definitions for information about defining reports in the system.

A description of the report is displayed.

The parameters defined for the report on the report definition page are displayed in the grid. To see a description of a parameter, use the search button adjacent to the parameter label.

Note: Default note. The default values displayed for the parameters are defined on the report definition page.

When you have entered the appropriate parameter values, click the Submit button to submit the report. Refer to How To Request Reports for more information.

Note: Reports submitted via the on-line report submission page are NOT logged in the report history repository and are therefore not visible from the report history page. Only reports submitted through your third party reporting tool's batch scheduler are logged in the report history.