XAI Upload Staging - Main

To view or modify an XAI upload document, navigate to Main Menu > XAI > XAI Upload Staging and navigate to the main tab.

Description of Page

The XAI Upload Staging ID is a system assigned identifier of the XAI upload staging record.

The Application Service identifies the internal system service called by the XAI tool to load/update the system data.

Note: The upload process does not use this. Rather, the application service is part of the XML Request. This field is used to help in searching for XAI Upload records.

The XAI Staging Control ID related to this XAI upload staging record is displayed.

The status of the upload is indicated by the XAI Upload Staging Status. Values are Pending, In Progress, Complete, and Error. If the record is in error, an error is written to the XAI Upload Exception table.

Create Date/Time indicates when the record was posted.

Completion Date/Time indicates when the work was completed.

If this XAI upload staging record is a response to an XAI Download Staging record, information about the related download staging record is displayed.

If there is an error with this record, you will see the error Message associated with this record. The message area is suppressed if there are no problems with the record.

Click the adjacent button to view the long explanation. The long explanation provides information about the cause of the error (and how to fix it).

The upload staging data appears in the XML Request text box.