Work Distribution

To Do entries may be manually assigned to users either by their supervisors or picked up by the users themselves. The system can also be configured to dynamically assign the highest priority work to users on demand whenever they are available for fixing errors.

Note: Assignment on demand is in a plug-in. You can customize the next assignment plug-in on the installation options to follow your organization's work distribution rules. For example, when a user asks for the next assignment, business rules may be used to only consider To Do entries the user has the proper skills to resolve, prioritizing them based age, impacted dollar amount, etc.

One of the main benefits of the assignment on demand approach is that work is allocated real-time based on most current information such as skills, priority, user availability, etc. This also means that work remains unassigned until a user is actually going to work on it making it available to any qualified user.

Manual assignments of To Do entries are possible as follows:

Assignment "on demand" is possible from the Current To Do zone on the Dashboard portal. Refer to this zone to learn about all the functions it provides.