Process C1-PEPL2 - Upload Payments (Step 2)

The batch process C1-PEPL2 refers to the second of three background processes that load the contents of the payment event upload staging records into the various payment tables.

The responsibility of the C1-PEPL2 process is to create payment events, payment tenders and payments and transition the corresponding staging records from Pending to Complete.

The following diagram and the section below describe at a high level the processing phases of the C1-PEPL2 background process.

C1-PEPL2 Background Process

Each distinct group of pending staging records associated with the same external source ID, external transmit ID, accounting date, and pay event process ID is processed as follows:

Group Error. This technique allows for an easier recovery from an error that affects all staging records for a single payment event. Capturing the error only on a single designated record requires only this record to be set back to pending once the issue is corrected. It is important to note that the whole set of records is not processes if at least one of the records in the group is in Error status.


Refer to ToDo Entries Instead of Exceptions for more information on how To Do entries are used to capture processing errors.


This process is designed to support execution in parallel threads based upon the payment event process ID field.