2 MIB Objects

The management information base (MIB) is an ASCII text file containing the object identifiers (OIDs) that define the characteristics of a managed device (such as an Oracle StorageTek tape library). These characteristics are the functional elements for that device and can be monitored using SNMP software. When a manager requests information, or a managed device generates a trap, the MIB translates the numeric strings into readable text that identifies each data object within the message.

MIB Location and Object Name

The MIB is included with the library firmware and stored on the library processor card. The object name is:

STREAMLINE–TAPE–LIBRARY–MIB:streamlineTapeLibrary ==


  • 1 = iso

  • 3 = identified-organization

  • 6 = dod

  • 1 = internet

  • 4 = private

  • 1 = enterprise

  • 1211 = storagetek

  • 1 = products

  • 15 = slseriesTapeLibrary

Downloading the MIB with SLC

  1. Log into the library.

  2. Select Tools > Diagnostics.

  3. Select Library in the device tree.

  4. Click the TransferFile tab.

  5. Select SNMP MIB, and then click Transfer File.

  6. Save the file with a .txt suffix.

Type Definitions

Type Definition Description
SlLibraryId Library identifier (n of Max) within a complex
SlLibraryIdMax Maximum library identifier within a complex
SlComplexId Library complex identifier
SlSnmpPort SNMP ports allowed
SlSnmpTrapPort SNMP trap ports allowed
SlCmdClear The SNMP trap ports allowed (1=no action, 2=clear)
SlDeviceStatus Device status (ok=0, error=1, warning=2, info=3, trace=4)
SlLibraryCondition Condition of library (normal=0, degraded=1, not operative=2)
SlMediaEventType Type of media error (load=1, unload=2, error=3, load retry=4, drive error=5, media end of life=6, drive end of life=7, decryption error=8, unknown=9)
SlHaState State of RE controller (simplex=0, duplex=1, nonRE=2)
SlHaId Identifier of RE controller (active=0, standby=1, nonRE=2)
SlHaSlot Slot of RE controller (side A =0, side B =1, nonRE =3)
SlDriveFibreLoopId Fibre loop ID of drive
SlDriveFibreSpeed Drive Fibre and SAS port speed (unknown=1, FC one Gbit=2, FC two Gbit=3, FC four Gbit=4, FC eight Gbit=5, FC 10 Gbit=6, SAS 1.5 Gbit=8, SAS three Gbit =9, SAS six Gbit=10, FC 16 Gbit=13)
SlDriveFibreAddressing Drive fibre addressing (hard=1, soft=2)
SlDriveStatus Status of drive (unknown=0, initializing=1, empty=2, cartridge present=3, loading=4, loaded=5, cleaning=6, rewinding=7, unloading=8, inoperative=9, not loadable=10, not unloadable=11)
SlPartitionType Type of partition (hli=1, scsi=2, other=3)
SlCellHostTypeTC Cell host type (invalid /unknown cell =0, storage slot =1, tape drive =2, CAP or mailslot =3, playground /system cell =4, intransit /reserved cell =5, PTP =6, hand /robotic cell =7)
SlSeverityTC Severity level that a trap can have (ok=0, heartbeat/verification=1, telemetry/metrics=2, configuration=3, trace/debugging=4, information/nominal behavior=5, warning/degraded behavior=6, error/non-operational=7, critical/system fault=8, fatal/system unusable=9, other=10)
SlDiagEntityTC The entity that diagnosed the fault (fault manager/dedicated on-board fault detection software=1, library app other than fault manager=2, operating system=3, primitive/driver or other low-level firmware=4, other=5)
SlFaultTypeTC Fault type based on servicing importance (heartbeat/i'm alive or test event=0, automatically recovered=1, suspicious/transient or contributing factor=2, routine/well known=3, escalated/requires more scrutiny=4, critical/overall system behavior affected=5, alert/imminent customer impact=6, dire/customer impacted=7, emergency/immediate service required=8)
SlCountTC Amount of items counted
SlFruStatusTC Status of an FRU (other=1, suspected=2, faulted=3, repaired=4, replaced=5, acquitted=6)

Object Definitions


Some listed MIB objects may not be implemented at time of publication.

Cartridge Access Port (CAP) Objects

CAP OID Description
slCapCount Amount of CAPs in the CAP table
slCapTable Table of cartridge access ports (CAPs)
slCapEntry A cartridge access port (CAP)
slCapIndex Integer index into the CAP table
slCapPhysicalAddressStr String for CAP's physical address
slCapAccessibility Accessibility of a CAP (for example, open allow/prevent)
slCapAccessStateEnum Access state of the CAP, presented as an enumeration
slCapState Physical state of the CAP
slCapStatusEnum Operational status of the CAP presented as an enumeration
slCapName Name of CAP
slCapRotations Rotation count of CAP
slCapRotationRetries Number of rotation retries performed by the CAP
slCapRotationFails Number of rotation failures performed by the CAP
slCapIPLs Number of IPLs performed by the CAP
slCapSerialNumber Serial number of the CAP
slCapCodeVer Code version of the CAP
slCapVersion Version of the CAP
slCapFirmwareVer Firmware version of the CAP
slCapReserved The reserved state of the CAP
slCapSize The size of the CAP
slCapAddressRange The CAP address range (not applicable to the SL150 library)
slCapUsageStr The CAP usage string (not applicable to the SL150 library)
slCapModeStr The CAP mode string (not applicable to the SL150 library)
slCapMagazineBits The number of magazines (not applicable to the SL150 library)
slCapEnabled The enabled state of the CAP (not applicable to the SL150 library)

Cell Objects

Cell OID Description
slCellCount Amount of storage elements in the cell table
slCellStorageFreeCells Amount of available (empty) storage cells in the library
slCellStorageRestrictedFreeCells Amount of available restricted (empty) storage cells in the library
slCellTable Table of storage elements in the library
slCellEntry Storage element
slCellIndex Integer index into the storage cell table
slCellElementID Element ID or translated logical HLI address of the storage cell
slCellHostAccessible Indication of host accessible status
slCellContentStatus Status of the cell (unknown, empty, readable, not_readable, cap_magazine_not_present, drive_not_present, drive_not_available)
slCellContentLabel Label of the cartridge in the cell (zero length string if empty, '??????' if unreadable)
slCellContentType Type of the cartridge in the cell (zero length string if empty) which is a text string based on enumerated domain and type values derived from the VOLSER label
slCellGetRetryCount Amount of get retries performed from this cell
slCellPutRetryCount Amount of put retries performed to this cell
slCellHostType The type of cell (0=invalid/unknown cell, 1=storage slot, 2=tape drive, 3=customer access port or mail slot, 4=playground/system cell, 5=intransit/reserved or recovery cell, 6=pass thru port, 7=robotic cell)
slCellPhysicalAddressStr Physical address string of storage cell
slCellLogicalAddressStr Logical address string of storage cell
slCellPartition Partition ID of storage cell
slCellPartitionType Partition type of storage cell
slCellCapacityEnabled Whether the storage cell is enabled (1) or disabled (0)
slCellCapacityAllowed The number of cells licensed for use.
slCellCapacityUsed The number of cells being used.

Controller Objects

Controller OID Description
slControllerCount Count of the controllers in the controller table
slControllerTable Table of controllers
slControllerEntry Controller entry (HBC, RLC, HBT, and so forth)
slControllerIndex Index of controller card
slControllerPhysicalAddressStr String for physical address of controller
slControllerSerialNum Serial number of controller card
slControllerTopLevelCondition Top-level condition of controller (normal, degraded, not operative)
slControllerFaultLED Fault LED state of controller
slControllerSafetoRemoveLED Safe to remove LED state of controller
slControllerStatusEnum Operational of controller status in enumerated form
slControllerCodeVer Code version of controller
slControllerVersion Version of controller
slControllerFirmwareVer Firmware version of controller
slControllerHAState High Availability Status of controller (active=0 and Standby=1)
slControllerHaId RE controller identifier (active=0, standby=1)
slControllerHaSlot RE controller slot (sideA=0, sideB=1)
slControllerHaAlternateIp IP address of alternate RE controller
slControllerFru Field Replaceable Unit (FRU)-based serial number of controller

Drive Objects

Drive OID Description
slDriveCount Amount of the drives in the drive table
slDriveTable Table of drives
slDriveEntry Tape drive
slDriveIndex Integer index into the drive table
slDriveHashedPhysAddr Physical address of the drive
slDriveType Type of drive (for example, STK10000) derived from manufacturer and make of drive
slDriveVendor Vendor of drive (for example, STK, HP and IBM)
slDriveSerialNum Electronic serial number of drive
slDriveInterfaceType Physical data transport type of drive (1=unknown, 2=scsi, 3=fibre, 4=sas, 5=other, 6=escon, 7=fcoe, 8=ficon)
slDriveID SCSI ID or Fibre port assignment of drive
slDriveState State of drive (for example, empty, loaded, needs cleaning)
slDriveLED State of drive tray LED (0 =off, 1 =on)
slDriveStatusEnum Operational status of drive in enumerated form
slDriveCodeVer Code version (software or firmware) of drive
slDriveVersion Hardware version of drive
slDriveGetRetries Amount of mount retries performed to the drive
slDrivePutRetries Amount of dismount retries performed to the drive
slDriveCommandClean Signal to start or cancel cleaning of the drive
slDriveCellStatusEnum Status of drive cell presented as an enumeration
slDriveCellStatusText Status of drive cell
slDriveCellContentLabel Label of the cartridge in the drive (a zero length string =empty, ?????? =unreadable)
slDriveCellContentType Type of cartridge in the drive (a zero length string =empty)
slDriveIdleSeconds Amount of seconds the drive has been idle (unmounted)
slDriveNumMounts Amount of mounts to the drive
slDriveFibreNodeName Fibre node name (node WWN) of drive
slDriveFibrePortCount Amount of active ports in the drive
slDriveFibrePortAWWN World Wide Name (WWN) of port A
slDriveFibrePortAAdressingMode Addressing mode of port A
slDriveFibrePortAPortEnabled Port A enabled (2) or disabled (1)
slDriveFibrePortALoopId Loop ID of port A
slDriveFibrePortAPortSpeed Port speed of port A
slDriveFibrePortBWWN World Wide Name (WWN) of port B
slDriveFibrePortBAdressingMode Addressing mode of port B
slDriveFibrePortBPortEnabled Port B enabled (2) or disabled (1)
slDriveFibrePortBLoopId Loop ID of port B
slDriveFibrePortBPortSpeed Port speed of port B
slDriveWWNEnabled World Wide Name (WWN) option for the drive is enabled (can only be set using the command line interface)
slDrivePhysicalAddressStr Physical address string of drive
slDriveTraySerialNumber Serial number of drive tray

Elevator Objects

Elevator OID Description
slElevatorCount Amount of elevators in elevator table
slElevatorTable Table of elevators
slElevatorEntry Elevator
slElevatorIndex Elevator index
slElevatorPhysicalAddressStr Physical address string for elevator
slElevatorPositionOn Physical position of elevator (not implemented, but defined for backward compatibility for non-SL libraries)
slElevatorHandCartStatus Elevator hand state (cartridge =1, no cartridge =0)
slElevatorSerialNum Serial number of elevator
slElevatorState State of elevator (such as idled, moving, inoperative)
slElevatorFaultLED Fault LED state of elevator
slElevatorStatusEnum Operational status of elevator in enumerated form
slElevatorCodeVer Code version of elevator
slElevatorVersion Version of elevator
slElevatorFirmwareVer Firmware version of elevator
slElevatorGetRetries Number of mount retries performed to the elevator
slElevatorPutRetries Number of dismount retries performed to the elevator
slElevatorGetFails Number of mount fails for the elevator
slElevatorPutFails Number of dismount fails for the elevator
slElevatorGetTotals Sum of all mount operations of the elevator
slElevatorPutTotals Sum of all dismount operations of the elevator

Embedded Agent Data Objects

Embedded Agent Data OID Description
slAgentRevision Firmware version of the embedded agent
slAgentLibStatusAtStartup Condition of the library at agent start (normal, degraded, not-operational)
slAgentBootDate Date and time when the agent initialized
slAgentURL URL for Web based management
slAgentTrapPort UDP port number where the agent will send traps
slAgentPort UDP port number where the agent is listening
slAgentCommunity The agent default community

Fan Objects

Fan OID Description
slFanCount Amount of monitored fans in the library
slFanTable Table of the library's fans
slFanEntry Fan
slFanIndex Integer index into the fan table
slFanName Name of the fan
slFanOperational Operational state of the fan

Host Interface Objects

Host Interface OID Description
slHostInterfaceCount Count of interface cards
slHostInterfaceTable Table of host interfaces
slHostInterfaceEntry Host interface entry (such as Fiber or SCSI)
slHostInterfaceIndex Integer index into the table of host interface cards
slHostInterfaceFibreCount Amount of active fibres in this host interface card
slHostInterfaceAWWN Fibre A World Wide Name (WWN)
slHostInterfaceA1AddressingMode Addressing mode for Port A1
slHostInterfaceA1PortEnabled Port enabled for Port A1
slHostInterfaceA1LoopId Loop ID for Port A1
slHostInterfaceA1PortSpeed Port speed for Port A1
slHostInterfaceA2AddressingMode Addressing mode for Port A2
slHostInterfaceA2PortEnabled Port enabled for Port A2
slHostInterfaceA2LoopId Loop ID for Port A2
slHostInterfaceA2PortSpeed Port speed for Port A2
slHostInterfaceBWWN Fibre B World Wide Name
slHostInterfaceB1AddressingMode Addressing mode for Port B1
slHostInterfaceB1PortEnabled Port enabled for Port B1
slHostInterfaceB1LoopId Loop ID for Port B1
slHostInterfaceB1PortSpeed Port speed for Port B1
slHostInterfaceB2AddressingMode Addressing mode for Port B2
slHostInterfaceB2PortEnabled Port enabled for Port B2
slHostInterfaceB2LoopId Loop ID for Port B2
slHostInterfaceB2PortSpeed Port speed for Port B2
slHostInterfaceElementID Element ID /address of the controller
slHostInterfaceSerialNum Serial number for controller card
slHostInterfaceStatus State of controller (OK, error, warning)
slHostInterfaceFaultLED Fault LED state for controller
slHostInterfaceSafeToRemoveLED Safe to remove LED state for controller
slHostInterfaceStatusEnum Operational status for controller in enumerated form
slHostInterfaceCodeVer Code version for controller
slHostInterfaceVersion Hardware version for controller
slHostInterfaceFirmwareVer Firmware version for controller

Library — Configuration Objects

Library — Configuration OID Description
slLibLSMConfigCount Amount of LSMs installed
slLibLSMConfigTable A table of LSM configurations
slLibLSMConfigEntry LSM configuration entry
slLibLSMConfigIndex LSM configuration index
slLibLSMConfigNumPanels Amount of physical panels
slLibLSMConfigNumHandCells Amount of physical hands
slLibLSMConfigMinHandAddr Minimum Element ID or address of physical hands
slLibLSMConfigMaxHandAddr Maximum Element ID or address of physical hands
slLibLSMConfigNumSystemCells Amount of system and reserved cells
slLibLSMConfigNumRestrictedCells Amount of customer restricted cells
slLibLSMConfigMinSystemAddr Minimum Element ID or address of system cells
slLibLSMConfigMaxSystemAddr Maximum Element ID or address of system cells
slLibLSMConfigNumCaps Amount of cartridge access ports (CAPs)
slLibLSMConfigNumCapColumns Amount of columns within CAPs
slLibLSMConfigNumCapCells Amount of CAP cells
slLibLSMConfigMinCapAddr Minimum Element ID or address of CAP cells
slLibLSMConfigMaxCapAddr Maximum Element ID or address of CAP cells
slLibLSMConfigNumDriveColumns Amount of drive columns
slLibLSMConfigNumDrives Amount of tape drives
slLibLSMConfigMinDriveAddr Minimum Element ID or address of tape drives
slLibLSMConfigMaxDriveAddr Maximum Element ID or address of tape drives
slLibLSMConfigNumStorageCells Amount of storage cells
slLibLSMConfigMinStorageAddr Minimum Element ID or address of storage cells
slLibLSMConfigMaxStorageAddr Maximum Element ID or address of storage cells
slLibLSMConfigNumPtps Amount of pass-thru ports (PTPs)
slLibLSMConfigNumPtpColumns Amount of columns within the PTPs
slLibLSMConfigNumPtpCells Amount of PTP cells
slLibLSMConfigMinPtpAddr Minimum Element ID or address of PTP cells
slLibLSMConfigMaxPtpAddr Maximum Element ID or address of PTP cells

Library — Cleaning Objects

Library — Cleaning OID Description
slLibCleanEnabled Auto clean feature configuration (not supported on all libraries)
slLibCleanNumCartTypes Number of unique cartridge types supported
slLibCleanWarnTable Table of clean count warning thresholds
slLibCleanWarnEntry Table entry for clean count warning threshold
slLibCleanWarnIndex Index into clean warning threshold table
slLibCleanWarnCartType Cleaning cartridge type (for example, SDLT, 9840, LTO and T10000)
slLibCleanWarnCount Configured warning count threshold
slLibCleanNumCarts Count of the clean cartridges in the library
slLibCleanCartTable Table of cleaning cartridges in the library
slLibCleanCartEntry Cleaning cartridge
slLibCleanCartIndex Integer index into the cleaning cartridge table
slLibCleanCartLabel Clean cartridge label
slLibCleanCartType Cleaning cartridge type
slLibCleanCartLocationElementID Clean cartridge location: SCSI Element ID or translated HLI Address
slLibCleanCartHostAccessible Indication of host accessible status
slLibCleanCartUsageCount Number of times that the cartridge has been used to clean a tape drive

Library — Date Objects

Library — Date OID Description
slLibDateString Library date and time, in the following format: YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS

Library — Global Elements Objects

Library — Global Elements OID Description
slLibStkBaseModel StorageTek Library model name (see vendor specific model data)
slLibSerialNumber Serial number of library frame
slLibWWNNumber Library World Wide Number (WWN) (a 64-digit hexadecimal number)
slLibraryTopLevelCondition Library overall condition (normal, degraded, not-operational)
slLibraryState The status of the library (online, offline)

Library — Identification Objects

Library — Identification OID Description
slLibLibraryId Library identifier (n of Max) within a library complex
slLibLibraryIdMax Maximum library identifier within a library complex
slLibComplexId Identifier of library complex
slLibMibVer Version of the MIB supported by the library

Library — Location Objects

Library — Location OID Description
slLibLocatContact Primary contact for administration of the library
slLibLocatStreet Street address of location site
slLibLocatState State /province of location site
slLibLocatZip ZIP code or other data of location site
slLibLocatCountry Country of location site
slLibLocatDescr Description or other data of location site
slLibLocatCity City of location site

Library — Media Event Objects

Library — Media Event OID Description
slLibMediaEventCount Amount of media statistics in the table
slLibMediaEventTable Table of media statistics
slLibMediaEventEntry Statistic about media error
slLibMediaEventIndex Index into the media error statistic table
slLibMediaEventVolid Volume ID of the optical barcode
slLibMediaEventMediaDomain The domain field of the optical barcode detected from the VOLSER label
slLibMediaEventMediaType The type of the optical barcode detected from the VOLSER label (1=load, 2=unload, 3=error, 4=loadRetry, 5=driveError, 6=mediaEndOfLife, 7=driveEndOfLife, 8=decryption error, 9=unknown)
slLibMediaEventDriveSerialNum Electronic serial number of the drive
slLibMediaEventDriveType Type of tape drive
slLibMediaEventDateTime Log entry date and time in this format:


slLibMediaEventEnum Type of media error, reported as an enumeration
slLibMediaEventOccurrenceCount Occurrence count for media statistic

Library — Network Objects

Library — Network OID Description
slLibNetworkCount Count of all the Ethernet ports
slLibNetworkTable Table of network interfaces
slLibNetworkEntry Network interface entry
slLibNetworkIndex Index into the table
slLibNetworkInterfaceName Interface name used by the library software
slLibNetworkIpAddr IP address of library
slLibNetworkGateway Internet gateway of library network
slLibNetworkEthAddr Physical 48 bit Ethernet address of library
slLibNetworkName Host name of library network
slLibNetworkNetmask Internet address netmask of library network
slLibNetworkDhcpEnabled DHCP IP address /name client lookup service status (NA)
slLibNetworkDomainName Network domain name of library network
slLibNetworkPrimaryDNS Primary DNS server of library network
slLibNetworkSecondaryDNS Secondary DNS server of library network
slLibNetworkRXPackets Amount of packets received
slLibNetworkTXPackets Amount of packets transmitted
slLibNetworkErrors Amount of errors on this interface
slLibNetworkDropped Amount of dropped packets on this interface
slLibNetworkOverruns Amount of overrun packets on this interface
slLibNetworkFrame Amount of frame packets on this interface
slLibNetworkCollisions Amount of collisions on this interface

Library — State Objects

Library — State OID Description
slLibLSMCount LSM count
slLibLSMStateTable A table LSM states
slLibLSMStateEntry Entry of an LSM state
slLibLSMStateIndex Index of LSM state
slLibLSMStatus LSM operational state reported as a string (for example, offline, online, or offline pending) — a hardware-based state and derived from robot state
slLibLSMStatusEnum LSM operational state, reported as an enumeration (online =0, offline =1, offlinePending =2)

Library — Statistics Objects

Library — Statistics OID Description
slLibStatsNumBoots Amount of library initializations
slLibStatsNumDoorOpens Amount of occurrences when the service door has been opened
slLibStatsNumGetRetries Total of get retries
slLibStatsNumGetFails Total of get failures
slLibStatsNumPutRetries Total of put retries
slLibStatsNumPutFails Total of put failures
slLibStatsNumLabelRetries Total of label read retries
slLibStatsNumLabelFails Total of label read failures
slLibStatsNumTargetRetries Total of target read retries
slLibStatsNumTargetFails Total of target read failures
slLibStatsNumMoves Total of cartridge moves
slLibStatsNumMounts Total of mounts
slLibStatsNumTargetReads Total of target reads
slLibStatsNumEmptyReads Total of empty cell reads
slLibStatsNumLabelReads Total of label reads
slLibStatsGetTotals Sum of all Get operations of individual robots
slLibStatsPutTotals Sum of all Put operations of individual robots
slLibStatsCumMachUptime Cumulative machine up time in seconds
slLibStatsUpTimeSinceLastBoot In seconds

Library — Version Objects

Library — Version OID Description
slLibVersionFirmRev Embedded firmware revision of library, per engineering change (EC) field releases
slLibVersionFirmDate Embedded firmware build date of library
slLibVersionBootRev Boot software/OS version of library
slLibVersionHardware Controller hardware version of library

Media Validation Objects

Media Validation OID Description
slMVDriveCount Amount of drives currently assigned to the media validation pool
slMVDriveTable A table of media validation drives
slMVDriveEntry A media validation tape drive
slMVIndex Integer index into the media validation drive table
slMVDrivePhysicalAddressStr Physical address of drive assigned to media validation pool
slMVDriveType Make and manufacturer of drive assigned to media validation pool
slMVDriveSerialNum Electronic serial number of drive assigned to media validation pool
slMVDriveState State of drive assigned to media validation pool (includes empty, loaded, needs cleaning)
slMVDriveCodeVer Firmware or software of drive assigned to media validation pool
slMVDriveCellStatusStr Status of the cell of the drive assigned to media validation pool
slMVDriveCellContentLabel Label of the cartridge in the drive assigned to media validation pool (0 if empty, ?????? if unreadable)
slMVReservationId 0 indicates the drive assigned to media validation pool is available for use
slMVTapeVolserLabelStr Physical address of drive assigned to media validation pool
slMVTypeEnum Type of validation applied to cartridge (0 = no validation, 1 = basic verify, 2 = complete verify from beginning of tape, 3 = complete verify resume, 4 = complete verify divbot, 5 = complete verify divresume, 6 = standard verify, 7 = rebuild MIR, 8 = stop)
slMVOriginatorStr Test initiator of media validation
slMVStatusStr Status of media validation test
slMVCompletionStatusStr Percentage that media validation is completed or that validation has been stopped
slMVErrorCodeStr Error code for media validation

Pass-Thru Port (PTP) Objects

PTP OID Description
slPtpCount Amount of pass-through ports in the library
slPtpTable Table of pass-thru ports
slPtpEntry Pass-thru port
slPtpIndex Integer index into the PTP table
slPtpPhysicalAddressStr PTP device address
slPtpSerialNum Serial number of PTP
slPtpState State of the PTP (online, offline)
slPtpFaultLED Fault LED state of PTP
slPtpStatusEnum PTP operational state reported as an enumeration
slPtpCodeVer Code version of PTP
slPtpVersion Hardware version of PTP
slPtpFirmwareVer Firmware version of PTP
slPtpMoveRetries Amount of move retries performed by PTP
slPtpMoveFails Number of move Fails performed by the Pass-thru Port
slPtpMoveTotals Number total moves performed by the Pass-thru Port

Power Supply Objects

Power Supply OID Description
slPowerSupplyCount Amount of power supplies installed in the library
slPowerSupplyTable Table of the library power supplies
slPowerSupplyEntry Power supply
slPowerSupplyIndex Integer index into the power supply table
slPowerSupplyName Name of the power supply
slPowerSupplyInstalled Indicates if the supply is installed (2) or not (1)
slPowerSupplyOperational Indicates if the supply is OK (2) (meaningless if power supply not installed)

Redundant Electronics Objects

Redundant Electronics OID Description
slAgentHAState State of RE controller (simplex =0, duplex/switchable =1)
slAgentHAId Identifier of RE controller (active =0, standby =1)
slAgentHaSlot Slot of RE controller (sideA =0, sideB =1)
slAgentHaAlternateIp IP address of alternate RE controller

Robot Objects

Robot OID Description
slRobotCount Amount of robot mechanisms
slRobotTable A table of robots
slRobotEntry Robot
slRobotIndex Robot index
slRobotPhysicalAddressStr Physical address string of robot
slRobotPosition Physical position of the robot (continued to be defined for backward compatibility with robot table)
slRobotHandCartStatus State of the robot hand regarding a cartridge (cartridge =1, no cartridge =0)
slRobotSerialNum Card serial number of robot
slRobotState Sate of the robot (such as empty, loaded, moving)
slRobotFaultLED Fault LED stats of robot (off =0, on =1)
slRobotStatusEnum Operational status of robot in enumerated form
slRobotCodeVer Code version of robot
slRobotVersion Hardware version of robot
slRobotFirmwareVer Firmware version of robot
slRobotGetRetries Number of mount retries performed by robot
slRobotPutRetries Number of dismount retries performed by robot
slRobotGetFails Amount of Get fails for robot
slRobotPutFails Amount of Put fails for robot
slRobotGetTotals Sum of all Get operations from robots
slRobotPutTotals Sum of all Put operations from robots

Safety Door Objects

Safety Door OID Description
slSafetyDoorCenterCount The number of times the safety door has returned to the center (home) position
slSafetyDoorRetries Amount of total safety door retries
slSafetyDoorIPLs Amount of IPLs performed by the safety door

Tape Cartridge Objects

Tape Cartridge OID Description
slTapeCount Amount of the cartridges in the inventory table
slTapeTable Table of data cartridges (tapes) in the library
slTapeEntry Cartridge
slTapeIndex Integer index into the inventory table
slTapeLabel Cartridge label
slTapeType Cartridge type (text string based on the enumerated domain and type values that are derived from the volser label)
slTapeLocationElementID Element ID or translated logical HLI address of the tape cartridge
slTapeHostAccessible Indication of host accessible status
slTapePhysicalAddressStr Physical address string of cartridge
slTapeLogicalAddressStr Logical address of cartridge
slTapePartition Partition ID of cartridge
slTapePartitionType Partition type of cartridge

Temperature Sensor Objects

Temperature Sensor OID Description
slTempSensorCount Amount of temperature sensors in the library
slTempSensorTable Table of the library's temperature sensors
slTempSensorEntry Temperature sensor
slTempSensorIndex Integer index into the temperature sensor table
slTempSensorName Name of the temperature sensor
slTempSensorCurrentTemp Current /present temperature reading
slTempSensorHighTemp Storage area peak temp since last machine boot
slTempSensorWarnThreshold Temperature threshold for automated warning
slTempSensorFailThreshold Temperature threshold for automated library shutdown

Test Trap Generation Objects

Test Trap Generation OID Description
slAgentTrapTestLevel Set to a trap level to generate a trap test for that level. When this is read, the last written value is returned. If a trap level is not implemented, an error will be returned when writing.
slAgentTrapTestCount Amount of times slAgentTrapTestLevel has been written to.

Trap — Automatic Service Request (ASR) Objects

Trap — ASR OID Description
slTrapAsrSuspectCount Number of FRU call-outs to follow in this trap (max 5)
slTrapAsrSuspectTable Table of diagnosted fault suspects
slTrapAsrSuspectEntry Suspect table entry
slTrapAsrSuspectIndex Sequence number for suspect FRUs
slTrapAsrSuspectFaultCertainty Percentage of likelihood that the component is the source of the problem (object has a value of 0 if the system does not support this information)
slTrapAsrSuspectDevice Address Location of the suspect FRU (either a 5-tuple or 4-tuple physical address
slTrapAsrSuspectFruName Name of the suspect FRU
slTrapAsrSuspectFruChassisId Text string containing serial number of chassis (unambiguous identification of system when combined with slTrapProductName)
slTrapAsrSuspectFruManufacturer Name of manufacturer of this FRU /CRU
slTrapAsrSuspectFruPn Replacement part number used to order this FRU /CRU
slTrapAsrSuspectFruSn Serial (entitlement) number for this FRU /CRU
slTrapAsrSuspectFruRevision Revision level of this FRU /CRU
slTrapAsrSuspectFruReserved Placeholder for future content
slTrapAsrSuspectFruStatus Status of FRU /CRU

Trap — Configuration Objects

Trap — Configuration OID Description
slTrapConfigLibrarySerialNumber Frame serial number of the library
slTrapConfigDeviceId Device's FRUI ID, needed for high availability
slTrapConfigDeviceTime Device's date and time in UTC standard format
slTrapConfigDeviceAddress Device address of the component associated with the log entry.
slTrapConfigDeviceUserName User name on the device that identifies the access level that originated the activity
slTrapConfigDeviceInterfaceName Name representing the interface on the device that was used to request the activity
slTrapConfigDeviceActivity Short text name representing the device activity being performed
slTrapConfigDeviceRequestId Device request ID associated with the activity with this trap
slTrapConfigDeviceSeverity Device log severity
slTrapConfigDeviceResultCode Device result code
slTrapConfigPropertyName Device property name that is being configured
slTrapConfigNewPropertyValue New value that has been changed (only success is reported)
slTrapConfigNewPropertyEffective Condition when the new property value will be effective

Trap — Device Objects

Trap — Device OID Description
slTrapLibrarySerialNumber Frame serial number of the library
slTrapDeviceId FRU ID of device (generally component model +serial number)
slTrapDeviceTime Device's date and time in UTC standard format
slTrapDeviceAddress Device address of the component associated with the log entry.
slTrapDeviceUserName User name on the device that identifies the access level that originated the activity
slTrapDeviceInterfaceName Name representing the interface on the device that was used to request the activity
slTrapDeviceActivity Short text name representing the device activity being performed
slTrapDeviceRequestId Device request ID associated with the activity with this trap
slTrapDeviceSeverity Device log severity
slTrapDeviceResultCode Device result code
slTrapDeviceFreeFormText Freeform text area, usually from subsystems that led to log entry

Trap — Service Event Objects

Trap — Service Event OID Description
slTrapSvcEventTime Time stamp of when the service event occurred
slTrapSvcLibProductManufacturer Product manufacturer of library
slTrapSvcLibProductName Product name of library
slTrapSvcLibProductSn Product serial (entitlement) number of library
slTrapSvcLibStatus Condition of the overall system at the time of the event (normal, degraded, not-operational)
slTrapSvcLibEntity Software component (diagnostic entity) that generated this fault event
slTrapSvcEventId Underlying local library event ID that was the catalyst behind this service event
slTrapSvcFaultEventUUID Universal unique identifier that was assigned to this fault (will have a value of NULL if the system does not support this information)
slTrapSvcFaultEventType Fault event type based on servicing importance
slTrapSvcFaultEventCount Amount of equivalent fault events since last boot
slTrapSvcFaultEventDescription Textual description of the fault event
slTrapSvcDeviceEventSeverity Fault severity of device or system
slTrapSvcDeviceEventActivity Short text name representing what activity the device was last commanded to perform
slTrapSvcDeviceEventOpCode Device operational code, indicating state of FRU/CRU
slTrapSvcDeviceEventResultCode The device result code based upon last command completed
slTrapSvcServiceData Descriptive text string of this particular service event
slTrapSvcLocalization Localization string for current service event

Trap — Test and Heartbeat Objects

Trap — Test and Heartbeat OID Description
slTrapCount Amount of traps generated since last boot
slTrapLibBootDate Date & time when the agent initialized
slTrapLibDateString Date and time of library in format: YYYY:MM:DDTHH:MM:SS
slTrapLibSerialNumber Serial number of library frame
slTrapLibTopLevelCondition Overall condition of the library (normal, degraded, not-operational)
slTrapHaState State of RE controller (simplex=0, duplex/switchable=1)
slTrapHaId Identifier of RE controller (active=0, standby=1)
slTrapHaSlot Slot of RE controller (sideA=0, sideB=1)
slTrapHaAlternateIp IP address of alternate RE controller

Turntable Objects

Turntable OID Description
slTurntableCount Count of the turntables in the turntable table
slTurntableTable A table of turntables
slTurntableEntry A turntable entry
slTurntableIndex A turntable index
slTurntablePhysicalAddressStr Physical address string of a turntable
slTurntablePosition Physical LSM position of the turntable (0=left, 1=right)
slTurntableHandCartStatus The turntable's hand state (cartridge=1, no cartridge=0)
slTurntableSerialNum Serial number of the turntable
slTurntableState State of the turntable (idled, moving, in-op, and so forth)
slTurntableFaultLED Fault LED state
slTurntableStatusEnum Operational status of the turntable, in enumerated form
slTurntableCodeVer Code version of the turntable
slTurntableVersion Hardware version of the turntable
slTurntableFirmwareVer Firmware version of the turntable
slTurntablesRotations Rotation count of the turntable
slTurntablesRotationRetries Number of rotation retries performed by the turntable
slTurntablesRotationFails Number of rotation failures performed by the turntable
slTurntablesIPLs Number of IPLs performed by the turntable