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Oracle® Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Part Number E10541-04
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22 Introducing the Oracle BI Systems Management API

This chapter describes the Oracle BI Systems Management Application Programming Interface (API).

This chapter includes the following sections:

22.1 What Is the Oracle BI Systems Management API?

The Oracle BI Systems Management API is a programming interface that provides access to Oracle Business Intelligence JMX Admin MBeans, enabling a developer to programmatically perform system administration tasks for Oracle Business Intelligence. The system administration tasks that can be performed using the Oracle BI Systems Management API are also available using Fusion Middleware Control.

The Oracle BI Systems Management API centralizes the management of system configuration by automatically propagating changes to all of the files that require updates in multiple locations.

Alternative methods for modifying system configuration settings for Oracle Business Intelligence are available. For information, see Section 3.1, "Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence."

The Oracle BI Systems Management API and its Java methods are described in a JavaDoc file that is located in the following directory:



You cannot display the Log Viewer or Performance Metrics using the Oracle BI Systems Management API.

22.2 Accessing Oracle BI Systems Management API Methods

This section describes the following ways to access Oracle BI Systems Management API methods:

For information about the Oracle BI Systems Management API methods, see Section 22.4, "Descriptions of JMX Admin MBeans and Methods for the Oracle BI Systems Management API."

22.3 Using the Oracle BI Systems Management API to Manage and Configure Oracle Business Intelligence

This section describes using the Oracle BI Systems Management API to manage and configure Oracle Business Intelligence, and contains the following topics:

22.3.1 Displaying Oracle Business Intelligence Status Using the Oracle BI Systems Management API

You can use the Oracle BI Systems Management API to display the status of Oracle Business Intelligence using either WLST commands or a Java program as described in the following sections: Example: Using WLST Commands in a Script to Display the Status of Oracle Business Intelligence

This example connects a user to Oracle Business Intelligence and displays the service status.

To use WLST commands in a script to display the status of Oracle Business Intelligence:

  1. Open a text editor and create a WLST script similar to the following example:

    # Example to demonstrate connecting to a BIEE domain using WLST
    # This scripts expects the following arguments:
    # 1.  (localhost)
    # 2. wls.port  (7001)
    # 3. wls.user  (user1)
    # 4. wls.password  (password1)
    # ===================================================================
    import sys
    import os
    # Check the arguments to this script are as expected.
    # argv[0] is script name.
    argLen = len(sys.argv)
    if argLen -1 != 4:
          print "ERROR: got ", argLen -1, " args."
       print " eg: wlst.cmd localhost 7001 user1 password1" 
    WLS_HOST = sys.argv[1]
    WLS_PORT = sys.argv[2]
    WLS_USER = sys.argv[3]
    WLS_PW = sys.argv[4]
    print 'Connecting to '+ WLS_HOST+ ':' + WLS_PORT + ' as user: ' + WLS_USER + ' ...'
    # Connect to WLS
    connect(WLS_USER, WLS_PW, WLS_HOST+ ':' + WLS_PORT);
    print 'Connecting to Domain ...'
    cd ('oracle.biee.admin')
    print 'Connecting to BIDomain MBean ...'
    cd ('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service')
    biinstances = get('BIInstances')
    biinstance = biinstances[0]
    print 'Connecting to BIInstance MBean ...'
    cd ('..')
    cd (biinstance.toString())
    print 'BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: ' + servicestatus
  2. Save the script.

  3. Navigate to the folder \MW_HOME\wlserver_10.3\common\bin and run the script, entering any arguments required.

    For example, you might enter the following at the command line:

    ./ localhost 7001 user1 password1 (UNIX)

    wlst wlst_connect.cmd localhost 7001 user1 password1 (Windows)

    The command window (and log file), displays prompts and messages, for example:

    Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
    Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
    Type help() for help on available commands
    Connecting to localhost:7001 as user: user1 ...
    Connecting to t3://localhost:7001 with userid password1 ...
    Successfully connected to Administration Server 'AdminServer' that belongs to 
    domain 'bifoundation_domain'.
    Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the 
    server. To ensure on-the-wire security, use the SSL port or 
    Admin port instead.
    Connecting to Domain ...
    Location changed to domain custom tree. 
    This is a writable tree with No root.
    For more help, use help(domainCustom)
    Connecting to BIDomain MBean ...
    Connecting to BIInstance MBean ...
    BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: FULLY_STARTED
    Exiting WebLogic Scripting Tool.

For more information about using WLST commands, see Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference. Example: Using a Java Program to Display the Status of Oracle Business Intelligence

This example connects to Oracle Business Intelligence and displays the current status. The Java program in this example also contains additional methods (commented out) which you can use to start and stop Oracle Business Intelligence. For more information, see Section, "Example: Using a Java Program to Stop and Start Oracle Business Intelligence."

To use a Java program with the Systems management API to display the status of Oracle Business Intelligence:

  1. Open a Java editor and compile a Java program similar to the following example:

    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import javax.naming.Context;
     * Example class showing how to connect to the Oracle BIEE AdminMBeans JMX Interface.
     * <br/>
     * This example is intentionally succinct for clarity, so for example,
     * it does not do any exception handling.
     * Any production code should include robust error handling.
     * Note that you need <code>wljmxclient.jar</code> and <code>wlclient.jar</code> on the classpath.
    public class MBeanAPIExample1 {
          private String host;
          private int port;
          private String username;
          private String password;
          private MBeanServerConnection mbs = null;
          private ObjectName biDomainMBeanName;
          private ObjectName biInstanceMBeanName;
       private MBeanAPIExample1(String[] args) {
             if (args.length < 4) {
                System.out.println("Usage: MBeanAPIExample1 host port
                username password");
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough arguments");
                host = args[0];
                port = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
                username = args[2];
                password = args[3];
          private void connect() throws Exception {
             String jmxUrl = "service:jmx:t3://" + host + ":" + port +
             System.out.println("Connecting using URL: " + jmxUrl + " ...");
             Hashtable<String,String> h = new Hashtable<String,String>();
             h.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL,   username);
             h.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);
             JMXConnector jmxConnector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(new
             JMXServiceURL(jmxUrl), h);
             mbs = jmxConnector.getMBeanServerConnection();
             System.out.println("Connected OK");
                biDomainMBeanName = new
                   (biDomainMBeanName, "BIInstances");
                   biInstanceMBeanName = biInstanceMBeanNames[0]; 
                   // there should only be one
                   System.out.println("Found BI Instance MBean: " +
             private void displayStatus() throws Exception {
                String status = (String)mbs.getAttribute(biInstanceMBeanName,
            System.out.println("Status is: " + status);
           private void stopAll() throws Exception {
                 System.out.println("Stopping instance ...");
                 Object[] args = new Object[]{};
                 String[] sig = new String[]{};
                 mbs.invoke(biInstanceMBeanName, "stop", args, sig);
                 System.out.println("Stopped instance OK");
           private void startAll() throws Exception {
                System.out.println("Starting instance ...");
                Object[] args = new Object[]{};
                String[] sig = new String[]{};
                mbs.invoke(biInstanceMBeanName, "start", args, sig);
                System.out.println("Started instance OK");
            * @param args
           public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
                MBeanAPIExample1 example = new MBeanAPIExample1(args);
    //          example.stopAll();
    //          example.startAll();
  2. Navigate to the \<wlserver>\server\lib folder and run the Java program, providing the class path, class name and any arguments required.

    java -classpath <JavaClassName> <host> <port> <username> <password>

    For example:

    java -classpath <MW_HOME>wls_10.3/server/lib/wjmxclient.jar localhost 7001 user1 password1

    The command window (and log file) displays prompts and messages, for example:

    Connecting using URL: service:jmx:t3://localhost:7001/jndi/
    Connected OK
    Found BI Instance MBean:
    Status is: FULLY_STARTED

22.3.2 Starting and Stopping Oracle Business Intelligence Using the Oracle BI Systems Management API

You can use the Oracle BI Systems Management API start and stop Oracle Business Intelligence using either WLST commands or a Java program as described in the following sections: Example: Using WLST Commands to Stop and Start Oracle Business Intelligence

This example stops and starts the Oracle Business Intelligence instance, and displays the status during each stage of the process.

To use WLST commands to stop and start Oracle Business Intelligence:

  1. Open a text editor and create a WLST script similar to the following:

    # Example to demonstrate connecting to a BIEE domain using WLST and stopping and restarting the instance
    # This scripts expects the following arguments:
    # 1. (localhost)
    # 2. wls.port (7001)
    # 3. wls.user  (user1)
    # 4. wls.password  (password1)
    # ===================================================================
    import sys
    import os
    # Check the arguments to this script are as expected.
    # argv[0] is script name.
    argLen = len(sys.argv)
    if argLen -1 != 4:
        print "ERROR: got ", argLen -1, " args."
        print "USAGE: wlst_stop_start.cmd WLS_HOST WLS_PORT WLS_USER WLS_PASSWORD"
        print "   eg: wlst_stop_start.cmd localhost 7001 user1 password1" 
    WLS_HOST = sys.argv[1]
    WLS_PORT = sys.argv[2]
    WLS_USER = sys.argv[3]
    WLS_PW = sys.argv[4]
    print 'Connecting to '+ WLS_HOST+ ':' + WLS_PORT + ' as user: ' + WLS_USER + ' ...'
    # Connect to WLS
    connect(WLS_USER, WLS_PW, WLS_HOST+ ':' + WLS_PORT);
    print 'Connecting to Domain ...'
    cd ('oracle.biee.admin')
    print 'Connecting to BIDomain MBean ...'
    cd ('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service')
    biinstances = get('BIInstances')
    biinstance = biinstances[0]
    print 'Connecting to BIInstance MBean ...'
    cd ('..')
    cd (biinstance.toString())
    print 'BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: ' + servicestatus
    print 'Calling stop ...'
    objs = jarray.array([], java.lang.Object)
    strs = jarray.array([], java.lang.String)
    invoke('stop', objs, strs)
    print 'BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: ' + servicestatus
    print 'Calling start ...'
    objs = jarray.array([], java.lang.Object)
    strs = jarray.array([], java.lang.String)
    invoke('start', objs, strs)
    print 'BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: ' + servicestatus
  2. Save the script.

  3. Navigate to the folder \MW_HOME\wlserver_10.3\common\bin and run the script, entering any arguments required.

    For example, you might enter the following at the command line:

    ./ localhost 7001 user1 password1 (UNIX)

    wlst wlst_wlst_stop_start_obi.cmd localhost 7001 user1 password1 (Windows)

    The command window (and log file), displays prompts and messages, for example:

    Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
    Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
    Type help() for help on available commands
    Connecting to localhost:7001 as user: user1 ...
    Connecting to t3://localhost:7001 with userid password1 ...
    Successfully connected to Administration Server 'AdminServer' that belongs to 
    domain 'bifoundation_domain'.
    Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the 
    server. To ensure on-the-wire security, use the SSL port or 
    Admin port instead.
    Connecting to Domain ...
    Location changed to domain custom tree. 
    This is a writable tree with No root.
    For more help, use help(domainCustom)
    Connecting to BIDomain MBean ...
    Connecting to BIInstance MBean ...
    BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: FULLY_STARTED
    Calling stop ...
    BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: STOPPED
    Calling start ...
    BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: FULLY_STARTED 
    Exiting WebLogic Scripting Tool. Example: Using a Java Program to Stop and Start Oracle Business Intelligence

Refer to the example in Section, "Example: Using a Java Program to Display the Status of Oracle Business Intelligence," remove the comments (/) before whichever method you want to run (example.stopAll(); or example.startAll();), as shown in the following main method:

        * @param args
       public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            MBeanAPIExample1 example = new MBeanAPIExample1(args);
/**         example.stopAll();
/**         example.startAll();

22.3.3 Updating Configuration Settings Using the Oracle BI Systems Management API

You can use the Oracle BI Systems Management API to change Oracle Business Intelligence configuration settings using WLST commands or a Java program as follows:

You can copy the examples in this section, replacing MBean details with details of other MBeans to update different Oracle Business Intelligence configuration settings (for example, log file settings, security settings). For more information, see Section 22.4, "Descriptions of JMX Admin MBeans and Methods for the Oracle BI Systems Management API." Example: Using WLST to Edit the Email Sender Display Name Configuration Setting

This example connects to Oracle Business Intelligence, invokes the system lock, updates the value of the Email Sender Display Name configuration setting, and releases the system lock.

To use WLST to update the Email Sender Display Name configuration setting:

  1. Open a text editor and enter WLST commands similar to the following:

    # Example to demonstrate connecting to a BIEE domain using WLST,
    # and changing a simple configuration setting
    # This script expects the following arguments:
    # 1. (localhost)
    # 2. wls.port (7001)
    # 3. wls.user  (user1)
    # 4. wls.password  (password1)
    # 5. new email displayname
    # ===================================================================
    import sys
    import os
    # Check the arguments to this script are as expected.
    # argv[0] is script name.
    argLen = len(sys.argv)
    if argLen -1 != 5:
        print "ERROR: got ", argLen -1, " args."
        print "USAGE: wlst.cmd WLS_HOST WLS_PORT WLS_USER WLS_PASSWORD EmailDisplayName"
        print "   eg: wlst.cmd localhost 7001 user1 password1 FredBloggs" 
    WLS_HOST = sys.argv[1]
    WLS_PORT = sys.argv[2]
    WLS_USER = sys.argv[3]
    WLS_PW = sys.argv[4]
    newDisplayName = sys.argv[5]
    print 'Connecting to '+ WLS_HOST+ ':' + WLS_PORT + ' as user: ' + WLS_USER + ' ...'
    # Connect to WLS
    connect(WLS_USER, WLS_PW, WLS_HOST+ ':' + WLS_PORT);
    print 'Connecting to Domain ...'
    cd ('oracle.biee.admin')
    print 'Connecting to BIDomain MBean ...'
    cd ('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service')
    print 'Calling lock ...'
    objs = jarray.array([], java.lang.Object)
    strs = jarray.array([], java.lang.String)
    invoke('lock', objs, strs)
    biinstances = get('BIInstances')
    biinstance = biinstances[0]
    print 'Connecting to BIInstance MBean ...'
    cd ('..')
    cd (biinstance.toString())
    print 'BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: ' + servicestatus
    biemailbean = get('EmailConfiguration')
    print 'Connecting to BIInstance Email MBean ...'
    cd ('..')
    cd (biemailbean.toString())
    print 'Existing email displayname is: ' + oldDisplayName
    print 'Changing email displayname to: ' + newDisplayName + ' ...'
    set('SenderDisplayName', newDisplayName)
    print 'Calling commit ...'
    cd ('..')
    cd ('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service')
    objs = jarray.array([], java.lang.Object)
    strs = jarray.array([], java.lang.String)
    invoke('commit', objs, strs)
    print 'Committed OK'
  2. Save the script.

  3. Navigate to the folder \MW_HOME\wlserver_10.3\common\bin and run the script, entering any arguments required.

    For example, you might enter the following at the command line:

    ./ localhost 7001 user1 password1 (UNIX)

    wlst wlst_wlst_email_disp_name_obi.cmd localhost 7001 user1 password1 (Windows)

    The command window (and log file) displays prompts and messages, for example:

    Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
    Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
    Type help() for help on available commands
    Connecting to localhost:7001 as user: user1 ...
    Connecting to t3://localhost:7001 with userid password1 ...
    Successfully connected to Administration Server 'AdminServer' that belongs to 
    domain 'bifoundation_domain'.
    Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the 
    server. To ensure on-the-wire security, use the SSL port or 
    Admin port instead.
    Connecting to Domain ...
    Location changed to domain custom tree. 
    This is a writable tree with No root.
    For more help, use help(domainCustom)
    Connecting to BIDomain MBean ...
    Connecting to BIInstance MBean ...
    BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: FULLY_STARTED
    Connecting to BIInstance Email MBean ...
    Existing email displayname is: Oracle Business Intelligence
    Changing email displayname to: FredBloggs ...
    Calling commit ...
    Committed OK
    Exiting WebLogic Scripting Tool. Example: Using a Java Program to Edit the Email Sender Display Name Configuration Setting

To use a Java program to Edit the Email Sender Display Name Configuration Setting:

  1. Open a Java editor and compile a Java program similar to the following example:

    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import javax.naming.Context;
     * Example class showing how to connect to the Oracle BIEE AdminMBeans JMX Interface and change a simple configuration setting..
     * <br/>
     * This example is intentionally succinct for clarity, so for example,
     * it does not do any exception handling.
     * Any production code should include robust error handling.
     * Note that you need <code>wljmxclient.jar</code> and <code>wlclient.jar</code> on the classpath.
    public class MBeanAPIExample3Edit {
           private String host;
           private int port;
           private String username;
           private String password;
           private String newDisplayName;
           private MBeanServerConnection mbs = null;
           private ObjectName biDomainMBeanName;
           private ObjectName biInstanceMBeanName;
           private ObjectName biEmailMBeanName;
           private MBeanAPIExample3Edit(String[] args) {
                   if (args.length < 5) {
                     System.out.println("Usage: MBeanAPIExample3Edit host port username password newDisplayName");
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough arguments");
                 host = args[0];
                 port = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
                 username = args[2];
                 password = args[3];
                 newDisplayName = args[4];
           private void connect() throws Exception {
                 String jmxUrl = "service:jmx:t3://" + host + ":" + port +
                 System.out.println("Connecting using URL: " + jmxUrl + " ...");
                 Hashtable<String,String> h = new Hashtable<String,String>();
                 h.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL,   username);
                 h.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);
                 JMXConnector jmxConnector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(new
                   JMXServiceURL(jmxUrl), h);
                 mbs = jmxConnector.getMBeanServerConnection();
                 System.out.println("Connected OK");
                 biDomainMBeanName = new
                   (biDomainMBeanName, "BIInstances");
                 biInstanceMBeanName = biInstanceMBeanNames[0]; 
                    // there should only be one
                 System.out.println("Found BI Instance MBean: " +
           private void lock() throws Exception{
                 System.out.println("Locking domain ...");
                 Object[] args = new Object[]{};
                 String[] sig  = new String[]{};
                 mbs.invoke(biDomainMBeanName, "lock", args, sig);
                 System.out.println("Locked domain OK");
           private void commit() throws Exception{
                 System.out.println("Committing changes ...");
                 Object[] args = new Object[]{};
                 String[] sig  = new String[]{};
                 mbs.invoke(biDomainMBeanName, "commit", args, sig);
                 System.out.println("Committed changes OK");
           private void getEmailBean() throws Exception{
                 System.out.println("Getting Email MBean ...");
                 biEmailMBeanName = (ObjectName)mbs.getAttribute(biInstanceMBeanName, "EmailConfiguration");
                 System.out.println("Found BI Email MBean: " + biEmailMBeanName);
            private void updateEmailDisplayName() throws Exception {
                String oldDisplayName = (String)mbs.getAttribute(biEmailMBeanName, "SenderDisplayName");
                System.out.println("Existing email displayname is: " + oldDisplayName);
                System.out.println("Changing email displayname to: " + newDisplayName);
                mbs.setAttribute(biEmailMBeanName, new Attribute("SenderDisplayName", newDisplayName));
            * @param args
           public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
                MBeanAPIExample3Edit example = new MBeanAPIExample3Edit(args);
  2. Navigate to the \<wlserver>\server\lib folder and run the Java program giving the class path, class name and any arguments required.

    java -classpath <JavaClassName> <host> <port> <username> <password> <SenderDisplayName>

    For example:

    java -classpath <MW_HOME>wls_10.3/server/lib/wjmxclient.jar localhost 7001 user1 password1 FredBloggs

    Use quotation marks to include spaces, for example "Fred Bloggs".

    The command window (and log file), displays prompts and messages, for example:

    Connecting using URL: service:jmx:t3://localhost:7001/jndi/ ...
    Connected OK
    Found BI Instance MBean:
    Getting Email MBean ...
    Found BI Email MBean: oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain.BIInstance.EmailConfiguration,biInstance=coreapplication,group=Service
    Locking domain ...
    Locked domain OK
    Existing email displayname is: Oracle Business Intelligence
    Changing email displayname to: FredBloggs
    Committing changes ...
    Committed changes OK

22.3.4 Scaling Out for High Availability and Performance Using the Oracle BI Systems Management API

You can use the Oracle BI Systems Management API to scale out to additional host computers for high availability and performance. Use the Enterprise Install to install Oracle Business Intelligence onto a new host computer, and then scale out using steps similar to those described in the following examples: Example: Using WLST to Scale Out to Servers

This example connects a user to Oracle Business Intelligence and scales out to a server.

To use WLST commands in a script to scale out to servers:

  1. Open a text editor and create a WLST script similar to the following example:

    # Example to demonstrate connecting to a BIEE domain using WLST
    #  and do some scale-out operations.
    # This scripts expects the following arguments:
    # 1. (localhost)
    # 2. wls.port (7001)
    # 3. wls.user  (user1)
    # 4. wls.password  (password1)
    # 5. oracle instance name# 6. new count of bi servers
    # ===================================================================
    import sys
    import os
    # Check the arguments to this script are as expected.
    # argv[0] is script name.
    argLen = len(sys.argv)
    if argLen -1 != 6:
        print "ERROR: got ", argLen -1, " args."
        print "USAGE: wlst.cmd WLS_HOST WLS_PORT WLS_USER WLS_PASSWORD"  OracleInstance numBIServers
        print "   eg: wlst.cmd localhost 7001 user1 password1  instance2 2" 
    WLS_HOST = sys.argv[1]
    WLS_PORT = sys.argv[2]
    WLS_USER = sys.argv[3]
    WLS_PW = sys.argv[4]
    oracleInstanceName = sys.argv[5]
    # convert string to int which is needed later
    newNumBIServers = int(sys.argv[6])
    print 'Connecting to '+ WLS_HOST+ ':' + WLS_PORT + ' as user: ' + WLS_USER + ' ...'
    # Connect to WLS
    connect(WLS_USER, WLS_PW, WLS_HOST+ ':' + WLS_PORT);
    print 'Connecting to Domain ...'
    cd ('oracle.biee.admin')
    print 'Connecting to BIDomain MBean ...'
    cd ('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service')
    biinstances = get('BIInstances')
    biinstance = biinstances[0]
    oracleinstances = get('OracleInstances')
    print 'Connecting to BIInstance MBean ...'
    cd ('..')
    print 'About to cd to: ' + biinstance.toString()
    cd (biinstance.toString())
    print 'BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: ' + servicestatus
    print 'Looping through OracleInstances looking for: ' + oracleInstanceName
    matching = false
    for oi in oracleinstances:
        print 'About to cd to: ' + oi.toString()    
        cd ( oi.toString() )
        id = get('Id')
        print 'Found instance with id: ' + id
        if id == oracleInstanceName:
            matching = oi
    if matching :
        print 'Found matching OracleInstance...'
    else :
        print 'Failed to find target OracleInstance with name: ' + oracleInstanceName
    deployments = get('BIInstanceDeployments')
    # Should only ever be one of these
    deployment = deployments[0]
    print 'Acquired BIInstanceDeployment : ' + deployment.toString()
    cd ('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service')
    print 'Calling lock ...'
    objs = jarray.array([], java.lang.Object)
    strs = jarray.array([], java.lang.String)
    invoke('lock', objs, strs)
    numBIServers = get('numBIServers')
    print 'Current number of BI Servers is:', numBIServers
    print 'About to set number of BI Servers to:', newNumBIServers
    set('numBIServers', newNumBIServers )
    print 'Successfully set number of BI Servers to', newNumBIServers
    print 'Calling commit ...'
    cd ('..')
    cd ('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service')
    objs = jarray.array([], java.lang.Object)
    strs = jarray.array([], java.lang.String)
    invoke('commit', objs, strs)
    print 'Committed OK'
    print 'Connecting to BIInstance MBean ...'
    cd ('..')
    cd (biinstance.toString())
    print 'BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: ' + servicestatus
    print 'Calling stop ...'
    objs = jarray.array([], java.lang.Object)
    strs = jarray.array([], java.lang.String)
    invoke('stop', objs, strs)
    print 'BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: ' + servicestatus
    print 'Calling start ...'
    objs = jarray.array([], java.lang.Object)
    strs = jarray.array([], java.lang.String)
    invoke('start', objs, strs)
    print 'BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: ' + servicestatus
  2. Save the script.

  3. Navigate to the folder \MW_HOME\wlserver_10.3\common\bin and run the script, entering any arguments required.

    For example, you might enter the following at the command line:

    ./ localhost 7001 user1 password1 (UNIX)

    wlst wlst_wlst_scaleout_obi.cmd localhost 7001 user1 password1 (Windows)

    The command window (and log file), displays prompts and messages, for example:

    Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
    Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
    Type help() for help on available commands
    Connecting to localhost:7001 as user: user1 ...
    Connecting to t3://localhost:7001 with userid password1 ...
    Successfully connected to Administration Server 'AdminServer' that belongs to 
    domain 'bifoundation_domain'.
    Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the 
    server. To ensure on-the-wire security, use the SSL port or 
    Admin port instead.
    Connecting to Domain ...
    Location changed to domain custom tree. 
    This is a writable tree with No root.
    For more help, use help(domainCustom)
    Connecting to BIDomain MBean ...
    Connecting to BIInstance MBean ...
    About to cd to: oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain.BIInstance,biInstance=coreapplication,group=Service
    BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: FULLY_STARTED
    Looping through OracleInstances looking for: instance1
    About to cd to: oracle.biee.admin:oracleInstance=instance1,type=BIDomain.OracleInstance,group=Service
    Found instance with id: instance1
    Found matching OracleInstance...
    Acquired BIInstanceDeployment : oracle.biee.admin:oracleInstance=instance1,type=BIDomain.OracleInstance.BIInstanceDeployment,biInstance=coreapplication,group=Service
    Calling lock ...
    Current number of BI Servers is: 1
    About to set number of BI Servers to: 6
    Successfully set number of BI Servers to 6
    Calling commit ...
    Committed OK
    Connecting to BIInstance MBean ...
    BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: PARTIALLY_STARTED
    Calling stop ...
    BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: PARTIALLY_STARTED
    Calling start ...
    BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: FULLY_STARTED
    Exiting WebLogic Scripting Tool.

For more information about using WLST commands, see Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference. Example: Using a Java Program to Scale Out to Servers

To use a Java program to scale out to servers:

  1. Open a Java editor and compile a Java program similar to the following example:

    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import javax.naming.Context;
     * Example class showing how to connect to the Oracle BIEE AdminMBeans JMX Interface,
     * and do some scale-out operations.
     * <br/>
     * This example is intentionally succinct for clarity, so for example,
     * it does not do any exception handling.
     * Any production code should include robust error handling.
     * <br/>
     * Note that you need <code>wljmxclient.jar</code> and <code>wlclient.jar</code> on the classpath.
    public class MBeanAPIExample4ScaleOut {
           private String host;
           private int port;
           private String username;
           private String password;
           private String oracleInstanceName;
           private int newNumBIServers;
          private MBeanServerConnection mbs = null;
          private ObjectName biDomainMBeanName;
          private ObjectName biInstanceMBeanName;
          private ObjectName[] oracleInstanceMBeanNames; 
          private MBeanAPIExample4ScaleOut(String[] args) {
                 if (args.length < 6) {
                   System.out.println("Usage: MBeanAPIExample1Connect host port username password oracleInstanceName NumBIServers");
                   throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough arguments");
                       host = args[0];
                       port = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
                       username = args[2];
                       password = args[3];
                       oracleInstanceName = args[4];
                       newNumBIServers = Integer.parseInt(args[5]);
         private void connect() throws Exception {
                  String jmxUrl = "service:jmx:t3://" + host + ":" + port + "/jndi/";
                  System.out.println("Connecting using URL: " + jmxUrl + " ...");
                  Hashtable<String,String> h = new Hashtable<String,String>();
                  h.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL,   username);
                  h.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);
                  h.put(JMXConnectorFactory.PROTOCOL_PROVIDER_PACKAGES, "");
                  JMXConnector jmxConnector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(new JMXServiceURL(jmxUrl), h);
                  mbs = jmxConnector.getMBeanServerConnection();
                  System.out.println("Connected OK");
                  biDomainMBeanName = new ObjectName("oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service");
                  ObjectName[] biInstanceMBeanNames = (ObjectName[])mbs.getAttribute(biDomainMBeanName, "BIInstances");
                  biInstanceMBeanName = biInstanceMBeanNames[0]; // there should only be one
                  System.out.println("Found BI Instance MBean: " + biInstanceMBeanName);
    oracleInstanceMBeanNames = (ObjectName[])mbs.getAttribute(biDomainMBeanName, "OracleInstances");
    for (ObjectName oracleInstanceMBeanName : oracleInstanceMBeanNames) {
          System.out.println("Found Oracle Instance MBean: " + oracleInstanceMBeanName);
    private void displayStatus() throws Exception {
       String status = (String)mbs.getAttribute(biInstanceMBeanName, "ServiceStatus");
       System.out.println("Status is: " + status);
    private void lock() throws Exception {
       System.out.println("Locking domain ...");
       Object[] args = new Object[]{};
       String[] sig  = new String[]{};
       mbs.invoke(biDomainMBeanName, "lock", args, sig);
       System.out.println("Locked domain OK");
    private void commit() throws Exception {
       System.out.println("Committing changes ...");
       Object[] args = new Object[]{};
       String[] sig  = new String[]{};
       mbs.invoke(biDomainMBeanName, "commit", args, sig);
       System.out.println("Committed changes OK");
    private ObjectName findMatchingOracleInstanceMBean() throws Exception {
       for (ObjectName oracleInstanceMBeanName : oracleInstanceMBeanNames) {
         String oracleInstanceId =  (String)mbs.getAttribute(oracleInstanceMBeanName, "Id");
         if (oracleInstanceId.equals(oracleInstanceName)) {
             return oracleInstanceMBeanName;
    throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find oracle instance: " + oracleInstanceName);
    private void scaleOut(ObjectName oracleInstanceMBeanName) throws Exception {
       ObjectName[] biInstanceDeploymentMBeanNames = (ObjectName[])mbs.getAttribute(oracleInstanceMBeanName, "BIInstanceDeployments");
       ObjectName biInstanceDeploymentMBeanName = biInstanceDeploymentMBeanNames[0]; // there should only be one
       System.out.println("Found BI Instance Deployment MBean: " + biInstanceDeploymentMBeanName);
       int numBIServers = (Integer)mbs.getAttribute(biInstanceDeploymentMBeanName, "NumBIServers");
       System.out.println("Found Num BI Servers: " + numBIServers);
       System.out.println("Setting Num BI Servers to: " + newNumBIServers);
       mbs.setAttribute(biInstanceDeploymentMBeanName, new Attribute("NumBIServers", newNumBIServers));
    private void stopAll() throws Exception {
       System.out.println("Stopping instance ...");
       Object[] args = new Object[]{};
       String[] sig  = new String[]{};
       mbs.invoke(biInstanceMBeanName, "stop", args, sig);
       System.out.println("Stopped instance OK");
    private void startAll() throws Exception {
       System.out.println("Starting instance ...");
       Object[] args = new Object[]{};
       String[] sig  = new String[]{};
       mbs.invoke(biInstanceMBeanName, "start", args, sig);
       System.out.println("Started instance OK");
          public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
                     MBeanAPIExample4ScaleOut example = new    MBeanAPIExample4ScaleOut(args);
                     ObjectName oiMBeanName = example.findMatchingOracleInstanceMBean();
  2. Navigate to the \<wlserver>\server\lib folder and run the Java program, providing the class name and any arguments required.

    For example:

    java <JavaClassName> <host> <port> <username> <password> <oracleInstanceName> <newNumBIServers>

  3. Navigate to the \<wlserver>\server\lib folder and run the Java program, providing the class path, class name, and any arguments required.

    java -classpath <JavaClassName> <host> <port> <username> <password> <oracleInstanceName> <newNumBIServers>

    For example:

    java -classpath <MW_HOME>wls_10.3/server/lib/wjmxclient.jar localhost 7001 user1 password1 instance1 3

    The command window (and log file) displays prompts and messages, for example:

    Connecting using URL: service:jmx:t3://localhost:7001/jndi/ ...
    Connected OK
    Found BI Instance MBean:
    Found Oracle Instance MBean: oracle.biee.admin:oracleInstance=instance1,type=BIDomain.OracleInstance,group=Service
    Locking domain ...
    Locked domain OK
    Found BI Instance Deployment MBean: oracle.biee.admin:oracleInstance=instance1,type=BIDomain.OracleInstance.BIInstanceDeployment,biInstance=coreapplication,group=Service
    Found Num BI Servers: 1
    Setting Num BI Servers to: 3
    Committing changes ...
    Committed changes OK
    Stopping instance ...
    Stopped instance OK
    Starting instance ...
    Started instance OK
    Status is: FULLY_STARTED

22.3.5 Capturing Metrics Using the Oracle BI Systems Management API

In addition to the Metrics Browser in Fusion Middleware Control, you can view metrics for Oracle Business Intelligence using the Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) and WLST commands. This section describes how to use these methods. Using the Dynamic Monitoring Service for Metrics

You can use the Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) to view metrics for Oracle Business Intelligence. Access the service using the following URL:


Using the Metrics Tables list in the left pane, select Non-J2EE Metrics to view the list of metrics for Oracle Business Intelligence. This is the same list that you see in the Metrics Browser of Fusion Middleware Control.

You can use the Dynamic Monitoring Service to quickly obtain a snapshot of metrics. You can use the URL for a given metric as the source for a web query in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that you combine with a macro that automatically copies values to an archive sheet and refreshes the query on a loop for a given period.

Suppose that you want to use the Dynamic Monitoring Service to see the details of the metric table called "Oracle_BI_General". When you click the Oracle_BI_General link in the Metrics Tables list, the table is displayed on the right side. This metric table consists of several monitored values, such as Active_Execute_Requests and Total_Sessions. You can use the information from the tables that are displayed in this Metrics Browser as part of WLST commands.

For information on accessing DMS metrics using WLST commands, see the chapter on DMS custom WLST commands in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference. Using WLTS Commands for Metrics

You can use WLST commands to capture metrics for Oracle Business Intelligence.

To use WLST commands for metrics:

  1. Navigate to the MW_HOME/ORACLE_HOME/common/bin directory.

  2. Run the WLST utility.

  3. Connect to the Oracle BI system using the connect command, as shown in the following example:


  4. Verify that you are in "online mode" by viewing the following prompt:


You can now interactively use the DMS custom WLST commands. For example, to list all the metric tables that start with "Oracle_BI", enter the following command:

wls:/bifoundation_domain/serverConfig> displayMetricTables('Oracle_BI*')

This command generates a long list of data for each of the Oracle BI metric tables. So it is more useful to focus on a given metric table, such as "Oracle_BI_General". The following command displays output such as that shown in this sample.

wls:/bifoundation_domain/serverConfig> displayMetricTables('Oracle_BI_General')

Active_Execute_Requests.value:  0
Active_Fetch_Requests.value:    0
Active_File_Handles.value:      1
Active_Initblock_Executions.value:      0
Active_Logins.value:    0
Active_Prepare_Requests.value:  0
Avg._Failed_Logins_Elapsed_Time.value:  0
Avg._Initblock_Executions_Elapsed_Time.value:   0
Avg._Succeeded_Logins_Elapsed_Time.value:       0
Avg._query_elapsed_time.value:  0
Busy_File_Handles.value:        0
File_Handle_Waiters.value:      0
Free_File_Handles.value:        502
Host:   oracle-bc5ac6af
Max._Initblock_Execution_Elapsed_Time.value:    0
Max_File_Handles.value: 503
Name:   Oracle BI General
New_Execute_Requests.value:     19
New_Fetch_Requests.value:       32
New_Initblock_Executions.value: 0
New_Logins.value:       7
New_Prepare_Requests.value:     19
New_Requests.value:     187
OBPERF_***.value:       7
Oracle_BI_Applications: Oracle BI Server
Parent: /Oracle BI Server
Process:        Oracle BI Server:4004:/instance1/coreapplication_obis1
Queries/sec.value:      0
ServerName:     /instance1/coreapplication_obis1
Succeeded_Initblock_Execution_Ratio_as_%.value: 0
Succeeded_Logins_Ratio_as_%.value:      7
Total_sessions.value:   0

Using the scripting capability of WLST, you can embed DMS commands into a Jython script to store the required metric values in a file. The following is an example of such a script.

# Script to dump timestamp (in milliseconds) for a single Oracle BI metric 
# to a file
from java.util import Date
from java.text import SimpleDateFormat
# Modify to connect to your server 
# This is the number of times to sample the metric
sample_length = 100
# This is where you define what metric table and metric to dump to file
metric_table = "Oracle_BI_General"
metric_of_interest = "Avg._query_elapsed_time.value"
# Some metrics have non-text characters in the name. Provide a reference here 
# so it dumps to file without error in file name
output_file_metric_ref = "Avg_Qry_Elapse"
# This section defines the output file name with unique time 
start_time = str(SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss").format(Date()))
output_filename = start_time + "_" + output_file_metric_ref + "_dump.txt"
# Open the file and write summary of metric to be dumped
file = open(output_filename,'w')
print >>file, "Start Metric Dump of: " + str(metric_table) + " : " + str(metric_of_interest) + " at " + str(SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH-mm-ss").format(Date()))
# The following section forms a loop according to the sample length defined
# earlier. The 'displayMetricTables()' command returns the metric table in the 
# form of a JMX composite data array. The code following this command access 
# the metric data from this array. In this case, a particular metric of
# interest is tested for and only the value of that metric is output to file.
counter = 0
while counter <= sample_length:
    results = displayMetricTables(metric_table)
    for table in results:
        name = table.get('Table')
        rows = table.get('Rows')
    rowCollection = rows.values()
    iter = rowCollection.iterator()
    while iter.hasNext():
        row =
    rowType = row.getCompositeType()
    keys = rowType.keySet()
    keyIter = keys.iterator()
    while keyIter.hasNext():
        columnName =
        value = row.get(columnName)
        if columnName == metric_of_interest:
            print >>file, str(SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH-mm-ss-SSS").format(Date())) + "," + str(value)
    counter = counter + 1

Certain Oracle BI metric tables, such as "Oracle_BI_Thread_Pool", are in effect two-dimensional. With the "Oracle_BI_Thread_Pool" table, you can query the metric values for various "Names", such as "Server" or "Usage_Tracking". To export the required metric value to a file in this case, you must modify the logic that was used in looping in the previous example script to handle the two dimensions. The following example script provides one way to handle this case.

# Script to dump timestamp (in milliseconds) and a 
#single Oracle BI metric to a file for metrics with multiple sections
from java.util import Date
from java.text import SimpleDateFormat
# Modify to connect to your server
# This is the number of times to sample the metric
sample_length = 100
# This is where you define what metric table, category, and metric to 
# dump to file
metric_table = "Oracle_BI_Thread_Pool"
category_of_interest = "Server"
metric_of_interest = "Avg._Request/sec.value"
# Some metrics have non-text characters - provide a reference here 
# so it dumps to file without error
output_file_metric_ref = "Avg_Req_Sec"
# This section defines the output file name with unique time 
start_time = str(SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss").format(Date()))
output_filename = start_time + "_" + output_file_metric_ref + "_dump.txt"
# Open the file and write summary of metric to be dumped
file = open(output_filename,'w')
print >>file, "Start Metric Dump of: " + str(metric_table) + " : " + str(metric_of_interest) + " for Category: " + str(category_of_interest) + " at " + str(SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH-mm-ss").format(Date()))
counter = 0
while counter <= sample_length:
    results = displayMetricTables(metric_table)
    for table in results:
        name = table.get('Table')
        rows = table.get('Rows')
    rowCollection = rows.values()
    iter = rowCollection.iterator()
    while iter.hasNext():
        row =
        if row.containsValue(category_of_interest):
            rowType = row.getCompositeType()
            keys = rowType.keySet()
            keyIter = keys.iterator()
            while keyIter.hasNext():
                columnName =
                value = row.get(columnName)
                if columnName == metric_of_interest:
                    print >>file, str(SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH-mm-ss-SSS").format(Date())) + "," + str(value)
    counter = counter + 1

22.4 Descriptions of JMX Admin MBeans and Methods for the Oracle BI Systems Management API

This section lists the JMX Admin MBeans of the Oracle BI Systems Management API that you use to perform system administration tasks (using WLST scripts and Java programs). Your code must reference Admin MBeans and their attributes and methods. This section lists the Admin MBeans. The JavaDoc pages describe the attributes and methods that are available for each Admin MBean.

For example, display the JavaDoc files in a web browser and click the Admin MBean EmailConfigurationMBean. You see all related attributes and methods, and you can then use the correct attribute and method names in WLST scripts or Java programs.

See the JavaDoc file that is located in the following directory:


Table 22-1 lists the JMX Admin MBeans for the Oracle BI Systems Management API.

Table 22-1 Oracle BI Systems Management API JMX Admin MBeans

Admin MBean Description


Provides an MBean interface for configuring several options that affect process availability for Oracle Business Intelligence.


Defines an MBean interface for a component of a BI domain.


Defines an MBean interface for managing a BI domain.


Defines an MBean interface to describe the deployment (provisioning) of system components to an Oracle instance.


Defines an MBean interface for managing system components.


Defines an MBean interface for managing Oracle Business Intelligence log file settings and levels.


Defines an MBean interface for managing query log file settings.


Defines an MBean interface for managing the email configuration of system components.


Defines an MBean interface for managing the marketing configuration of system components.


Defines an MBean interface for managing an Oracle instance.


Defines an MBean interface for managing the performance configuration of system components.


Defines an MBean interface for managing the presentation configuration of system components.


Defines an MBean interface for managing the configuration of Presentation Services.


Provides operations to support scaling out a domain.


Defines an MBean interface for managing Scheduler database connection settings.


Defines an MBean interface for managing the centralized security configuration of system components.


Defines an MBean interface for managing settings related to the Oracle BI Server.

You can also use the MBean Browser to access Admin MBeans. For information, see Section 2.4, "Managing Oracle Business Intelligence JMX MBeans Using the Fusion Middleware Control MBean Browser."