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Oracle® Fusion Applications Workforce Development Implementation Guide
11g Release 1 (11.1.4)
Part Number E20380-04
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18 Define Worker Goal Setting

This chapter contains the following:

Define Worker Goal Setting: Overview

Goal Management: Explained

Making Goals Available to Workers: Points to Consider

Goals: How They Work with Performance Documents

Goals: How They Work with Profiles

Manage Worker Goal Setting Lookups

Manage Worker Goal Setting Profile Option Values

Manage Goal Plans, Goal Mass Assignment, and Administer Goals

Manage Goal Library

Define Worker Goal Setting: Overview

In the Define Worker Goal Setting activity, human resource (HR) specialists can manage performance and development goal plans, assign goals to workers using a mass process, administer worker goals, and manage the goal library.

For both setup and maintenance tasks, they can:

For setup tasks only, the HR specialist can also:

For the setup tasks, use the Setup and Maintenance work area to access the tasks in the Define Worker Goal Setting task list. You can also use the Goal Management work area to access the maintenance tasks.

Goal Management: Explained

Oracle Fusion Goal Management provides the ability for workers, managers, and organization owners to set and define goals that support the common objectives of your organization. Using Goal Management, you can grow your organization's talent by creating development goals that capture the growth and career aspirations of the entire workforce. Workers can update goals throughout a goal setting and tracking cycle, and managers and organization owners can track the goals as workers progress through them.

Goal management supports:

Availability of these aspects of goal management depends on application settings defined by your organization.

Goal Types

Workers and managers can create two types of goals: performance and development. Workers can also create personal goals.

Performance goals are results-oriented, measure work-related performance, and often use specific targets to assess the level of workers' achievement. Performance goals can be used in performance documents as part of the evaluation process.

Development goals facilitate the career growth of individuals so that they can perform better in their current jobs or prepare themselves for advancement.

Personal goals are available only to the worker. Workers can use personal goals to stretch their capabilities to increase their skills, for example, or as draft goals that they can copy to their performance or development goals.

Managers who are organization owners can also add new or existing goals as performance organization goals, and assign them to any level of the manager assignment hierarchy to support the organization's overall business objectives. Workers' own goals can also be aligned to the organization goals to achieve the same objective.

Target Outcomes

Target outcomes enable the linking of a goal to specific skills or qualifications such as competencies, degrees, certifications, and others. Target outcomes can be used to increase a worker's proficiency for current or future job requirements, or to add to the worker's set of skills.


Tasks are specific actions added to a goal that a worker undertakes in order to achieve the goal.

Goal tasks can be of various types, including mentoring, researching, and coaching.


To measure the performance of workers, help them improve productivity, and achieve career objectives, Goal Management supports goals that are: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based (SMART).

For example, the goals can specify how workers will measure achievement of objectives and include target dates.

Goal Plans

Goal plans are used to manage a collection of performance or development goals for a specific period. Goal plans can be rolled out to individuals, a selected hierarchy, or a wider population within the organization.

Making Goals Available to Workers: Points to Consider

There are three ways to make goals available to workers:

Any one or all three methods can be used to enable workers to access goals, depending on application settings.

Assigning Goals to Workers

Managers can assign performance goals or development goals to their direct reports. They can assign their own goals, add new ones, or use existing goals from the goal library. Managers can assign goals to all their direct reports or a specific direct report. When managers assign their own goals to workers, the workers' goals are aligned automatically to the manager's goal.

As organization owners, managers can also assign organization goals as performance goals to workers. They can add new organization goals, or use existing organization or library goals to assign directly to any level of the supervisory hierarchy. Organization goals that are assigned to workers are aligned automatically to the original organization goal.

Managers can cascade goals using goal assignment. Using that method, organization owners, for example, can assign goals to their direct report line managers. The line managers can in turn assign the goals to their direct reports. They can assign the goals exactly as they are, or change them to fit the population to which they are assigning the goals.

When goal plans are used, human resource (HR) specialists can assign performance goals or development goals to workers by creating a goal plan for a specific population, then adding goals to it. The HR specialist can add goals directly to the plan either before or after creating it. Managers or workers can add additional goals to the plan after it is created.

Once the goals are assigned, workers can adapt them to their particular needs, dependent on approval. They can change goal names, target completion dates, tasks and target outcomes, and other characteristics.

Publishing Goals to the Entire Organization

Organization owners can publish goals to make them available for workers in the supervisor hierarchy to add to their list of goals. Workers and managers can also align individual worker goals to published organization goals. When workers add an organization goal to their own goals, that new goal is automatically aligned to the published organization goal.

Sharing Goals with Workers and Colleagues

Managers can share goals with their direct and indirect reports as an alternative to assigning the goals, for cases where managers want workers to know about the goals but let the workers to decide to add the goals or not. Workers can share goals with their colleagues. Workers can also align their goals to the shared goals of either a manager or a colleague. A goal that a worker adds from shared goals is automatically aligned to the original goal that was shared.

Goals: How They Work with Performance Documents

Performance goals that workers or managers add or edit in Oracle Fusion Goal Management or performance documents are synchronized so that they are consistent in both locations.

The goal details held in performance documents and the Goal Management component have some differences:

Updating Performance Documents from Goal Management

Goals are added to the performance document when the document is created if the performance template is configured to use workers' goals. Workers and managers can add performance goals on the Goal Management pages and the goals are pulled into the performance documents of the workers when the documents are created. A goal appears in all of a worker's performance documents that have start and end dates that encompass the goal start, target completion, or actual completion dates of the goal. If the worker or manager adds a goal on the Goal Management pages that the worker completed, it can appear in the performance document so they can rate it.

When workers or managers add goals or edit goal details in Goal Management, the changes are reflected in an existing performance document when the worker or manager performs the update action in the performance document, which they can do at any time during the evaluation period.

Updating Goal Management from Performance Documents

Any goals that workers or managers add to or edit in a performance document are updated in Goal Management when the performance document is saved or submitted.

If goal plans are enabled, when workers or managers add a goal to the performance document, it is added to the goal plan with start and end dates that encompass the start , target completion, or actual completion dates of the goal. If a goal plan is not enabled for the period that includes the goal dates, the goal will not be added to any goal plan but will still appear in the worker's performance goals list.

Goals: How They Work with Profiles

Human resource (HR) specialists, line managers, and workers can add target outcomes to goals to help workers add or improve the requisite skills, competencies, certifications, or other qualifications they need or desire to increase performance on a current job, or prepare for a future job. Target outcomes are content items from Oracle Fusion Profile Management. Once the goal is completed, the worker's person profile is updated to include the content item that the target outcome addressed. If the content item already existed in the worker's person profile, it is updated to include new or changed information. Target outcomes must be enabled in the Oracle Fusion Goal Management profile options to be available.

The figure shows how a content item, in this case the competency Customer Focus, is added from the content library to a goal as a target outcome, and then to the worker profile when the goal is completed.

Target outcome added to a goal and
subsequently added to worker profile

Adding Target Outcomes to Goals

When adding or editing goals for workers, managers and workers can add target outcomes to goals from the available list of content types, such as competencies, or degrees. HR specialists can also add target outcomes to goals when they:

Target outcomes are drawn from content items, categorized by content type, that are maintained in Profile Management. A content type must have a relationship defined with goals in Profile Management to be available to add to goals.

Updating Worker Profiles

When the goal is completed, and approved if approvals are required, then the worker's person profile is updated to include the target outcomes. For content items that require a rating level, such as competencies, the manager must select a rating level, which is the rating level that is associated with the content item.

FAQs for Define Worker Goal Setting

How can I diagnose any issues with Oracle Fusion Goal Management data?

After populating the Oracle Fusion Goal Management data tables, you can run the Goal Management Integrity Validations test from the Help - Supportability menu. The validations test generates a report that contains details of any rows that are invalid, which you can repair or remove.

For Goal Management, the test validates four categories of data integrity:

Manage Worker Goal Setting Lookups

Oracle Fusion Goal Management Lookups: Explained

This topic identifies common lookups for Oracle Fusion Goal Management that have user or extensible customization levels. Review these lookups, and update them as appropriate to suit enterprise requirements.

Goal Management Lookups

Goal Management lookups are described in the following table.

Lookup Type


Customization Level


Categories of development goals, such as short-term, medium-term, and long-term.



Levels of goals, such as target, and stretch.



Units of quantitative measurement for goals, such as currency, number, and percentage.



The source from which the goal was added, such as goal library, worker goals, or organization goals.



Categories of task types for goals, such as coaching, project, and research.



The completion percentage of a goal, such as 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100.



Categories of performance and personal goals, such as career, education, and skill.



Priorities of goals, such as high, medium, and low.


Manage Worker Goal Setting Profile Option Values

Oracle Fusion Goal Management Profile Options: Critical Choices

Set profile options to specify the Oracle Fusion Goal Management features that you will use, such as the goal library and goal plans, and to set the online processing threshold. You determine whether to enable the following features:

You also set the online processing threshold, which is the maximum number of records in a mass goal assignment process the application can automatically process.

Goal Management Business Process and Goal Library

This table lists the profile options that enable the Goal Management business process and the goal library.

Profile Option Display Name


Effect of Enabling

Effect of Disabling

Goal Management Business Process Enabled


Performance goals can be added to performance documents from the goal library or workers' goals created in the Goal Management component. Talent review participants can add performance and development goals during a talent review. Makes goals available to workers and managers on the development and growth card in the portrait.

Performance goals cannot be added to performance documents from the goal library or workers' goals created in the Goal Management component. Managers and workers can still add ad hoc goals to performance documents, and goals that they already added from the library can still be edited. Goals cannot be added during a talent review, and are unavailable on the development and growth card in the portrait.

Goal Library Enabled


HR specialists can create goals in the central repository that can be reused throughout the organization.

Prevents use of goals from the library, and goals must be created individually, including those added to performance documents or a talent review. However, goals previously added from the library can still be edited.

Performance, Development, and Personal Goal Types

This table lists the profile options that enable the performance (including organization goals), development, and personal goal types.

Profile Option Display Name


Effect of Enabling

Effect of Disabling

Performance Goals Enabled


Makes performance goals available to workers, managers, and HR specialists on the pages in the Goal Management component, to workers and managers on the development and growth card in the portrait, and to talent review meeting participants.

Prevents access to existing performance goals or adding new ones on the Goal Management pages and the development and growth card in the portrait. HR specialists, managers, and workers cannot add goals from the goal library to performance documents. However, managers and workers can edit existing goals and add ad hoc goals. Participants cannot add or review performance goals during a talent review.

Development Goals Enabled


Makes development goals available to workers, managers, and HR specialists on the pages in the Goal Management component, to workers and managers on the development and growth card in the portrait, and to talent review meeting participants.

Prevents access to existing development goals or adding new ones on the Goal Management pages and the development and growth card in the portrait. Participants cannot add or review development goals during a talent review.

Personal Goals Enabled


Makes personal goals available to workers on the pages in the Goal Management component.

Prevents access to existing personal goals or adding new ones on the Goal Management pages.

Organization Goals Enabled


Makes organization goals available to workers, managers, and HR specialists on the pages in the Goal Management component.

Prevents access to existing organization goals or adding new ones on the Goal Management pages.

Goal Plans

This table lists the profile options that enable features related to goal plans.

Profile Option Display Name


Effect of Enabling

Effect of Disabling

Performance Goal Plans Enabled


HR specialists can generate a performance goal plan. The goal dates determine which plan the performance goal is in.

HR specialists, managers, and workers can still add goals to performance documents, and managers can add goals during a talent review, outside a goal plan, if performance document templates and talent review templates are configured to allow adding goals.

Prevents generation of any new goal plans and makes all goals in existing goal plans read-only.

Development Goal Plans Enabled


HR specialists can generate development goal plans.

Managers can still add development goals during a talent review outside a goal plan, if talent review templates are configured to allow adding goals. Managers and workers can assign the goals to goal plans after the goals are added.

Prevents generation of any new goal plans and makes all goals in existing goal plans read-only.

Performance Goals Outside of Goal Plan Enabled


HR specialists, managers, and workers can create and manage performance goals that are not in goal plans.

Prevents adding performance goals on the pages in the Goal Management component outside the goal plan dates.

Development Goals Outside of Goal Plan Enabled


HR specialists, managers, and workers can create development goals that are not in goal plans.

Prevents adding development goals on the pages in the Goal Management component outside the goal plan dates.

This table lists the profile option that controls the number of goals plans that appear on the My Goals home page.

Profile Option Display Name



Number of Goal Plans Displayed on Goals Home Page


Sets the number of goal plans that appear in the goal plan and saved searches choice lists on the My Goals home page and the My Organization Goals page. The two goal plans that are displayed are the current one and the most recent past one. Increasing the number adds additional past goal plans to the view. Set the number to 1 to display only the current goal plan.

Goal Sharing and Goal Alignment

This table lists the profile options that enable goal sharing and alignment.

Profile Option Display Name


Effect of Enabling

Effect of Disabling

Goal Alignment Enabled


Workers and managers can support organization goals by creating a relationship between their own goals and those of their managers, colleagues, or the organization.

Preserves existing alignment but prevents new goal alignment.

Goal Sharing Enabled


Enables managers and workers to let others copy their goals.

Preserves existing sharing but prevents new goal sharing.

Manager Approvals for Changes to Goals

This table lists the profile options that require manager approvals for changes to goals.

Profile Option Display Name


Effect of Enabling

Effect of Disabling

Require Manager Approval for Changes to Key Goal Fields


Enables HR specialists and managers to select whether to let workers edit key goal fields without manager approval when assigning goals to workers. Key goal fields include goal name, start date, and others. Also, requires manager approval to delete goals added by workers.

Enables workers to edit key goal fields and delete goals added by them without manager approval.

Require Manager Approval for Adding a New Goal


Enables workers to add performance or development goals to their goals without manager approval.

Requires manager approval when workers add performance or development goals.

Require Manager Approval for Updating Goal Status to Completed


Requires manager approval when workers update the goal status to Completed or when workers delete goals.

Enables workers to update the goal status to Completed or delete a goal without approval.

Other Features

This table lists the profile options that enable goal tasks, target outcomes, goal weights, the association of goals to spaces, and the exclusion of goals from performance documents.

Profile Option Display Name




Goal Tasks Enabled


HR specialists, workers, and managers can add tasks to performance, development, personal, or organization goals.

Tasks do not display in the Goal Management component, unless the option was once enabled, tasks were created, and then the option is disabled. In that case, any tasks created when it was enabled are visible, but cannot be edited.

Goal Target Outcomes Enabled


HR specialists, workers, and managers can add target outcomes to performance, development, and personal goals.

Target outcomes do not display in the Goal Management component, unless the option was once enabled, target outcomes were created, and then the option is disabled. In that case, any target outcomes created when it was enabled are visible, but cannot be edited.

Goal Weight Enabled


HR specialists can enable goal weights when creating goal plans so they, workers, and managers can add weights to goals. Weights will transfer to performance documents at the time the goal is added to the performance document, if the performance template specifies that goals can have weights.

Weight fields do not display in the Goal Management component.

Group Space Enabled


Workers can associate goals to spaces.

Prevents associating new goals to spaces, but workers can view the linked spaces for existing goals.

Goal Exclusion from Performance Documents Enabled


Adds all performance goals to performance documents when the document is created or updated or when goals are added using the Goal Management business process. Performance document templates must be configured to use goals from the Goal Management business process.

Managers can select which goals to include in performance documents when adding goals for a worker.

Online Processing Threshold

This table shows the profile options settings for manager approvals and the online processing threshold, as well as the effects of the settings, and any subsequent changes to these settings.

Profile Option Display Name



Online Processing Threshold


Determines the maximum number of records in goal assignment processes that the application can automatically process. This applies when the HR specialist mass assigns goals or creates goal plans, or when managers or organization owners assign goals.

If the number of records exceeds the threshold, the process is submitted to the scheduled process queue. The number of records in the process is calculated by the following formula: Number of goals x Number of assignees.

Sharing Goals: Explained

Managers and workers can share goals so that others can add a copy of the goal or align their own goals to it.

Managers can share goals either with their direct or all reports. Workers can share their goals with the colleagues whom they select. Tasks that are associated with goals can also be shared. An email notification is sent to the people with whom the goal is shared.

Workers and managers can share goals by clicking the Share button on the My Goals page and selecting whom to share with. They can also select the option to share the goal when adding or editing a goal. Managers can select the option to share the goal with their direct reports instead of sharing with each report individually. Once shared, a goal is visible to the person with whom it is shared in the Shared Goals region of that person's My Goals page.

Updating and Aligning Shared Goals

Workers can update a goal added from a shared goal to change the goal name and dates, and add target outcomes and tasks if appropriate. If the worker adds a goal shared by a manager, the new goal is aligned automatically to the manager's goal, so that the added goal supports the original goal.

Adding and aligning do not alter the original goal.


The ability to change some key goal fields and add target outcomes and tasks to an added goal is dependent on application settings.

Sharing Goals when a Worker or Manager Transfers

When a worker or manager is transferred so that the worker is no longer a direct report of the manager, the availability of the goal to the worker depends on how the manager shared the goal with the worker.

If the manager shared the goal by selecting the worker individually, the goal is still available to the worker and appears in the Colleagues section of the worker's My Goals page.

If the manager shared the goal using the Share with my direct reports option, then the shared goal is removed from the My Goals page for any workers who are no longer direct reports of the manager.

Aligning Goals: Explained

By aligning performance goals, you create a relationship between a worker's goal and another goal, usually a higher-level organization or manager goal, so that the worker's goal supports and contributes to achieving the higher-level goal. Goals can also be aligned to those of colleagues to support peers' goals. Supporting goals can be aligned to only one other goal. Private goals cannot be aligned to another goal or have other goals aligned to them. Organization owners cannot align their organization goals to other organization goals because they are the highest ranking person in the organizational hierarchy.

Goal alignment provides the flexibility to:

Aligning Goals Automatically

When organization owners assign organization goals to workers, or managers assign their own goals to workers, the assigned goals are copies of the source organization or manager goal. These assigned goals are automatically aligned to the source goal. Goals that workers or managers add from either an organization goal, or a goal shared by a manager or colleague, are also automatically aligned to the organization or shared source goal.

Modifying Supporting Goals

Supporting goals can be identical to the source goal, perhaps with different targets, or they can be completely different. Workers can modify the attributes of the aligned goal.

Removing Alignment

Managers, workers, and HR specialists can remove alignment from one goal to another if desired. If a goal that is aligned to another goal is deleted, the alignment is removed between the goals, but the goal that is not deleted is not affected otherwise. The remaining goal can be aligned to another goal. Canceled goals remain aligned with other goals until the alignment is changed to another goal or removed.

Manage Goal Plans, Goal Mass Assignment, and Administer Goals

Goal Plans: Explained

Goal plans are a collection of performance or development goals that are grouped by common characteristics, such as a specified time frame and a particular department that must work on them. Goal plans are optional for tracking goals.

Using goal plans, you can:

Grouping and Tracking Goals for a Specific Period

Create performance and development goal plans to contain goals for a group of individuals, to track worker performance and development for the period of the goal plan. Managers, workers, and organization owners can use goal plans to help them sort and track their individual and organization goals and ensure that they have appropriate goals for the goal plan period.

Assigning Goals to a Specific Population

When creating a goal plan, you can assign goals that are specific to the hierarchical structure of one or more managers, and individuals as well. Organization owners assign goals to the goal plans for their organizations on the My Organization Goals page. After creating a goal plan, you can use the Populate feature to add goals to the goal plan at any time within the time period that the goal plan is active. When you use the Mass Assign Goals feature, the assigned goals are added to any plan that has start and end dates that include the start, target completion, or actual completion dates of the goals. Workers and managers can edit goals to accommodate their specific circumstances after the goals are assigned.

Associating Goals to Existing Goal Plans

Workers, managers and organization owners can associate goals to goal plans once the plan is created. When workers or managers add goals to the worker goals, the goals are associated with goal plans that have start and end dates that encompass the start date, target completion date, or actual completion date of the goal. If those dates belong to different goal plans, the goal is associated with all goal plans for those dates. Goals with no dates are not associated to any plans.

Adding Goals to Goal Plans from Other Sources

Goals added in performance documents or talent reviews are added to goal plans if the start date, target completion date, or actual completion dates of the goals lie between the start and end dates of a goal plan. If no goal plans exist for the dates of the goal, the goal is added to the worker goals on the My Goals page, but not to a plan. If a plan is created later that spans the goal dates, workers and managers can associate the goal with the plan by navigating to the pages where they edit goals and selecting a plan.

Creating Goal Plans: Points to Consider

You can create goal plans to aid your workers and managers in tracking and sorting goals. Goal plans are optional. To use goal plans, you must decide:

Selecting the Goal Plan Type

Create a performance goal plan for performance goals, or a development goal plan to contain development goals. A specific goal can belong to one goal plan type or the other, but not both.

Workers and managers can add goals from the performance goal plan to performance documents to be rated as part of worker evaluations. You can assign performance goal plans to organizations. The organization owner can add goals to a performance goal plan, and use analytics to track how many goals workers have aligned to the organization goals, and the progress they are making toward completing the goals.

Workers can use development goal plans to track development goals to increase their competencies or add to their skill set.

Selecting Goal Plan Active Dates

You must select start and end dates for the plan. For example, it is good practice to select dates to correspond to performance evaluation periods. Dates are used to determine which goals are eligible to belong to a plan. Goals with any or all of the start dates, target completion dates, or actual completion dates, that fall within the start and end dates of a goal plan can belong to the plan.

Assigning the Plan

You can assign performance and development goal plans to a manager hierarchy, or individuals. You can also assign performance goal plans to one or more organizations to make the plans visible to managers on the My Organizational Goals page. On that page, managers can view and assign goals to the plan and use analytics to track the goals.

Workers, managers, and organizations can have more than one goal plan assigned to them. For example, you can create a current goal plan for the direct and indirect reports of a manager so that the workers have one plan that is active now, and another with a start date in the future. The future goal plan can be used to hold goals that will be addressed later, or current goals that span a longer period than does the current goal plan.

You can assign a goal plan to additional organizations, manager hierarchies, or individuals after the plan was created and submitted by using the Assign feature. Goals that are already part of the plan will be assigned to the new people to whom the goal plan is assigned.

Adding Goals to a Plan

You can add goals either that you create, or existing goals that you select, to the goal plan when creating it at a later time. If your enterprise uses tasks and target outcomes, you can add those to the goals you add to the plan. If you have goals that apply to a wide population, it you may prefer to assign these to the plan directly. If goals are generally supplied by managers and workers, you may prefer to assign one goal plan to a wide population without goals. The workers and managers can add the goals to the plan after you submit the plan.

You can add goals only to plans that are assigned to a manager hierarchy or individuals. You cannot add goals to a performance plan that you assign to an organization. If you create a goal plan and assign it both to individuals and an organization, any goals that you add to the plan will be assigned to the individuals, but not to the organization. Organization owners add goals to goal plans using the My Organization Goals page. Goals that you add to a worker's goal plan are added to all that worker's goal plans that have start and end dates that encompass the start, target completion, or actual completion dates, of the goals.

Goals that you add to the goal plan are available to the workers and managers after the plan is submitted. They can edit the goals to suit the needs of the worker or enterprise.

You can add additional goals to an existing plan by using the Populate or Mass Assign Goals features. For example, if a senior manager needs to roll out a new goal late in the goal plan period, you can add it directly to the plan using the Populate feature, submit the plan, and the new goal is added for everyone who is assigned the goal plan. To add goals to the plan using the Mass Assign Goals feature, you can select the population to whom you want to mass assign the goal. The goal is added to the active goals plans of workers who have goal plans that have start and end dates that span the start, target completion, or actual completion dates of the goal.

Adding Eligibility Profiles to a Plan

You can add eligibility profiles to goal plans to restrict goals added to this plan to individuals who meet the criteria of all required profiles. You can restrict goals to workers who meet eligibility requirements by job, job role, location, age, or other criteria. For example, you can add a location eligibility profile to a goal plan if you want to restrict goals to individuals who are located in certain place. You can further refine eligibility by adding length of service criteria to restrict workers by location and length of service.

When creating goal plans, you can select to assign the goals to individuals immediately or at a scheduled time in the future. However, if the goal plans include eligibility profiles, they are not assigned immediately or at a scheduled time. In this case, the application runs the mass assign goals process as an enterprise scheduler service process. The enterprise scheduler schedules these processes as job requests and assigns goals when a request is completed.

Goal Plans: Examples

There are two types of goal plans available to assign to workers or organizations: performance and development. The following examples illustrate how human resource (HR) specialists and managers can use goal plans to track worker goals.

Adding Additional Goals to Performance Goal Plans with Existing Goals

Your company uses goal plans to manage worker performance goals. The company requires that the entire staff must complete at least one goal: Complete Ethics Course. Barbara Richardson, a manager, wants to add additional goals to the goal plan for all of her direct reports.

The human resources (HR) specialist creates a goal plan for all the workers in the company for the appropriate goal plan period and includes the Complete Ethics Course goal. Barbara uses the Manage My Directs' Goals page to select the goal plan, and adds additional goals to the goal plan for each of her direct reports.

When application settings specify that performance goals must be in a goal plan, all performance goals that the worker or manager add for the worker, or that are assigned, become part of the goal plan, or another goal plan with start and end dates that encompass the goal start date, target completion date, or actual completion date. When application settings permit, the worker or manager can add performance goals to the worker's goals outside of a goal plan.

Adding Development Goals to Plans

The HR specialist creates the development goal plan for all of Barbara's direct and indirect reports. Barbara wants to assign development goals to a direct report to help the worker prepare for a possible promotion. From the Manage My Directs' goals page, Barbara navigates to the worker's My Goals page, and on the Development Goals tab, she selects goals to assign to the worker to help the worker achieve the promotion.

Mass Assignment of Goals: Explained

Mass assign goals is a feature for assigning goals to a number of people at the same time. Using this feature, human resource (HR) specialists select goals from the goal library and assign them to a selected population of workers. As a requester for a manager, HR specialists can use this feature to assign the performance and development goals of that manager.

Through this feature, HR specialists select goals, specify start and target completion dates of the goals, and select population of workers to whom the goals will be assigned. HR specialists can select workers by name, department, job, and e-mail. HR specialists can assign goals to managers and all of their reports or to their direct reports only. HR specialists can also exclude specific individuals from a manger's direct or all reports lists.

As the requester for an organization department manager, HR specialists can assign that manager's organization goals. For a manager who does not manage an organization, the HR specialist can assign that manager's individual goals.

Goal Plans for Mass Assigned Goals

When HR specialists mass assign goals, they can assign performance or development goals to workers without specifying a goal plan for goals. If goal plans are used, goals with either a start date or target completion date that is contained within the start and end dates of a goal plan of the same type as the goal (either performance or development) are added to the plan. HR specialists can also mass assign goals when workers are not using goals plans.

Eligibility Profiles for Mass Assigned Goals

When HR specialists mass assign goals, they can select eligibility profiles to restrict the performance or development goals to workers who meet the profile criteria When mass assigning goals, HR specialists can select to assign the goals to individuals immediately or at a scheduled time in the future. However, if the goals include eligibility profiles, they are not assigned immediately or at a scheduled time. In this case, the application runs the mass assign goals process as an enterprise scheduler service process. The enterprise scheduler schedules these processes as job requests and assigns goals when a request is completed.

Using Eligibility Profiles for Goal Assignment: Explained

An eligibility profile in goal management defines criteria used to determine whether an individual qualifies for a goal. Human resource (HR) specialists can use eligibility profiles to establish eligibility for goals when creating a goal plan or mass assigning goals.

Running the Process to Establish Eligibility

When mass assigning goals or creating goal plans, you can select to assign the goals to individuals immediately or at a scheduled time in the future. However, if the goals or goal plans include eligibility profiles, they are not assigned immediately or at a scheduled time. In this case, the application runs the mass assign goals process as an enterprise scheduler service process. The enterprise scheduler schedules these processes as job requests and assigns goals when a request is completed.

If eligibility profiles are selected in a goal plan or during mass assignment of goals, the application assigns goals as follows:

Restricting Goal Availability

You can restrict goals to individuals who meet eligibility requirements by job, job role, location, age, or other criteria. You can also select whether an eligibility profile is required for goals. For example, you can add the following eligibility profiles to a goal:

When mass-assigning goals or creating a goal plan, you select Location is France as the required eligibility profile and leave the other two eligibility profiles as not required. In this case, the application assigns goals to all individuals whose location is France and designation is Marketing Manager or Product Manager.

Eligibility Profiles and Goal Plans

You can select eligibility profiles to restrict the goals added to a goal plan to workers who meet the profile criteria. You can also populate an existing goal plan to add new set of eligibility profiles to goals.

Eligibility Profiles and Mass Assignment of Goals

You can select eligibility profiles to restrict the goals during mass assignment of goals to individuals who meet the criteria of all required profiles and at least one nonrequired profile, if any.

FAQs for Manage Goal Plans, Goal Mass Assignment, and Administer Goals

What's the difference between creating a goal plan and using the mass assign goals process?

Creating a goal plan for workers specifies the time frames in which those workers must work on their goals within the plan. You can assign goals to the workers when creating a goal plan, but you can also create goal plans that do not include any specific goals.

When you use the mass assign goals process, you assign performance or development goals to workers without specifying a goal plan in which to include the goals. If goal plans are used, goals with either a start date or target completion date that is contained within the start and end dates of a goal plan of the same type as the goal (either performance or development) are added to the plan. You can also use the mass assign goals process when you are not using goals plans.

How can I create goal plans for people who are new to the organization?

You can either use the Assign feature to add the individuals to an existing goal plan, or create a new goal plan and assign it to the individuals who are new to the organization. If you add new goals to an existing plan, the new goals are assigned to everyone to whom the goal plan is assigned.

What happens if I create a goal plan that includes goals from a previous goal plan?

When you create a goal plan containing goals from a previous goal plan, all incomplete goals for each worker from the previous plan are included in the new plan with the current status intact. Incomplete goals include those with the status of Not started and In progress. If a worker completes a goal in the period after you create the new goal plan and before the new plan takes effect, the worker or manager must change the goal status manually.

What's a key goal field?

Primary attribute for performance and development goals that can be configured to require manager approval when workers edit it.

The key goal fields are:

How can I transfer organization goals from one organization owner to another?

The HR specialist can transfer organization goals from one organization owner to another on the Administer Goals page by selecting organization goals and clicking Transfer.

Manage Goal Library

Goal Library: Explained

The goal library is a repository of reusable goals that you create and maintain to manage the enterprise goal-setting process efficiently.

Organization owners, managers, and workers can search the goal library to copy the goals. Managers and HR specialists can assign the goals, either in goal plans, or individually, to a selected population. Using the goal library enables you to define goals consistently and reduce the effort of creating a new goal if similar goals have been previously defined. When adding goals from the goal library, organization owners, managers, and workers can search for goals using different criteria such as category, level, goal type, business unit, and author.

The goal library is maintained as part of the content library in Oracle Fusion Profile Management.

In the goal library, you can:

Adding Goals

You can add goals to the library, specify their goal type and category, and determine their attributes, including: name, description, success criteria, target completion date, and more. You can also add target outcomes, if available, to the goal. When managers or workers copy a goal, they can change the goal attributes as appropriate.

Editing Goals

You can edit a goal in the goal library at any time, regardless of whether people have already copied the goal. Changes that you make to goals in the library do not affect those that have been copied and are in current use, because there is no link between the two versions of the goal.

Setting Goal Status

By default, the status of a goal you create is set to Active to make it available to copy. You can set the status of a goal to Inactive, even if the goal has been copied and is currently being used by workers. When you make a goal inactive, it is no longer available to be copied. You can make the goal inactive, for example, to edit it, then restore it to Active status to make the edited goal available again.

Uploading Goals from an External Database: Explained

You can upload organization or worker goals from an existing database to Oracle Fusion Goal Management manually using an application-generated spreadsheet.

By uploading goals from your current database you maintain the goal names and other characteristics of the existing goals enabling:

Using the Organization Goals Upload Worksheet

Use the Organization Goals Upload worksheet to upload organization goals to the database that human resources (HR) specialists and organization owners can then assign to workers. The worksheet contains columns that map to attributes for organization goals contained in the database tables. You must copy your existing goals to the worksheet before uploading them. If you do not complete each required column for a goal, then the application either assigns a default value to the column or displays an error message about data missing for a column in the Status column for that goal.

The following table shows the columns in the worksheet that map to your existing organization goal attributes.

Column name




Specifies whether the data in a row is changed or not.

Not applicable


Specifies whether the data is successfully uploaded or not.

Not applicable


Specifies a unique key for each row to ensure that each goal is uploaded only once in the database.

Not applicable

Goal ID

Specifies the unique identifier of the goal.


Leave this column blank.

Not applicable

Goal Name

Specifies the unique name of the goal.



Specifies the description of the goal.


Priority Code

Specifies the priority of the goal. The valid values are:

  • HIGH


  • LOW



Specifies the status of the goal. The valid values are:






If no data is provided, then the value NOT_STARTED is assigned by default.

Organization Name

Specifies the ID of the organization.


Created By

Specifies the ID of the user who created the goal or assigned the goal, or both.



If no data is provided, then the ID of the logged-in user is assigned by default.


Specifies the ID of the person for whom the request is made.


Start Date

Specifies the date a goal is intended to begin.


Target Completion Date

Specifies the expected completion date of the goal.


Actual Completion Date

Specifies the actual date when the goal is completed.



Specifies whether the goal is published or not. The valid values are:

  • Y

  • N


Publication Date

Specifies the date on which the goal was published.



Specifies the relative value of one goal versus others.


Completion Percentage

Specifies the percentage completion of the goal.


Success Criteria

Specifies the description of how the successful achievement of the goal is determined.


Goal-specific Comments

Specifies the user-entered comments specific to a goal.


Related Link

Specifies the Web page that contains information relating to the goal.


Goal Version Type

Specifies the type of goal version. The valid values are:





Version Date

Specifies the date on which the goal version was created.



If no data is provided, then the current date is assigned by default.


Specifies the level of the goal, such as target and stretch.


Level Description

Specifies the description of the level.



Specifies the category of the goal. For example, Career, Community, Customer Satisfaction, Education, Financial, New customers, and so on.



Specifies the type of measurement.



Specifies the descriptive name of the measurement type.


Measurement-specific Comments

Specifies the user-entered comments specific to a measurement.


Target Value

Specifies the target value for the quantitative measurement type.


Target Type

Specifies the target type for the quantitative measurement as Minimum or Maximum.


Unit of Measurement

Specifies the predetermined amount or quantity or quality of goals, such as Percent, Number, and Currency, that is adopted as a standard of measurement.


Actual Value

Specifies the actual value attained for the quantitative measurement type.


Using the Organization Goal Assignment Worksheet

You can use the Organization Goal Assignment worksheet to assign organization goals that you uploaded using the Organization Goals Upload worksheet. Therefore, enabling workers to access their organization goals. The worksheet contains columns that map to attributes for organization goals assigned to workers.

Before you assign the uploaded goals, you must download all the organization goals available in the database. The Organization Goals Upload worksheet contains a Download button for this task. After you download all organization goals, the Organization Goals Upload worksheet displays goal ID for each goal. A goal ID is used by the application to assign goals. If you do not complete each required column for a goal, then the application either assigns a default value to the column or displays an error message about data missing for a column in the Status column for that goal.

Column name



Goal ID

Specifies the organization goal ID. The goal ID is displayed on the Goal ID column of the Organization Goals Upload worksheet.


Person ID

Specifies the person ID of the worker.


Assignment ID

Specifies the unique identifier of the assignment.


Allow Workers to Update Goals

Specifies whether the worker must be allowed to edit key fields, including goal name, description, and target completion date. The valid values are:

  • Y

  • N



Specifies the goal key. The goal key is displayed on the Key column of the Organization Goals Upload worksheet.


Using the Worker Goals Upload Worksheet

Use the Worker Goals Upload worksheet to upload worker goals to the database. The worksheet contains columns that map to attributes for workers goals contained in the database tables. You must copy your existing goals to the worksheet before uploading them. If you do not complete each required column for a goal, then the application either assigns a default value to the column or displays an error message about data missing for a column in the Status column for that goal.

The following table shows the columns in the worksheet that map to your existing worker goal attributes.

Column name



Goal Name

Specifies the unique name of the goal.



Specifies the description of the goal.


Goal Type

Specifies the type of goal. The valid values are:




Priority Code

Specifies the priority of the goal. The valid values are:

  • HIGH


  • LOW



Specifies the status of the goal. The valid values are:





Start Date

Specifies the date a goal is intended to begin.


Target Completion Date

Specifies the expected completion date of the goal.


Created By

Specifies the ID of the user who created the goal or assigned the goal, or both.



If no data is provided, then the ID of the logged-in user is assigned by default.

Person Id

Specifies the person ID of the worker.


Assignment Id

Specifies the unique identifier of the assignment.



Specifies the designation of the user who created the goal or assigned the goal, or both. The valid values are:


  • HR




Success Criteria

Specifies the description of how the successful achievement of the goal is determined.



Specifies the user-entered comments specific to a goal.


Version Date

Specifies the date on which the goal version was created.



If no data is provided, then the current date is assigned by default.

Level Code

Specifies the level of the goal, such as target and stretch.


Level Meaning

Specifies the description of the level.



Specifies the relative value of one goal versus others.


Category Code

Specifies the category of the goal.

For performance goals the valid values are:










For development goals the valid values are:





Measure Type Code

Specifies the type of measurement. The valid values are:




Measure Name

Specifies the name of the measurement.


Measure Comments

Specifies the user-entered comments specific to a measurement.


Target Value

Specifies the target value for the quantitative measurement type.


UOM Code

Specifies the predetermined amount or quantity or quality of goals, such as Percent, Number, and Currency, that is adopted as a standard of measurement.


Actual Value

Specifies the actual value attained for the quantitative measurement type.


Private Flag

Specifies whether worker's manager can view the goal. The valid values are:

  • Y

  • N


Percent Complete Code

Specifies the percentage completion of the goal. The valid values are:

  • 0

  • 25

  • 50

  • 75

  • 100


Actual Completion Date

Specifies the actual date when the goal is completed.


Goal URL

Specifies the Web page that contains information relating to the goal.


Share with my direct reports

Specifies whether the goal is shared with all reports. The valid values are:

  • Y

  • N


Allow Workers to Update Goals

Specifies whether the worker must be allowed to edit key fields, including goal name, description, and target completion date. The valid values are:

  • Y

  • N


Enable Inclusion into Performance Document

Specifies whether the goal must be included in performance documents. The valid values are:

  • Y

  • N


Uploading Organization Goals from an External Database: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to upload organization goals from a spreadsheet. To use this option, you first download a spreadsheet template from the application, add goals-specific information to the spreadsheet, and then upload the goals directly from the spreadsheet. After you upload organization goals, you can use the spreadsheet to assign them to your workers.

Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) Desktop Integration is an Excel add-in that must be loaded onto each client. Because ADF Desktop Integration is an add-in to Microsoft Office products, you can use this feature only if they have Microsoft Excel 2007 or above, Internet Explorer 7 or above, and Microsoft Windows 7, XP Professional SP2, or Vista. Users must download the installation files from Navigator - Tools - Download Desktop Integrator Installer.

The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider

In This Example

Do I want to create goals manually?


What type of goals do I want to load in the spreadsheet?

Organization goals

Will the goals be aligned?

No, the goals will not be aligned after uploading

Summary of the Tasks

To perform these tasks, you must have the human resource (HR) specialist role.

  1. Generate a spreadsheet to upload the data.

  2. Enter data into the spreadsheet.

  3. Assign goals uploaded using the spreadsheet.


Complete these tasks prior to entering data:

  1. Install ADFDI add-in for Microsoft Excel 2007 or later.
  2. Create a list of organization goals and their attributes you want to upload in a spreadsheet.
  3. Install Internet Explorer 7 or later versions.

Generating a Spreadsheet to Upload the Data

  1. In the Goal Management work area, click Administer Goals.
  2. On the Administer Goals page, select Organization Goals to open the Organization Goals section.
  3. Click Upload and select the Upload Organization Goals action. A File Download dialog box appears.
  4. Click Save. Select a destination on your local hard disk to save the OrganizationGoalsWorksheet.xlsx spreadsheet.

Entering Data into the Spreadsheet

  1. Open the OrganizationGoalsWorksheet.xlsx spreadsheet. You are prompted to connect to the application.
  2. Click Yes to connect to the application and enter the login details.
  3. Open the spreadsheet that contains data you want to upload and place the cursor in the top left cell of the spreadsheet, press Ctrl+A to select all cells, and then press Ctrl+C to copy all cells.
  4. Go to OrganizationGoalsWorksheet.xlsx spreadsheet and select the top left cell of the Goal Name column from the Organization Goals Upload worksheet and paste the copied data. After you enter the data in a row, a triangular-shaped icon appears on the Changed column for that row.


    Ensure that the spreadsheet is not in the protected state before you enter data. If the spreadsheet is protected, click the Unprotect Sheet button in the Changes group on the Review tab.

  5. Click Upload. The data belonging to rows that display the text Row inserted successfully are uploaded into the cache memory.
  6. Click Save to commit the data into the database. The uploaded organization goals are displayed on the Performance Goals tab of a worker's My Goals page to whom the goals were assigned.

Assigning Goals Uploaded Using the Spreadsheet

  1. Click Download to download all the organization goals available in the database to the spreadsheet. The updated spreadsheet now includes the ID for all the uploaded goals. The ID for a goal is displayed on the Goal ID column of the Organization Goals Upload worksheet.
  2. In the Organization Goal Assignment worksheet, complete the fields as shown in this table. All the fields are mandatory.

    Column name


    Goal ID

    Specifies the organization goal ID. The goal ID is displayed on the Goal ID column of the Organization Goals Upload worksheet.

    Person ID

    Specifies the person ID of the worker.

    Assignment ID

    Specifies the unique identifier of the worker assignment.

    Allow Workers to Update Goals

    Specifies whether the worker must be allowed to edit key fields, including goal name, description, and target completion date. The valid values are: Y and N.


    Specifies the goal key. The goal key appears on the Key column of the Organization Goals Upload worksheet.

  3. Click Upload. The data belonging to rows that display the text Row inserted successfully are uploaded into the cache memory.
  4. Click Save to commit the data into the database. The uploaded organization goals are displayed on the My Goals page of the worker to whom the goal was assigned.