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Oracle® Fusion Applications Customer Data Management Implementation Guide
11g Release 1 (11.1.4)
Part Number E20433-04
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28 Define Customer Hub Configuration

This chapter contains the following:

Run Request Dispatch Job

Manage Customer Hub Profile Options

Manage Party Center Trees

Manage Customer Data Hub Notes

Manage Agreement Rules

Enter Merge Request

Run Request Dispatch Job

Configuring the Data Quality Management Request Dispatcher: Explained

Use the request dispatcher to process cleansing and duplicate identification batches, and duplicate resolution requests. The Run Request Dispatcher process can be scheduled to run as one time process or at a repeat schedule. This task can also be used to monitor the cleansing and duplicate identification batches and duplicate resolution requests.

You can configure the request dispatcher to run in the following two modes:

Running the Dispatcher in the Basic Mode

Run the dispatcher in this mode to submit the request dispatcher job for immediate processing of the duplicate identification batches, cleansing batches, or resolution requests

Running the Dispatcher In the Advanced Mode

This mode lets you schedule the request dispatcher job to be run either immediately or at a specified intervals, such as, every 15 minutes to process duplicate identification batches, cleansing batches, or resolution requests.

Manage Customer Hub Profile Options

Customer Hub Profile Options: Explained

The Customer Hub profile options provide data access and processing options related to data governance, duplicate identification processes, data cleansing processes, and duplicate resolution requests.


The Hub profile option values can be set only at the site level using the predefined profile option definitions.

Navigate to Manage Customer Hub Profile Options page using the Setup and Maintenance option on the Tools menu to configure the following profile options:

Address Cleansing Configuration

Specify the data quality address cleansing configuration used by the data cleansing process.

Default value: BT_LOC_CLEANSE

Data Cleansing Process Batch Size

Control the transaction batch size for the data cleansing process. Set this value based on available system resources. Set this value based on available system resources.

Default value: 100

Resolution Request Type Default

Specify the default request type value for duplicate resolution requests.

Default value: Merge

Duplicate Identification Organization Configuration

Specify the data quality organization match configuration used by the duplicate identification process.

Default value: BT_ORG_DUP_BASIC

Duplicate Identification Person Configuration

Specify the data quality person match configuration used by the duplicate identification process.

Default value: BT_PERSON_DUP_BASIC

Duplicate Identification Process Batch Size

Control the transaction batch size for the duplicate identification process. The value is used to chunk records in the batch and process each chunk in a loop as a separate transaction.

Default value: 100

User Merge Requests

Specify the processing of merge requests, such as, process without approval and approval needed. The different values of this profile option are explained below.


The default value of the User Merge Requests profile option , Unspecified or NULL, will enable the user to submit the merge request to be processed immediately without the need for Data Steward approval only if the user has the Submit Trading Community Merge Request privilege in addition to the Enter Trading Community Merge Request privilege.

Sales accounts merges initiated from the Customer Center, or the Enter Merge Request setup task, or the Automerge web service, DuplicateResolutionRequestService, cannot happen immediately without Data Steward processing. Note that to allow Data Steward processing the User Merge Requests Profile Option should be set to Process Subject to Approval , otherwise the merge requests will error.

Manage Party Center Trees

Party Center: Explained

The party center functionality enables a comprehensive management of party information. A party is a physical entity, such as a person or organization, that the deploying company has an interest in tracking. The party center functionality lets you bring a particular party into context, fetch data from various systems about the party in context, and review and edit the data in one location.

The party center comprises the following:

Data Management Search

Use the data management search to bring organization and person parties into context.

Once a party is in context, you can fetch, review, and edit its data in the party center.

Party Center Tree

A party center tree comprises nodes that let you fetch data related to the party in context from various systems, and review and edit the data displayed in each node.

The party center nodes display information, such as profile, usage assignments, linked parties, contacts, accounts, tasks, interactions, and notes, about the party in context.

Party Center Trees: Explained

A party center tree comprises nodes that let you fetch data about the party in context from various systems, and review and edit the data displayed in each node. You can also customize a party center tree by showing or hiding its various nodes as required, reviewing and editing the node names as appropriate, and determining the need for entering additional parameter values to gain access to a node.

There are two types of party center trees:

Each tree displays slightly different nodes, and the information that you can view and edit on each node depends upon your security privileges.

A party center tree may include the following nodes:

Some of them are explained below:


This node lets you review and edit party profile information such as name, additional names, addresses, contact points, party type, and industry classification categories.

Usage Assignments

This node launches a task flow that gives visibility into what party usages have been currently assigned to the party. Party usages that allow manual create, manual update, and unconditional assignment are maintainable through this user interface.

Linked Parties

Let you manage the parties linked to the party in context.


Lets you manage the contact of the party in context and their details such as addresses and contact points.

Managing Party Center Trees: Explained

Use the Setup and Maintenance option on the Tools menu to navigate to the Define Customer Hub Configuration tasklist. Go to the Manage Organization 360 Tree task to manage an organization tree and to the Manage Person 360 Tree task to manage a person tree. Alternatively, use the Actions menu options in the regional area of the Oracle Fusion Trading Community Hub to personalize a party center tree.

Specify the following attributes for each node in the party center tree:


Set this attribute to specify the name of the node that you want to display in the party center tree.


Set this attribute to specify the display status, hidden or visible, of a node in the party center tree.


Specify the additional parameter values required to gain access to a node.

Manage Customer Data Hub Notes

Defining Notes: Points to Consider

A note is a record attached to a business object that is used to capture nonstandard information received while conducting business. When setting up notes for your application, you should consider the following points:

Note Types

Note types are assigned to notes at creation to categorize them for future reference. During setup you can add new note types, and you can restrict them by business object type through the process of note type mapping.

Note Type Mappings

After note types are added, you must map them to the business objects applicable to your product area. Select a business object other than Default Note Types. You will see the note types only applicable to that object. If the list is empty, note type mapping doesn't exist for that object, and default note types will be used. Select Default Note Types to view the default note types in the system. Modifying default note types will affect all business objects without a note type mapping. For example, you have decided to add a new note type of Analysis for your product area of Sales-Opportunity Management. Use the note type mapping functionality to map Analysis to the Opportunity business object. This will result in the Analysis note type being an available option when you are creating or editing a note for an opportunity. When deciding which note types to map to the business objects in your area, consider the same issues you considered when deciding to add new note types. Decide how you would like users to be able to search for, filter, and report on those notes.


Extensibility features are available on the Note object. For more information refer to the article Extending CRM Applications: how it works.

Manage Agreement Rules

Agreement Rules: Explained

An agreement rule is a collection of patterns and conditions that are defined to determine whether a merge request should be vetoed by the application or not. Merge requests that violate these rules are either rejected or end in error.

Agreement rules let you check a merge request for any veto conditions that can prevent a merge from occurring. These rules save resources and time by obviating the need to review merge request to prevent undesired merge from being processed. Besides, agreement rules prompt you to consider alternative duplicate resolution mechanism such as linking.

Agreement rule can be of the following two types:

Predefined Agreement Rules

These are agreement rules that are predefined in the application. You can only view the predefined agreement rules.

The following table describes the predefined agreement rules for the Oracle Fusion Trading Community Hub. Merge requests that violate these rules are automatically rejected.




Prevents a person party with an active party usage of HR_APPLICANT from merging with another party.


Prevents a person party with an active party usage of HR_EMPLOYEE from merging with another party.


Prevents a person party with an active party usage of HR_CONTINGENT_WORKER from merging with another party.


Prevents a party site with active original system reference from Fusion HCM system from merging with another party site.


Prevents a person party with an active party usage of RESOURCE from merging with another party.


Prevents an organization party with an active party usage of BANK from merging with another party.


Prevents an organization party with an active party usage of CLEARINGHOUSE from merging with another party.


Prevents an organization party with an active party usage of BANK_BRANCH from merging with another party.


Prevents an organization party with an active party usage of CLEARINGHOUSE_BRANCH from merging with another party.


Prevents an organization party with active party usage of LEGAL_ENTITY from merging with another organization party with active party usage of EXTERNAL_LEGAL_ENTITY.


Prevents a person party with an active party usage of INCENTIVE_COMP_PARTICIPANT from merging with another party.


Prevents an organization party with an active party usage of INCENTIVE_COMP_PARTICIPANT from merging with another party.


Prevents an organization party with an active party usage of PARTNER from merging with another party.


Prevents an organization party with an active party usage of INACTIVE_PARTNER from merging with another party.


Prevents two partner owned contacts belonging to different resource organizations from being merged.


Prevents a partner owned contact that does not belong to a resource organization from merging with another partner owned contact that belongs to a resource organization.


Prevents a contact owned by an internal user from merging with a contact owned by a partner user.


Prevents an organization party with an active party usage of CREDIT_CARD_PROVIDER from merging with another party.


Prevents an organization party with an active party usage of LEGAL_ENTITY from merging with another party.


Prevents an organization party with an active party usage of ESTABLISHMENT from merging with another party.


Prevents merge from happening when the master party record is at a level lower than the nonmaster party record within the same active tree version.


Prevents merge from happening when the master party record is not a named account whereas the nonmaster party record is a named account and these are in active hierarchies.

User-defined Agreement Rules

These are additional agreement rules that you can define to determine whether a merge request should be vetoed by the application. You can create, view, update, and delete user-defined agreement rules.

Defining Agreement Rules: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to create user-defined agreement rules that you can use to prevent a merge request from being processed.

Agreement rules are collections of patterns and conditions that are defined to determine whether a merge request should be vetoed by the application or not. Perform the following tasks to define agreement rules:

For more information on agreement rules, see Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Rules on Oracle Technology Network at

Select Agreement Rules Dictionary

An agreement rules dictionary is a collection of predefined terms and attributes for which agreement rules can be defined. Use the following steps to select the relevant agreement rules dictionary:

  1. Navigate to Manage Agreement Rules: Define Dictionary page as follows: Set Up Tasks - Manage Agreement Rules - Define Dictionary
  2. Select the relevant agreement rules dictionary from the Select Dictionary drop down list and click Load to load its predefined terms.
  3. Select Visible for the terms and term attributes that you want to be available when defining rules later on in the flow.
  4. Click Save or Save and Close.

Add a New Agreement Rule

  1. Navigate to Manage Agreement Rules: Define Rules page.
  2. Add a new rule and provide a rule name.
  3. Click on Define Pattern.
  4. In the Justification Reason, enter the reason for creating the agreement rule.
  5. In the Justification Area enter the scope of the agreement rule.
  6. Add a new pattern and complete the fields, using the sample information provided in this table. Use the default values except where indicated. Note that the relation is always AND between patterns and cannot be edited.


    Dictionary Term

    Term Alias


    for each case where




    for each case where




    there is a case where




  7. To define term conditions for each pattern defined, select the pattern in the Patterns table and navigate to the Conditions table underneath.
  8. Add a new condition and complete the fields using the sample information provided in this table. Use the default values except where indicated.

    Term Attribute




    Person.PartyNumber - missing PartyNumber

    is not











  9. Click Save or Save and Close.
  10. Click Submit.

Enter Merge Request

Manual Merge: Explained

Manual merge involves selection of duplicate records directly by the user of a merge functionality consuming application. Examples of such applications include Oracle Fusion Sales and Receivables.

Manual merge is unlike the system merge in which duplicates are selected automatically using a matching configuration. Another difference is that while only two records can be merged as part of manual merge multiple records can be merged as part of system merge.

Manually merge the two records that you think are duplicates as in one of the following two ways:

Immediate Manual Merge

Involves specification of one of the two duplicate records as the master record for an immediate merge. In an immediate merge, while you can specify some of the attributes from individual records to be mapped to the master record, other attributes are automatically transferred.

Deferred Manual Merge

Involves submission of merge request to be reviewed and processed later by a data steward.

Merging Records Manually: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how the business user of a merge functionality consuming application, such as Oracle Fusion Sales or Receivables, can merge manually two duplicate records. This example illustrates only the generic process for merging records manually from the Enter Merge Request task in the Define Customer Hub Configuration central setup task list. Alternatively, as the business user of a merge functionality consuming application, you can merge two records that you think are duplicate from your own application UI pages that you use to manage customer information.

Merging records manually involves the following tasks:

Identifying Duplicate Records

  1. Navigate to the Search and Select: Record to Merge page as follows: Set Up Tasks Enter Merge Request Search and Select: Record to Merge.
  2. To search and select the record to be merged, complete the search criteria using the sample information provided in the given table. Use the default values except where indicated.


    Registry ID (Optional)



  3. Click Search.
  4. From the search results, select the first record to be merged.
  5. Select Merge Record from the Actions menu

Selecting the Master and Duplicate Records


The function privilege Enter Trading Community Merge Request controls whether the Merge secondary window appears at all.

  1. In the Merge secondary window, specify the selected record either as master or duplicate.
  2. To select the second (master or duplicate) record to be merged, in the Party Picker enter the sample information provided in the given table. Use the default values except where indicated.


    Registry ID (Optional)



  3. Click Search.

Submitting the Merge

  1. On the Map Profile Attributes page, specify the attributes from each of the two records, such as name and gender, that should be mapped to the master record. Any child entities, such as addresses, accounts, account addresses, relationships, and contact points, are transferred to the master record.
  2. Click Submit. The merge happens immediately if the data governance profile: User merge requests is set to Allow Processing Without Approval. If the profile is set to Process Subject to Approval, the merge is reviewed and processed later by a data steward.