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Oracle® Fusion Applications Financials Enterprise Deployment Guide
11g Release 1 (11.1.4)

Part Number E27364-02
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5 Using the Provisioning Process to Install Components for an Enterprise Deployment

This chapter describes the provisioning process that is used to install and configure components specifically required for an enterprise deployment.

For general information about provisioning and installation, see the "Overview" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Guide.

This chapter includes the following topics:

5.1 Understanding Provisioning

Provisioning is the entire set of operations required to install, configure, and deploy applications product offerings from a system point of view. It performs these operations:


Provisioning does not supply users, tenants, or hardware.

For more information about Oracle Fusion Applications architecture, see "Key Oracle Fusion Applications Concepts" in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.

5.2 Prerequisites for Using the Provisioning Process

Before starting the provisioning process, you must do the following:

5.3 Installing Components

This section covers the following topics:

5.3.1 Creating the Installation Environment

Oracle Fusion provisioning repositories consist of multiple installers from Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle Fusion Applications. In order to run the Fusion provisioning process, these installers must be in a predefined directory structure.

This section includes the following topics: Downloading the Provisioning Repository

A zipped provisioning repository is included in the Oracle Fusion Applications Product Media Pack. See "Obtaining the Software" in Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Guide for instructions on how to get it.

Extract the contents of all the zipped files to the same target directory (ORACLE_BASE/repository) that is on a shared/network drive. By default, the installers are located in repository_location/installers. Installing the Provisioning Framework Bits

The provisioning framework supplies the components needed to orchestrate the provisioning process. Once set up, this framework retrieves the components and installers silently when they are required. Running the Provisioning Installer

Run the installer from the directory where you created the provisioning repository. For example: repository_location/installers/faprov/Disk1.


If you are running a fresh install or are re-running the installer after cleaning up previously installed products, ensure that no /etc/oraInst.loc file exists.

To run the installer:

>FINHOST1 ./runInstaller

When prompted, enter the following JRE/JDK location:


Use the screen information in Table 5-1 as a guide when running the installer.


In the case of a clean host, that is, one where the /etc/oraInst.loc file does not exist:

  • The oraInventory creation panels will display prior to the start of the Provisioning Wizard

  • A confirmation dialog asking you to execute will display at the end of the installation

  • On the Specify Inventory Directory screen, specify the location as ORACLE_BASE/oraInventory

Table 5-1 Provisioning Installer Screens

Screen Name Description


The standard Welcome screen is read-only and appears each time you start the provisioning framework installer. No action is required.

Click Next to continue.

Prerequisite Checks

Analyzes the host computer to ensure that specific operating system prerequisites have been met. If any prerequisite check fails, the screen displays a short error message at the bottom. Fix the error and click Retry.

If you want to ignore the error or warning message, click Continue. Click Abort to stop the prerequisite check process for all components.

Click Next to continue.

Specify Installation Location

Specify a location where you want to install the provisioning framework (ORACLE_BASE/repository). This is the location where the Provisioning Wizard and the start commands for provisioning (runProvisioning) are installed.

The Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning framework must be installed on a shared disk in a location that is accessible to all hosts to be provisioned.

Click Next to continue.

Installation Summary

Summarizes the selections you have made during this installation session. To change this configuration before installing, select one of the screens from the left navigation pane. Click Save to create a text file (response file) to use if you choose to perform the same installation at a later date.

Click Install to continue installing this configuration.

Installation Progress

The progress indicator shows the percentage of the installation that is complete and indicates the location of the installation log file.

Click Next when the progress indicator shows 100 percent.

Installation Complete

Summarizes the installation just completed. If you want to save the details to a text file, click Save and indicate a directory where you want to save the file. Click Finish to dismiss the screen and exit the installer.

/provisioning Directory Structure:

After installing the provisioning framework, the directories in ORACLE_BASE/repository/provisioning should be the following:

ant  bin  labelInfo.txt  lib  provisioning-build  provisioning-plan  
template  util


Installation logs are located in the ORACLE_BASE/oraInventory directory.

Move or copy the directories and files from the repository_location to ORACLE_BASE/repository:

FINHOST1> mv repository_location/* ORACLE_BASE/repository

5.3.2 Creating a New Provisioning Response File

Before provisioning the Oracle Fusion Applications enterprise deployment environment, you must generate the provisioning response file, which will serve as the input for the actual provisioning process. You generate the provisioning response file by completing a number of wizard interview screens to collect the configuration details for your provisioning response file and save the file in a location that is accessible to the provisioning installers. Be sure to make a note of the provisioning response file name and location, as you must supply these when you run the physical installation.

Before launching the provisioning wizard, set JAVA_HOME and PATH. For example:

FINHOST1> export JAVA_HOME=ORACLE_BASE/repository/jdk6


Launch the provisioning wizard from any host in the enterprise deployment environment:

FINHOST1> cd ORACLE_BASE/repository/provisioning/bin


The Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning Wizard is launched and the Welcome screen displays. The screen is read-only and displays each time you start the Wizard.

Click Next. Installation Options Screen

In this screen, shown in Figure 5-1, select only the following task from the list of options:

Create a New Applications Environment Provisioning Response File - create a provisioning response file for a new Oracle Fusion Applications environment.

Figure 5-1 Installation Options Screen

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-1 .

Click Next to continue. Specify Security Updates Screen

In this screen, you can set up a notification preference for security-related updates and installation-related information from Oracle Support.

  • Email - specify your email address to have updates sent by this method.

  • I wish to receive security updates via My Oracle Support - specify your My Oracle Support Password to have updates posted to your account.

Click Next to continue. Provisioning Configurations Screen

This screen, shown in Figure 5-2, enables you to select the Oracle Fusion Financials options to configure.

Select only the Oracle Fusion Financials option, shown in Figure 5-2. When selected, the Financials, Procurement, and Projects options are automatically selected.

The information in the message pane displays a cumulative estimate of the number of Managed Servers made available based on the offerings you selected. Click Details to see a breakdown of servers by domain.

Figure 5-2 Provisioning Configurations Screen

Provisioning Configurations Screen

Click Next to continue. Response File Description Screen

This optional screen lets you enter descriptive information to identify this response file, or create another version. This information becomes part of the summary document, and is listed under the Global settings on the Summary screen. It does not affect the content of your response file.

Update the response file name and click Next to continue. Installation Location Screen

In this screen, shown in Figure 5-3, specify credentials for the node manager and supply the location of the various directories required for installation and configuration actions.

Use the values shown in the screen for your installation.

  • Node Manager Credentials options - Add the values for the Node Manager credentials, which are used by Node Manager to start the Managed Server.

  • Installers Directory Location - Specify the location of the repository you created. For example, ORACLE_BASE/repository.

  • Oracle Fusion Application Home - The root directory of all Oracle Fusion Applications and Oracle Fusion Middleware products. Typically, this location is on a shared disk, ORACLE_BASE/products.

  • Application Configuration Directory - Specify the path of the root directory where you want to write and manage the configuration files for all the domains, and from where the Administration Servers are started. Typically, this location is on a shared disk, ORACLE_BASE/config. (Note that ORACLE_BASE/config should be empty.)

  • Enable Local Application Configuration - Enable this option. When enabled, all the Managed Servers will run locally; only the Administration Server will run from the shared disk. Provisioning will run pack and unpack, and will create local domain directories.

  • Local Application Config Directory - Specify a local-drive location, for example, /u02/local/oracle/config. This field is required if you selected Enable Local Application Configuration.

  • Font Directory - Enter the directory where the TrueType fonts are installed. The location varies on different operating systems, but is typically found at /usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF.

  • Default IDM Configuration Using IDM Properties file - Check this box if you want the values on the Identity Management Configuration and the Access and Policy Management Configuration screens to default to the values in the Oracle Identity Manager properties file. Provide the full path to the file.

  • Oracle Business Intelligence Repository Password options - Specify and confirm a password to allow access to the metadata repository (RPD) for both Oracle Business Intelligence Applications and Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence.

Figure 5-3 Installation Location Screen

Installation Location Screen

Click Next to continue. System Port Allocation Screen

In this screen, shown in Figure 5-4, accept the Applications Base Port value or enter a custom value. If you change the base port default, you must reset the domain port ranges accordingly. Port ranges must not overlap and must be stated as ascending values.

High and low port ranges are assigned by default to each product family per domain in the Application Domain Port Ranges list. The default range allotment for each product family is 399, with each family's range arranged in ascending order.

The Other Ports section contains the default value for the Node Manager port.

Figure 5-4 System Port Allocation Screen

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-4 .

Click Next to continue. Database Configuration Screen

In this screen, shown in Figure 5-5, click Add to create a line in the table for each instance in this database. Select a row and click Remove if you need to revise the table. Specify the following information for each instance:

  • User Name (SYSDBA Role) - the user name of the sysdba role. This user name is used to upgrade schemas during the configuration phase. Note that the sysdba fields are not validated, so ensure that you enter the correct values.

  • Password - the password of the sysdba role.

  • Host Name - the name of the Oracle RAC host for each instance.

  • Port - listening port of the database.

  • Instance Name - the Oracle RAC database instance name

Figure 5-5 Database Configuration Screen

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-5 .

Click Next to continue. Schema Passwords Screen

In this screen, shown in Figure 5-6, enter the same password for all the accounts or, if there are different passwords for each account, select Use a different password for each account and enter the passwords.


It is recommended to use a separate password for each account in the production deployment.

Figure 5-6 Schema Passwords Screen

Schema Passwords Screen

Click Next to continue. ODI Password Configuration Screen

In this screen, shown in Figure 5-7, enter the Oracle Data Integrator Supervisor Password that was used when the Oracle Fusion Middleware Metadata Repository was loaded into the Oracle RAC database (see Figure 4-7 in Section 4.4, "Loading the Oracle Fusion Applications Repository into the Oracle RAC Database").

Click Next to continue.

Figure 5-7 ODI Password Configuration

ODI Password Configuration screen Domain Topology Configuration Screen

In this screen, shown in Figure 5-8, determine the flow for the remaining wizard interview screens.

  • One host for all domains - select this option to specify a Host Name if there is only one host and the ports are not changing.

  • One host per domain - select this option if the domains are to be split among several machines. Use the dropdown list to select a Host Name for each application domain to be created.

  • One host per application and middleware component - select this option when there are different hosts and ports to be modified.

Figure 5-8 Domain Topology Configuration Screen

Domain Topology Configuration Screen Web Tier Configuration Screen

This screen, shown in Figure 5-9, allows you to create virtual hosts on a single Oracle Web Tier that are either port-based or name-based for each product family domain that is created during installation. Specify an internal and an external port. The values assigned during installation are derived from the default HTTP port you name on this screen.

Web Tier

  • Install Web Tier in DMZ - select this option if you set up a separate host for web tier installation. This host is set up as a demilitarized zone (DMZ), which does not have access to the shared file system. It cannot be used for any other host deployed, regardless of domain.

  • Host - enter the name of the host where the Oracle HTTP Server will be installed and configured.

  • Virtual Host Mode - select IP-based to create new DNS entries to use as virtual hosts. For example,

  • Domain Name - specify a domain name (only if you select a name-based virtual host). For example,

  • HTTP Port - default port for the Web Tier. Should not require operating system administrator privileges. Use the default values.

  • HTTP (SSL) Port - secure port for the Web Tier. Should not require operating system administrator privileges. Use the default values.

Figure 5-9 Web Tier Configuration Screen

Web Tier Configuration Screen

Click Next to continue. Virtual Hosts Configuration Screen

This screen, shown in Figure 5-10, contains the configuration details for the domains on the virtual hosts.

Specify the following information for each application domain listed:

  • Internal Name - the host name or IP address where the Webtier listens on the internal virtual host for this domain.

  • Internal Port - port for this internal virtual host. Should be visible only from inside the firewall.

  • External Name - the host name or IP address for the external virtual host for this product family or middleware dependency. The host:port should be visible from outside the firewall.

  • External Port - port to be used for this external virtual host. The host:port should be visible from outside the firewall.

If you selected Name-based on the Web Tier Configuration screen, specify the following information for each domain listed:

  • Internal.Name - the DNS name for this internal virtual host. For example, for Financials, the name might be fin-internal.

  • External.Name - the DNS name for this external virtual host. For example, for Financials, the name might be fin.

If you selected Port-based on the Web Tier Configuration screen, specify the following information for each domain listed:

  • Internal Port - the port that is visible only from inside the firewall for this domain.

  • External Port - the port that is visible from outside the firewall for this domain.

Figure 5-10 Virtual Hosts Configuration Screen

Virtual Hosts Configuration Screen

Click Next to continue. Load Balancer Configuration Screen

This screen, shown in Figure 5-11, enables you to distribute workload evenly across two or more hosts, network links, CPUs, hard drives, or other resources. Check Load Balancing Enabled to take advantage of this feature, and specify:

  • Internal Load Balancer Configuration - the host and port for the internal Virtual IP (VIP).

  • External Load Balancer Configuration - the host and port for external Virtual IP (VIP). It must have a publicly available address to be usable.

If you want to stop creating this response file and resume at a later date, click Save. This action creates a partial response file. A partial response file cannot be used to provision an environment.

Figure 5-11 Load Balancer Configuration Screen

Load Balancer Configuration Screen

Click Next to continue. Web Proxy Configuration Screen

This screen, shown in Figure 5-12, allows you to create Proxy Settings to enable users who want to use a proxy server to connect to the Internet.

Figure 5-12 Web Proxy Configuration Screen

Web Proxy Configuration Screen Identity Management Configuration Screen

In these screens, shown in Figure 5-13 and Figure 5-14, enter the Identity Management Configuration parameters for the identity management infrastructure associated with this environment.

  • Super User Name - enter the name of an existing user that should be granted administrator and functional setup privileges.

  • Create Administrators Group - indicate whether you created an "Administrators" group, whose members have specialized privileges for all Oracle Fusion Middleware components.

  • Create Monitors Group - indicate whether you created a "Monitors" group, whose members have read-only administrative privileges to Oracle WebLogic domains.

  • Create Operators Group - indicate whether you created an "Operators" group, whose members have Monitors privileges to Oracle WebLogic domains.

  • Identity Store Server Type - indicate the type of identity store you set up: Oracle Internet Directory (OID) or Oracle Virtual Directory (OVD).


    If the Oracle Identity Manager being used is in the form of an Oracle Identity Manager enterprise deployment, select the "Oracle Virtual Directory" option.

  • Use SSL to Communicate With Identity Store - this feature is not enabled in this release.

  • Identity Store Host - enter the host or DNS name for your identity store LDAP service. (The value can be the Load Balancer host of the Oracle Identity Management enterprise deployment setup.)

  • Identity Store Port - port assigned to the identity store.

  • Identity Store Secure Port - the SSL port for the identity store.

  • Identity Store User DN - enter the Distinguished Name of the user you set up with read-write access to the LDAP.

  • Identity Store Password - enter the password you set up for the user with read-write access to the LDAP.

  • Identity Store Read-Only User DN - the Distinguished Name of the user with read-only access to the Identity Store LDAP.

  • Identity Store Read-Only Password - enter the password you set up for the identity store read-only user.

  • Identity Store User Name Attribute - the type of user name attribute you configured in the identity store. Valid values are: user ID (uid), common name (CN), or email address.

  • Identity Store User Base DN - enter the root Distinguished Name assigned to the upload of applications user data. This is the root for all the user data in your identity store.

  • Identity Store Group Base DN - enter the root Distinguished Name for all the group data in your identity store.

  • OIM Admin Server Host - enter the name of the host where the OIM Administration Server is installed. (This value can be either the host name or the VIP name of host.)

  • OIM Admin Server Port - the port where the OIM Administration Server listens.

  • OIM Administrator User Name - enter the Distinguised Name you set up as the OIM administrator.

  • OIM Administrator Password - enter the password you set up for the OIM administrator.

  • OIM Managed Server Host - enter the virtual or real host name of the Oracle Identity Manager Managed Server where SPML callback and other OIM services are running. (This value can be either the host name or the VIP name of host.)

  • OIM Managed Server Port - enter the virtual or real port where the Oracle Identity Manager Managed Server listens.

  • Use SSL to communicate with OIM HTTP Endpoint - select this option if the endpoint host is SSL-enabled. (This option is currently not available.)

  • OIM HTTP Internal Endpoint URL - the access point on the Oracle HTTP Server for Oracle Identity Manager services in an Oracle Identity Management enterprise deployment, or the Oracle Identity Manager Managed Server access point for a non-enterprise deployment. This URL is used for deployment.

    Enter the http termination address of Oracle Access Manager. Terminates at either a load balancer or the Oracle HTTP Server.

  • OIM HTTP(S) External Endpoint URL - the access point to use for taxonomy. This is not used for deployment. Note that a non-secure connection is used unless you provide an https URL.

Figure 5-13 Identity Management Configuration Screen (1)

Identity Management Configuration Screen (1)

Figure 5-14 Identity Management Configuration Screen (2)

Identity Management Configuration Screen (2)

Click Next to continue. Access and Policy Management Configuration Screen

Access and Policy Management Configuration provides identity administration and security functions such as Single Sign-On and policy management. In these screens, shown in Figure 5-15 and Figure 5-16, supply the following parameters to integrate with your existing Oracle Identity Management environment:

  • OAM Administrator User Name - enter the name you assigned this user when you installed Oracle Access Manager.

  • OAM Administrator Password - enter the password you assigned this user when you installed Oracle Access Manager.

  • OAM AAA Server Host - enter the name of the proxy host where Oracle Access Manager is installed. (This value can be either the host name or the VIP name of host.)

  • OAM AAA Server Port - the port number for the Oracle Access Manager listener on the OAM proxy host..

  • Access Server Identifier - name used to identify the Oracle Access Server.

  • Enable Second Primary Oracle Access Manager - select this check box to name a second Primary Oracle Access Manager for high availability.

  • Second Access Server Identifier - enter the name of the second Primary Oracle Access Manager Server.


    After connecting to the primary access server, provisioning is able to get the secondary access server connection information.

  • OAM Security Mode - enter the OAM transport security mode that you set up for this access server when you installed Oracle Access Manager. Values are Simple or Open.

  • OAM Simple Mode Passphrase - enter the passphrase that you set up to secure the communication with the OAM Server. Required only if the mode is specified as Simple.

  • Webgate Password/Confirm Password - specify a password for the Resource WebGate. It must contain at least eight alphanumeric characters and at least one digit or punctuation mark. Re-type to Confirm the password. If seeding of security data is disabled, the password must be the existing WebGate password.

  • Default to Identity Store - the default values of this section depend on whether this field is enabled. If the checkbox is unchecked, which is the default, the OPSS Policy Store Host, OPSS Policy Store Read-Write User Name and OPSS Policy Store Password fields are empty by default and do not inherit values from your identity store.

  • Use SSL to communicate with OPSS Policy Store - this feature is not enabled in this release.

  • OPSS Policy Store Host - enter the host name for OID where Oracle Platform Security Services (OPSS) policies are to be seeded. (The value can be the Load Balancer host of the Oracle Identity Management enterprise deployment setup.)

  • OPSS Policy Store Port - number of the OID port for OPSS policy store.

  • OPSS Policy Store Secure Port - the secure port for OID.

  • OPSS Policy Store Read-Write User Name - enter the Distinguished Name of the user that you set up with write privileges to the OPSS policy store.

  • OPSS Policy Store Password - enter the password that you set up for the OPSS policy store user with read-write privileges.

  • OPSS Policy Store JPS Root Node - enter the Distinguished Name of the node that you set up to be used as the OPSS policy root.

  • Create OPSS Policy Store JPS Root Node - enabled only if the Enable Seeding of Security Data checkbox on the Identity Management Configuration screen is selected. Select this option if you want to create the OPSS JPS Root Node.

  • IDM Keystore File - enter the location of the JKS keystore containing the certificates for the Oracle Identity Management components.

  • IDM Keystore Password - enter the password that you set up for the IDM Keystore File.

Figure 5-15 Access and Policy Management Configuration Screen (1)

Access and Policy Management Configuration Screen (1)

Figure 5-16 Access and Policy Management Configuration Screen (2)

Access and Policy Management Configuration Screen (2)

Click Next to continue. IDM Database Configuration Screen

In this screen, shown in Figure 5-17, enter the configuration details you specified when you installed the database for the Oracle Identity Manager (OIM).

Select Real Application Clusters Database if you have installed an OIM database based on Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC). Specify the Service Name.

To identify the Oracle RAC instances, click Add to create a new row in the table. To delete a row, select it and click Remove. Enter the following information for each instance:

  • Host Name - the name of the Oracle RAC host where you have installed the OIM database. In this field, you select an existing host or enter a new one. As you enter values for a new host, the list of hosts is populated with the new information.

  • Port - listening port of the RDBMS.

  • Instance Name - the Oracle RAC database instance name

Specify the database schema and password used to store the Metadata Service (MDS) Repository data for Oracle Web Services Policy Manager.

  • Schema Owner - the MDS schema in the OIM database that is used by Oracle Web Services Policy Manager.

  • Schema Owner Password - the password for the MDS schema.

Figure 5-17 IDM Database Configuration Screen

IDM Configuration Screen

Click Next to continue. Summary Screen

Review the information on this screen. If it is not what you expected or intended, click Back to return to the interview flow screen that needs to be changed, or click the name of the screen in the left navigation pane.

Descriptive information for this response file (if any) and database connection details are displayed under Global Settings. Each product family Domain to be created is listed along with the configuration details you have previously entered.

If you are satisfied with the information as displayed, specify the following information:

  • Provisioning Response File Name - the executable file that contains the configuration details of this provisioning response file.

  • Provisioning Summary - a text document that summarizes the details of this provisioning response file. You cannot use this file to execute the response file.

  • Directory - the directory path to the location where you save the response file and the summary document.

Make a note of the name and location where you saved the executable file. You must supply this information to the Installation Wizard for other options.

Click Finish to save the file_name.rsp and provisioning.summary files to ORACLE_BASE/repository/provisioning/bin.

5.3.3 Running the Provisioning Commands to Install Components

The provisioning commands that install components perform the following tasks:

Prerequisites for running the provisioning commands

Before running the provisioning commands which run the ant targets (preverify, install, and so on), do the following:

  • Check the latest Oracle Fusion Applications release notes for any known workarounds.

  • Ensure that the preverify target is passed before you move on to other targets.

  • Ensure that all commands with ant targets say "Build Successful" when they pass.

  • Set the JAVA_HOME variable to ORACLE_BASE/repository/jdk6.

  • On FINHOST1 and WEBHOST1, create the /etc/oraInst.loc file with the following entries:



  • For commands that fail, use the following location to debug:



In the provisioning commands that follow, the -override parameter takes the option The file contains the changes that are required for responseFile values.


If for any reason you need to run any target again, run the following:

./ -responseFile ./file_name.rsp -override 
./ -target cleanup-targetname
./ -responseFile ./file_name.rsp -override 
./ -target restore-targetname

Then run the target again.

Task 1   Set up WEBHOST1

For this task, WEBHOST1 is the host you configured in Figure 5-9, and WEBHOST1 and FINHOST1 do not have a common shared storage. From FINHOST1, copy ORACLE_BASE/repository to ORACLE_BASE on WEBHOST1.

Be sure to maintain the same directory structure on WEBHOST1.

Task 2   Set up the debug flag

Run the following commands:



Task 3   Run the pre-verify phase

Run the following commands from ORACLE_BASE/repository/provisioning/bin:

  • On FINHOST1 : ./ -responseFile ./file_name.rsp -override ./ -target preverify


    If pre-verify fails when validating Oracle Access Manager against Oracle Identity Manager in an enterprise deployment environment, do the following:

    1. On FINHOST1, change directory to ORACLE_BASE/config/phaseguards/.

    2. Delete the FAILED.grd file on FINHOST1 and add STARTED.grd and COMPLETED.grd files for WEBHOST1 on FINHOST1:

      touch preverify-FINHOST1-STARTED.grd
      touch preverify-FINHOST1-COMPLETED.grd
      touch preverify-WEBHOST1-STARTED.grd
      touch preverify-WEBHOST1-COMPLETED.grd 
  • On WEBHOST1: ./ -responseFile ./file_name.rsp -override ./ -target preverify

Task 4   Run the installation phase

Run the following commands from ORACLE_BASE/repository/provisioning/bin:

  • On FINHOST1 : ./ -responseFile ./file_name.rsp -override ./ -target install


    If the install target fails for Oracle Identity Manager split domain in an enterprise deployment environment, update the following lines in the ORACLE_BASE/repository/provisioning/provisioning-build/webgate-build.xml file:

    • Change

      <echo message="oam_admin_server=
      ${provisioning.include.idm.oim.adminserver.port}" />


      <echo message="oam_admin_server=
      ${provisioning.include.oam.admin.server.port}" />
    • Change

      <arg value="oam_admin_server=
      ${provisioning.include.idm.oim.adminserver.port}" />


      <arg value="oam_admin_server=
      ${provisioning.include.oam.admin.server.port}" />
  • On WEBHOST1: ./ -responseFile ./file_name.rsp -override ./ -target install


If the relative path for the response file (./file_name.rsp) and override properties (./ does not work, give a fully qualified path instead.

5.4 Configuring Components

The provisioning commands that configure components perform the following tasks:


If any target fails and you have to run the configure stage again, you only need to cleanup/restore the target on that host and then run the target again.

Kill all the Java processes other than Node Manager. (Killing of the processes for Node Manager must be done twice.) Then run cleanup/restore:

./ -responseFile ./file_name.rsp -override 
./ -target cleanup-configure
./ -responseFile ./file_name.rsp -override 
./ -target restore-configure

Once the cleanup and restore builds are successful, you can run the configure target again.

This applies to all tasks related to configuring components.


If the relative path for the response file (./file_name.rsp) and override properties (./ does not work, give a fully qualified path instead.

Task 1   Run the pre-configure phase

Before running the pre-configure phase, copy the ORACLE_BASE/products/ file from the FINHOST1 non-DMZ computers to WEBHOST1 ORACLE_BASE/products.

Run the following commands from ORACLE_BASE/repository/provisioning/bin:

  • On FINHOST1: ./ -responseFile ./file_name.rsp -override ./ -target preconfigure

  • On WEBHOST1: ./ -responseFile ./file_name.rsp -override ./ -target preconfigure


    If pre-configure fails on WEBHOST1 with Oracle Identity Manager split domain in an enterprise deployment environment, do the following:

    1. On WEBHOST1, change directory to ORACLE_BASE/config/phaseguards/preconfigure.

    2. Delete the WEBHOST1-FAILED.grd file:

      touch the file : preconfigure-WEBHOST1-COMPLETED.grd 
Task 2   Run the configure phase

Run the following commands from ORACLE_BASE/repository/provisioning/bin:

  • On FINHOST1: ./ -responseFile ./file_name.rsp -override ./ -target configure

  • On WEBHOST1: ./ -responseFile ./file_name.rsp -override ./ -target configure

Task 3   Run the configure secondary phase

Run the following commands from ORACLE_BASE/repository/provisioning/bin:

  • On FINHOST1: ./ -responseFile ./file_name.rsp -override ./ -target configure-secondary

  • On WEBHOST1: ./ -responseFile ./file_name.rsp -override ./ -target configure-secondary

Task 4   Run the post-configure phase

Run the following commands from ORACLE_BASE/repository/provisioning/bin:

  • On FINHOST1: ./ -responseFile ./file_name.rsp -override ./ -target postconfigure


    For Oracle Identity Manager setup in single domain mode, do the following:

    • Set this variable before running the post-configure stage:

    • Change the value in the file located at ORACLE_BASE/products/fusionapps/wlserver_10.3/common/bin:

  • On WEBHOST1: ./ -responseFile ./file_name.rsp -override ./ -target postconfigure

Task 5   Run the start-up phase

Run the following commands from ORACLE_BASE/repository/provisioning/bin:

  • On FINHOST1: ./ -responseFile ./file_name.rsp -override ./ -target startup

  • On WEBHOST1: ./ -responseFile ./file_name.rsp -override ./ -target startup

Task 6   Run the validate phase

Run the following commands from ORACLE_BASE/repository/provisioning/bin:

  • On FINHOST1: ./ -responseFile ./file_name.rsp -override ./ -target validate


    If validation is failing on FINHOST1 with Oracle Identity Manager split domain with DMZ in an enterprise deployment environment, be aware that is an intermittent error. Repeat the process until the validation passes.


    If URLs are not redirecting to the Oracle Access Manager log in for Oracle Identity Manager split domain with DMZ in an enterprise deployment environment, restart the Oracle Access Manager server and the Administration Server to resolve the issue.


    If validation is failing with the message "Missing Entry config.xml" in a single domain Oracle Identity Manager setup in an enterprise deployment environment, comment out these lines in ORACLE_BASE/repository/provisioning/provisioning-build/common-validate-build.xml:

    <istrue value="${ldap.server.type.valid}" />
    <istrue value="${default.ldap.port.inuse}"/>
    ig/config.xml" >
    <token value="${ldap.authenticator.type}" />
    <token value="OAMIdentityAsserter" />
    value="${}" /> </validateFileContains>
    ig/config.xml" >
    <token value="${ldap.authenticator.type}" />
    <token value="OAMIdentityAsserter" />
    value="${}" />
    <token value="${ldap.port.tocheck}" />
    <logStatus state="BUILD_COMPLETE" category="security"
    task="validateFileContains" />
  • On WEBHOST1: ./ -responseFile ./file_name.rsp -override ./ -target validate


    Ignore any DMZ web-page-status validation failures.

Once all the scripts have run successfully, Oracle Fusion Financials provisioning is complete. For information about the resulting directory structure, see Section 3.4.1, "Directory Structure."

For information about the tasks these scripts perform, see Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Guide.

Task 7   Configure email servers

To configure an email server as a delivery channel to be used with Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, see "Adding an E-mail Server" in the chapter "Setting Up Delivery Destinations" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition).

5.5 Performing Post-Provisioning Tasks

After provisioning, there are several tasks you must perform.

5.5.1 Validation

After provisioning, access the following URLs, ensuring that the Administration console is visible:









For the following URLs, ensure that the Oracle Fusion Applications login screen is visible.







5.5.2 Other Tasks

Other post-installation tasks include the following:

  • Applying patches to your new environment

  • Creating upgradeLDAPUsersForSSO.props

  • Adding privileges to IDStore and Policy Store entities

  • Reconciling users and roles from the IDStore into Oracle Identity Manager

  • Deleting Oracle Business Intelligence restart files

For information about performing these tasks, see "Postinstallation Tasks" in Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Guide.