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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide
12c Release 1 (

Part Number E24089-09
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18 Deinstalling Oracle Management Agent

This chapter describes how you can deinstall Oracle Management Agent (Management Agent). In particular, this chapter covers the following:


On a cluster, ensure that you deinstall the Management Agents from all the nodes one by one. To do so, follow the instructions outlined in this chapter.


Before you deinstall a Management Agent, shut it down by running the following command from the Management Agent home:

$<AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl stop agent

Deinstallation Procedure

This section describes the following:

Deinstalling Oracle Management Agent in Graphical Mode

To deinstall a Management Agent in graphical mode, follow these steps:


Deinstall the components in the order described in this procedure. Otherwise, the installation wizard displays an error.
  1. Invoke the installer from the Management Agent home by running the following command:

    $<AGENT_HOME>/oui/bin/runInstaller -deinstall ORACLE_HOME=<absolute_path_to_agent_home> [-removeallfiles] [-invPtrLoc <absolute_path_to_oraInst.loc>]


    • You can invoke the installer even from the directory where you downloaded the software. For example, <software_location>/.

    • When you run runInstaller -help, you will see the option -nowarningonremovefiles listed. This option is currently not supported and has no effect even if you use it.

    • The -invPtrLoc parameter is supported only on UNIX platforms, and not on Microsoft Windows platforms.

    • For Microsoft Windows, invoke the setup.exe file.

  2. In the installation wizard, click Installed Products.

  3. On the Inventory screen, select the plug-in homes, and click Remove.

  4. On the Inventory screen, select the sbin home, and click Remove.

  5. On the Inventory screen, select the Management Agent, and click Remove.

  6. Manually delete the agent base directory. For information on installation base directory, see What Is Agent Base Directory?.

    For UNIX platforms:

    rm -rf <absolute_path_to_agent_base_dir>

    For Microsoft Windows platforms:

    del <absolute_path_to_agent_base_dir>

Deinstalling Oracle Management Agent in Silent Mode

This section describes the following methods to deinstall the Management Agent in silent mode:

Deinstaling in Slient Mode Using the Installer

To deinstall a Management Agent in silent mode using the installer, follow these steps:


Deinstall the components in the order described in this procedure. Otherwise, the installation wizard displays an error.
  1. Deinstall the plug-in homes:

    $<AGENT_HOME>/oui/bin/runInstaller -deinstall -silent "REMOVE_HOMES={absolute_path_to_plug-in_home}" ORACLE_HOME=<absolute_path_to_agent_home> [-removeallfiles] [-invPtrLoc <absolute_path_to_oraInst.loc>]


    • When you run runInstaller -help, you will see the option -nowarningonremovefiles listed. This option is currently not supported and has no effect even if you use it.

    • On Microsoft Windows, invoke the setup.exe file.

    • The -invPtrLoc parameter is supported only on UNIX platforms, and not on Microsoft Windows platforms.

    • To deinstall multiple plug-ins, enter the plug-in homes separated by a comma.

    For example,

    $<AGENT_HOME>/oui/bin/runInstaller -deinstall -silent "REMOVE_HOMES={/home/oracle/agent/plugins/oracle.sysman.emas.oms.plugin_12.,/home/oracle/agent/plugins/oracle.sysman.emct.oms.plugin_12.}" ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/middleware/agent/core/ -removeAllFiles -invPtrLoc /home/oracle/oraInst.loc

  2. Deinstall the sbin home:

    $<AGENT_HOME>/oui/bin/runInstaller -deinstall -silent "REMOVE_HOMES={absolute_path_to_sbin_directory}" ORACLE_HOME=<absolute_path_to_agent_home> [-removeAllFiles] [-invPtrLoc <absolute_path_to_oraInst.loc>]

    For example,

    $<AGENT_HOME>/oui/bin/runInstaller -deinstall -silent "REMOVE_HOMES={/home/oracle/agent/sbin}" ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/middleware/agent/core/ -removeAllFiles -invPtrLoc /home/oracle/oraInst.loc

  3. Deinstall the Management Agent:

    $<AGENT_HOME>/oui/bin/runInstaller -deinstall -silent "REMOVE_HOMES={absolute_path_to_agent_oracle_home}" ORACLE_HOME=<absolute_path_to_agent_home> -removeAllFiles -invPtrLoc <absolute_path_to_oraInst.loc>

    For example,

    $<AGENT_HOME>/oui/bin/runInstaller -deinstall -silent "REMOVE_HOMES={/home/oracle/agent/core/}" ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/middleware/agent/core/ -removeAllFiles -invPtrLoc /home/oracle/oraInst.loc

  4. Manually delete the agent base directory. For information on agent base directory, see What Is Agent Base Directory?.

    For UNIX platforms:

    rm -rf <absolute_path_to_install_base_dir>

    For Microsoft Windows platforms:

    del <absolute_path_to_install_base_dir>

Deinstalling in Silent Mode Using Script

To deinstall a Management Agent in silent mode using the script, follow these steps:

  1. Invoke the script:

    $<AGENT_HOME>/perl/bin/perl <AGENT_HOME>/sysman/install/ -agentHome <AGENT_HOME>

    For example,

    $/u01/app/Oracle/core/ /u01/app/Oracle/core/ -agentHome /u01/app/Oracle/core/

  2. Manually remove the targets, which were being monitored by the Management Agent you deinstalled, from the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console.

Deinstalling Shared Agent

To deinstall a Shared Agent, run the following command from the Master Agent home that is visible on the host where your Shared Agent is installed:

$<AGENT_HOME>/perl/bin/perl <AGENT_HOME>/sysman/install/ AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME=<absolute_path_to_agent_instance_home> ORACLE_HOME=<absolute_path_to_agent_home>

For example,

/home/john/software/oracle/agent/core/ /home/john/software/oracle/agent/core/ AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME=/home/john/software/oracle/agent/agent_inst ORACLE_HOME=/home/john/software/oracle/agent/core/


If you encounter an error while deinstalling the Shared Agent, then refer to Troubleshooting Deinstallation Failures.

Deinstalling Oracle Management Agent Installed Using an RPM File

To deinstall a Management Agent that was installed using a .rpm file, follow these steps:

  1. Deinstall the Management Agent as described in one of the following sections:

  2. Run the following command as a root user:

    rpm -e <rpm_name>


    As a prerequisite, ensure that you have Resource Package Manager (RPM) installed on the host.

After You Deinstall

After you deinstall the Management Agent, follow these steps:

  1. (Only for Graphical Mode) Verify whether the Oracle homes and other directories were successfully deinstalled. To do so, follow these steps:

    1. Invoke the installation wizard by running the following command from the Management Agent home:



      On Microsoft Windows, invoke the setup.exe file.
    2. In the installation wizard, on the My Oracle Support Details screen, click Installed Products.

    3. On the Inventory screen, check whether or not the Oracle homes and other directories you deinstalled appear. If the deinstallation was successful, then those Oracle homes and directories should not appear.

  2. The Oracle homes you deinstalled are deregistered from the central inventory. However, some files might still remain in these Oracle homes. If they do, you can manually delete them.

    You must also manually delete the auto-start script titled S98gcstartup. To do so, navigate to the /etc/rc.d/ directory, and search for the auto-start script S98gcstartup. This script is usually present in a subdirectory within the /etc/rc.d/ directory. Navigate to the subdirectory where the script is found and delete the script. For example, /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S98gcstartup.


    These auto-start scripts are not available on Microsoft Windows.
  3. If you deinstalled on a Microsoft Windows platform, then follow these steps. Ensure that you are logged in as a user with Administrator privileges on that host.

    Remove Entries from Microsoft Windows Registry

    1. Start the registry editor by selecting Start and then Run. Type regedit and click OK.

    2. In the Registry Editor window, in the left pane, expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE, and then Oracle. Under the Oracle directory, delete the following:

      (a) KEY_agent12gn

      (b) KEY_sbin12gn


      Here, n refers to a numeral indicating the agent instance. For example, KEY_sbin12g9 for the first agent installation.
    3. Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE, Oracle, and then Sysman. Under the Sysman directory, delete the Management Agent service. For example, Oracleagent12g9Agent.

    4. Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SYSTEM, CurrentControlSet, and then Services. Under the Services directory, delete the Management Agent keys.

    5. Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SYSTEM, ControlSet002, and then Services. Under the Services directory, delete the Management Agent service.

    6. Close the registry editor.

    Clean Up Environment Settings

    1. Open the Environment Variables window.

      On Microsoft Windows NT, select Start, Settings, Control Panel, System, and then Environment.

      On Microsoft Windows XP or 2000, select select Start, Settings, Control Panel, System, Advanced, and then Environment Variables.

    2. In the System Variables section, click the variable PATH and modify the value.

    3. Delete Management Agent home.

    4. Click Apply and then click OK.

    5. Close the Control Panel window.

    6. Restart the host.