33 EM-00251 to EM-02804

EM-00251: No connection to the WebLogic managed server {0}.
Cause: The WebLogic managed server was down.
Action: Verify that the managed server is up and running.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00252: Error in accessing proxy MBean for this system component in WebLogic managed server {0}
Cause: Component was down
Action: Start the component, or verify that the component has been deployed on the managed server.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00268: Error in querying ports configuration for system component {0}
Cause: Component was down
Action: Start the component.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00301: Error in fetching data from target application.
Cause: Target application is down.
Action: Ensure target application is running.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00302: Error fetching data from target server in the Oracle WebLogic Server domain.
Cause: The target WebLogic server is down.
Action: Make sure the target server is up and running.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00303: Error in discovering web service endpoints for target application.
Cause: Target application is down.
Action: Ensure target application is running.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00351: Unable to connect to Oracle WSM Policy Manager.
Cause: The Oracle WSM Policy Manager was down or not accessible.
Action: Make sure Oracle WSM Policy Manager (wsm-pm application) is up and accessible. Also, ensure you have right roles to access the Service.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00360: Unable to parse WSDL from {0}
Cause: Either the URL did not refer to a valid address, or the WSDL document did not contain valid Web services definition.
Action: Make sure that the given WSDL URL is accessible and ensure the WSDL contains valid WS definition.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00426: Unable to save changes to registered service
Cause: The service repository is unavailable.
Action: Ensure that the service repository is up and running.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00428: Unable to delete registered service
Cause: The service is no longer valid.
Action: Ensure that the service is valid and is registered. Make sure the endpoint and WSDL for the service are accessible.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00430: Unable to register service due to duplicate service name
Cause: The service name is already registered.
Action: Ensure that the service name is unique.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00432: Invalid WSIL URL
Cause: The WSIL URL is invalid. The URL is unreachable or doesn't contain a valid WSIL.
Action: Ensure that the WSIL URL is valid and available.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00434: Invalid WSIL File
Cause: The WSIL file is invalid. The file is not a valid WSIL document.
Action: Ensure that the uploaded file is a valid WSIL document.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00440: Service repository operation failed
Cause: Service repository is unavailable.
Action: Ensure that the service repository is up and running.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00449: Unexpected error occurred
Cause: Unkown
Action: Unknown. Please contact Oracle Support for further guidance.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00451: Failed to access WSDL
Cause: Invalid WSDL location or WSDL is not accessible
Action: Make sure you provide a valid WSDL location. If the location is valid, make sure it is accessible. Also, make sure you have proper privileges to access the WSDL with username and password.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00452: Failed to parse WSDL file
Cause: Invalid WSDL content
Action: Ensure that the WSDL is syntactically and semantically correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00453: Failed to invoke operation
Cause: Invalid input arguments
Action: Make sure you provide the required input argument values, and that the values are the proper type (for example, integer, string, and so on).

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00454: Failed to invoke operation
Cause: Unable to read SOAP action for selected operation
Action: Make sure right SOAP Action value is set.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00455: Failed to change view from 'XML View' to 'Tree View'
Cause: Invalid payload contents in XML format
Action: Make sure you provide a valid payload to parse and check if any required tag is missing or broken.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00456: Failed to change view from 'XML View' to 'Tree View'
Cause: Invalid input argument
Action: Make sure you provide the required input argument values, and that the values are the proper type (for example, integer, string, and so on).

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00457: Failed to load key aliases from the keystore
Cause: Invalid keystore information
Action: Make sure you provide a valid keystore location and password.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00458: Failed to get compatible client policies from the WSDL
Cause: The WSDL is not accessible or you do not have the privilege to get policies.
Action: Make sure you have the privilege to get the client policies.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00501: TopLink Sessions were not found
Cause: TopLink MBeans were not found
Action: Ensure that the application has been accessed to register the MBeans. Make sure that "-Declipselink.register.dev.mbean=true" and "-Declipselink.register.run.mbean=true" are part of $JAVA_OPTIONS

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00601: Error in getting WSDL for Web service client.
Cause: Target web service application is down.
Action: Ensure target web service application is running.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00602: Error in attaching/detaching policies.
Cause: Target application or Oracle WSM Policy Manager is down.
Action: Ensure target application and Oracle WSM Policy Manager is running.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-00603: Error in getting policy subject from target application.
Cause: Target web service application is down.
Action: Ensure target Web service application is running.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-01052: Error in querying OPSS application policy MBean object name.
Cause: The WebLogic managed server was down.
Action: Verify that the managed server is up and running.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-01053: Application stripe entry {0} does not exist in policy store.
Cause: Application stripe ID used to access policies from policy store did not have any data.
Action: Check the application stripe ID data provided in configuring Fusion MiddleWare control application deployment wizard security task.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-01055: Error in querying OPSS system policy MBean object name.
Cause: The WebLogic managed server was down.
Action: Verify that the managed server is up and running.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-01061: Error in querying OPSS credential store MBean object name.
Cause: The WebLogic managed server was down.
Action: Verify that the managed server is up and running.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-01321: Cannot obtain application information
Cause: The application is not active
Action: Make sure that the application is active or running

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-01322: Cannot obtain MDS information for selected application
Cause: MDS is not properly configured for the application
Action: Make sure that MDS config mbean is accessible on the mbean server. If it is not, verify that appropriate MDS configuration file (web.xml) contains ADFConfigRuntimeLifeCycleCallBack listener to register MDS config mbean and MDS is configured properly in adf-config.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-01323: Error while performing MDS runtime (import, export or purge) operation
Cause: MDS runtime mbean is not found on runtime mbean server
Action: Make sure that the MDS runtime mbean is accessible on runtime mbean server. If it is not, verify that appropriate MDS configuration file (weblogic-application.xml) contains WLLifecycleListener listener to register MDS runtime mbean.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-01324: Error while retrieving data from page cache
Cause: JavaBean stored in the session has expired or was destroyed
Action: Start a fresh session by logging into EM again.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-01325: Cannot obtain MDS target repository information
Cause: MDS target repository is not configured
Action: Verify the MDS configuration by checking the contents of the configuration files (for example, adf-config.xml and mds-config.xml).

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-01951: Error connecting to soa-infra runtime.
Cause: The soa-infra application is down or not started completely.
Action: Verify that the soa-infra application is up and running, and verify that the database where the SOA schemas are installed is up and running.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-01952: Error getting composite details.
Cause: The SOA composite application was undeployed or not discovered by Enterprise Manager.
Action: Select Refresh Farm from the Farm menu.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-01953: Error getting composite runtime details.
Cause: The SOA composite application was not loaded.
Action: View the log files and review any errors reported by the soa-infra application.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02006: Error retrieving Configuration MBeans for ADFConnectionMBeans {0}.
Cause: The ADF Connection and Configuration MBean is not available or accessible.
Action: Configuration options currently unavailable. The application might be down, did not start properly, or is incorrectly packaged. Check the log files for further details.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02056: Error getting DAD MBean.
Cause: The DAD MBean is not available or accessible.
Action: Configuration options currently unavailable. The application might be down, did not start-up properly, or is incorrectly packaged. Check the log files for further detail.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02057: Error getting Cache MBean Object Name.
Cause: The Cache MBean is not available or accessible.
Action: Configuration options currently unavailable. The application might be down, did not start-up properly, or is incorrectly packaged. Check the log files for further detail.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02058: Error getting Middle Tier MBean Object Name.
Cause: The Middle Tier MBean is not available or accessible.
Action: Configuration options currently unavailable. The application might be down, did not start-up properly, or is incorrectly packaged. Check the log files for further detail.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02063: Error getting Portal site URL.
Cause: Wiring MBean Could not connect to the Portal repository.
Action: The Portal Database maybe down or the Portal DAD has incorrect username, password or connect string information. Check the log files for further detail.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02201: Error connecting to the admin server.
Cause: The admin server was down.
Action: Ensure the target admin server is running.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02202: Error getting the list of folders from the credential store
Cause: There were issues with the JPS credential store MBean.
Action: Ensure the JPS credential store MBean is registered and working properly through the System MBean Browser.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02251: Error connecting to Forms Config MBeans
Cause: The managed server that hosts the Forms application was down, or the Forms application was down or not deployed on this server.
Action: Depending on the specific cause, start the managed server if it is down, start the Forms application if it is down, or deploy the Forms application on this domain if haven't been deployed already.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02451: cannot initialize the home page
Cause: The Homepage PageModel bean was not instantiated.
Action: [1.] Check the .jspx code for correct reference usage. [2.] Check if the Homepage Page Model bean class is in the emai_ecsf.jar file. [3.] Check the ADFc configuration file emai-ecsf.xml for correct class association.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02452: cannot initialize the home page
Cause: The Homepage Model bean was not instantiated.
Action: [1.] Check if the Homepage Model bean class is in the emai_ecsf.jar file. [2.] Check the ADFc configuration file emai-ecsf.xml for correct class association. [3.] Contact your Administrator to see if you have the correct admin or operator privileges to view this page

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02453: cannot initialize the admin page
Cause: The Admin PageModel bean was not instantiated.
Action: [1.] Check the .jspx code for correct reference usage. [2.] Check if the Admin Page Model bean class is in the emai_ecsf.jar file. [3.] Check the emai-ecsf.xml configuration file for correct class association.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02454: cannot initialize the admin page
Cause: The Admin Model bean was not instantiated.
Action: [1.] Check if the Admin Model bean class is in the emai_ecsf.jar file. [2.] Check the emai-ecsf.xml configuration file for correct class association.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02455: cannot create the new engine instance
Cause: The ECSF mbean was not found, the name specified for the search engine instance was not unique, a duplicate record was created, a search engine with the default name already existed, or no search engine instance was selected.
Action: Check the logging messages on the ECSF runtime server, and make the necessary corrections.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02456: cannot create the new search category
Cause: The ECSF mbean was not found, the name specified for the search category was not unique, a duplicate record was created, a search category with the default name already existed, or no search engine instance was selected.
Action: Check the logging messages on the ECSF runtime server, and make the necessary corrections.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02457: cannot create the new index schedule
Cause: The ECSF mbean was not found, the name specified for the index schedule was not unique, a duplicate record was created, an index schedule with the default name already existed, or no search engine instance was selected.
Action: Check the logging messages on the ECSF runtime server, and make the necessary corrections.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02458: cannot update the record
Cause: The ECSF mbean was not found, the name for the record was not unique, a duplicate record was created, a search engine instance parameter with the same name already existed, or no search engine instance was selected.
Action: Check the logging messages on the ECSF runtime server, and make the necessary corrections.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02459: cannot delete the search engine instance
Cause: The ECSF mbean was not found, or the search engine instance was not deleted in the database.
Action: Check the logging messages on the ECSF runtime server, and make the necessary corrections.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02460: cannot deploy the selected artifact
Cause: The ECSF mbean was not found, the artifact was not available on the ECSF runtime server, or the search engine failed to deploy the artifact.
Action: Check the logging messages on the ECSF runtime server, and make the necessary corrections.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02461: cannot undeploy the selected artifact
Cause: The ECSF mbean was not found, the artifact was not available on the ECSF runtime server, or the search engine failed to undeploy the artifact.
Action: Check the logging messages on the ECSF runtime server, and make the necessary corrections.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02462: cannot activate the searchable object
Cause: The ECSF mbean was not found, or the searchable object was not updated in the database.
Action: Check the logging messages on the ECSF runtime server, and make the necessary corrections.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02463: cannot deactivate the searchable object
Cause: The ECSF mbean was not found, or the searchable object was not updated in the database.
Action: Check the logging messages on the ECSF runtime server, and make the necessary corrections.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02464: cannot start the index operation
Cause: The ECSF mbean was not found, or the search engine failed to crawl the data incrementally.
Action: Check the logging messages on the ECSF runtime server, and make the necessary corrections.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02465: cannot stop the index operation
Cause: The ECSF mbean was not found, or the search engine failed to stop the crawling.
Action: Check the logging messages on the ECSF runtime server, and make necessary corrections.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02466: cannot start the full index operation
Cause: The ECSF mbean was not found, or the search engine failed to fully crawl the data.
Action: Check the logging messages on the ECSF runtime server, and make the necessary corrections.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02467: cannot deploy the searchable object
Cause: No search engine instance was selected.
Action: Select a search engine instance before you click the deploy button.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02468: cannot deploy the searchable object
Cause: No searchable object was selected.
Action: Select a searchable object before you click the deploy button.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02469: cannot deploy the searchable object
Cause: No parameters were defined, or parameters were defined incorrectly for the selected search engine instance.
Action: Add parameters to the selected search engine instance before you deploy the searchable object.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02470: cannot register the search engine instance
Cause: No parameters were defined, or parameters were defined incorrectly for the selected search engine instance.
Action: Add parameters to the selected search engine instance before you register it.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02471: cannot import the external search groups
Cause: The ECSF mbean was not found, or the search engine failed to import the external search categories.
Action: Check the logging messages on the ECSF runtime server, and make the necessary corrections.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02472: cannot proceed with the operation
Cause: No record was selected.
Action: Select a record.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02473: cannot proceed with the operation
Cause: A value for the Name field of the selected record was not specified.
Action: Specify a value for the Name field of the selected record.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02474: cannot register the searchable object
Cause: The ECSF mbean was not found, the name for the record was not unique, or the searchable object was invalid.
Action: Check the logging messages on the ECSF runtime server, and make the necessary corrections.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02475: cannot initialize unregister searchable object page
Cause: The unregister searchable object bean was not instantiated.
Action: [1.] Check the .jspx code for correct reference usage. [2.] Check if the Page Model bean class is in the emai_ecsf.jar file. [3.] Check emai-ecsf.xml configuration file for correct class association.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02476: cannot unregister the searchable object
Cause: The ECSF mbean was not found, the name for the record was not unique, or the searchable object is invalid.
Action: Check the logging messages on the ECSF runtime server and make the necessary corrections.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02477: Deployment of instance parameters failed
Cause: The ECSF mbean server was not found, or the index schedule corresponding to this object is running, or the searchable object is invalid.
Action: Check the logging messages on the ECSF runtime server and make the necessary corrections.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02478: Deployment of instance parameters for certain objects failed.
Cause: The ECSF mbean server was not found, or the index schedule corresponding to a deployed searchable object is running
Action: Check the searchable object tab and redeploy the updates for the failed objects individually.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02479: cannot validate the input string
Cause: The ECSF mbean server was not found, or the input string is invalid.
Action: Check the error log and modify the input string accordingly.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02480: cannot retrieve the search attributes of the selected searchable object
Cause: The ECSF mbean server was not found, or the ECSF runtime server failed to retrieve the attributes.
Action: Check the logging messages on the ECSF runtime server and make the necessary corrections.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02481: cannot retrieve the available external search groups
Cause: The ECSF mbean was not found, or the search server failed to return the external search categories.
Action: Check the logging messages on the ECSF runtime server, and make the necessary corrections.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02652: error while initializing data for the BI Instance {0}
Cause: The server for Fusion Middleware Control failed to correctly communicate with the server for the BI Instance.
Action: Ensure that the server for the BI Instance is running.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02653: error while initializing data for the BI Instance {0}
Cause: The server for Fusion Middleware Control failed to correctly communicate with the server for the BI Instance.
Action: Ensure that the server for the BI Instance is running.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02658: The {1} operation can not be performed on the {0} component.
Cause: The specified Oracle Business Intelligence component failed to respond to the operation.
Action: See the log files for the Oracle Business Intelligence component to determine the cause of the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02668: The configuration for BI Instance can not be locked.
Cause: The BI Instance was already locked by another user.
Action: Determine which user has locked the BI Instance and request that it be released.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02669: The changes to the BI Instance can not be committed.
Cause: The BI Instance failed to commit all recent changes.
Action: See the log files for the BI Instance to determine the cause of the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02670: The changes to the BI Instance can not be reverted.
Cause: The BI Instance failed to revert all recent changes.
Action: See the log files for the BI Instance to determine the cause of the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02672: The BI Instance can not be started.
Cause: The BI Instance could not respond correctly to the start command.
Action: See the log files for the BI Instance to determine the cause of the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02673: The BI Instance can not be stopped.
Cause: The BI Instance could not respond correctly to the stop command.
Action: See the log files for the BI Instance to determine the cause of the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02674: The BI Instance can not be restarted.
Cause: The BI Instance could not respond correctly to the restart command.
Action: See the log files for the BI Instance to determine the cause of the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02701: Error occurred while initializing the Essbase Server component.
Cause: The Essbase Server MBean was not found or there was an error in the object name specified for the Essbase Server MBean.
Action: [1.] Check the home model code for correct object name of the Essbase Server MBean. [2.] Check if Essbase Server MBean is registered properly in the MBean Server.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02702: Error occurred while fetching applications from Essbase Server.
Cause: Could not connect to Essbase Server or there was an error fetching information from Essbase Server.
Action: [1.] Check the connectivity with Essbase Server. [2.] Check if the Essbase credentials provided are correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02703: Error occurred while fetching credentials from Essbase Server.
Cause: Could not read/write credentials from the Credential Store.
Action: [1.] Check access privileges for the Essbase component. [2.] Check the Access Control Settings.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02704: Error occurred while resetting credentials in Essbase Server.
Cause: Could not read/write credentials from the Credential Store.
Action: [1.] Check access privileges for the Essbase component. [2.] Check the Access Control Settings if it provides read/write access to Essbase component.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02705: Error occurred while initializing the Essbase Application Component.
Cause: The Essbase Application MBean was not found or there was an error in the object name specified for the Essbase Application MBean.
Action: [1.] Check the home model code for correct object name of the Essbase Application MBean. [2.] Check if Essbase Application MBean is registered properly in the MBean Server.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02706: Error occurred while fetching cubes from Essbase Application.
Cause: Could not connect to Essbase Server or there was an error fetching information from Essbase Server.
Action: [1.] Check the connectivity with Essbase Server. [2.] Check if the Essbase credentials provided are correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02707: Error occurred while initializing the Essbase Application Metric Component.
Cause: The Essbase Application Metric MBean was not found or there was an error in the object name specified for the Essbase Application Metric MBean.
Action: [1.] Check the home model code for correct object Name of the Essbase Application Metric MBean. [2.] Check if Essbase Application Metric MBean is registered properly in the MBean Server.

Level: 1


Impact: Enterprise Manager

EM-02801: Problem getting general metric information while rendering home page for target {0}.
Cause: Admin server down, unreachable, or credential problems.
Action: Ensure the admin server is up, reachable, and that the login credentials are correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

EM-02802: Problem getting graph metric information while rendering home page for target {0}.
Cause: Admin server down, unreachable, or credential problems.
Action: Ensure the admin server is up, reachable, and that the login credentials are correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

EM-02803: Problem getting metric information while rendering configure page for target {0}.
Cause: Admin server down, unreachable, or credential problems.
Action: Ensure the admin server is up, reachable, and that the login credentials are correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

EM-02804: Problem accessing mbean attributes while rendering configure page for target {0}.
Cause: Admin server down, unreachable, or credential problems.
Action: Ensure the admin server is up, reachable, and that the login credentials are correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses