This figure shows the Oracle Event Processing IDE for Eclipse Manifest Editor. It contains tabs Overview, Dependencies, Runtime, Build, MANIFEST.MF, and The Build tab is selected. It contains a Runtime Information area, a Binary Build area, a Source Build area, and an Extra Classpath Entries area. The Runtime information area contains a left-hand and right-hand side list. Between the lists are buttons Add Library, Up, and Down. Next to the right-hand list is button Add Folder. The left-hand list contains one entry: dot (or root). The right-hand list is empty. The Binary Build area contains the following check boxes: .classpath, .project, .settings, META-INF (a directory), build (a directory),,, dist (a directory), lib (a directory), properties (a directory), src (a directory), and startDataFeed.cmd. In the Binary Build area, the properties directory is expanded to show a check box for The Source Build area contains the following check boxes: .classpath, .project, .settings, META-INF (a directory), build (a directory),,, dist (a directory), lib (a directory), properties (a directory), src (a directory), and startDataFeed.cmd. The Extra Classpath Entries area is collapsed.