A User Interface

This section describes the user interface screens and dialogs associated with the Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop 11gR1 client software.

Server Dialogs

Content Management Dialogs

E-mail Dialogs

Offline Content Manager Dialogs


Depending on your Windows operating system and your configuration, the dialogs in this section may look slightly different from what you are seeing on your computer.

A.1 Add Server Dialog

The Add Server dialog is used to create a new connection to a content server, which enables you to access that server's content and functionality directly from supported applications on your computer.


Your organization may require that the server connections be set up for you. If you are not sure, contact your system administrator.

Figure A-1 Add Server Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

Server Name

This is the name of the content server connection, and is the name that will be displayed in the list of available servers. The name you enter here will be used to pre-fill the server URL boxes on this dialog. If you enter a name for the connection that is not the same as the name of the server, you must change the entries in the server URL boxes accordingly.

Server Type

Select the type of content server:

  • WebCenter Content Server: This is an instance of Oracle WebCenter Content Server. These servers offer the broadest content management integration: opening files directly from the server (check-out), saving files to the server (check-in), searching for files on the server, and so on.

    This server type was called 'UCM Content Server' in earlier Desktop releases.

  • Content DB Server: This is an Oracle Content Database (Oracle Content DB) server. These servers offer some content management integration. You can open files directly from the server and save files to it, but you cannot search for files on the server using the Desktop client software.

  • WebDAV Server: This is a server (not an Oracle WebCenter Content Server or Oracle Content Database server) that supports the standardized Web Distributed Authoring And Versioning (WebDAV) enhancements to the HTTP protocol. These servers offer some content management integration. You can open files directly from the server and save files to it, but you cannot search for files on the server using the Desktop client software.

Contact your content server administrator for assistance if you are not sure which server type to choose.

Server WebDAV URL

This box contains a suggested value if you have already entered a name into the Server Name box. You can change the suggested value if it is not appropriate.

Enter the WebDAV URL of the content server. This information is needed to access the resources provided by the server. The URL for Oracle WebCenter Content Server instances typically has the following form:


For example:


Each defined content server connection must have its own, unique WebDAV URL. You cannot have two server connections on your computer that use the exact same WebDAV URL.

Contact your system administrator if you do not know exactly what URL to use.


This box contains a suggested value if you have already entered a name into the Server Name box. You can change the suggested value if it is not appropriate.

Enter the CGI URL of the content server. This box is available only for servers of type 'WebCenter Content Server'. By default, the CGI URL is the same as the WebDAV URL (see above), without '/webdav'.

If you log in to an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance using your web browser, you can see the CGI URL in the browser address bar. The CGI URL is the address from the beginning up to, but not including, the question mark (?).

Address bar in web browser, with CGI URL highlighted.

Contact your system administrator if you do not know exactly what URL to use.

There is no CGI URL section if Windows Explorer is the only integration on your computer.

Use Single Sign-On

Select this check box if the content server connection uses single sign-on (SSO). The Single Sign-On section is available only for servers of type 'Content DB Server' and 'WebDAV Server'.

Contact your system administrator if you do not know what URL to use.

Single Sign-On URL

The Single Sign-On URL box is available only if you have selected the Use Single Sign-On check box.

Enter the URL of the single sign-on (SSO) server that is used to control access to the content server.

Contact your system administrator if you do not know exactly what URL to use.


Click this button to close this dialog and create the new content server connection using the specified settings.


Click this button to close this dialog and cancel the creation of the content server connection.


Click this button to open the Server Options dialog (see Section A.2, "Server Options Dialog"), where you can set a number of options for the content server connection. This button is available only if you have specified a server name and the server type is 'WebCenter Content Server'.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.

A.2 Server Options Dialog

The Server Options dialog is used to configure a number of settings for an Oracle WebCenter Content Server connection. It has two tabs:

A.2.1 Server Options: Remember Metadata Fields

The Remember Metadata Fields tab on the Server Options dialog is used to define whether metadata field values should be remembered each time you check a content item in to an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance using a check-in form, and, if so, which metadata fields. Whatever values are set for these metadata fields for a particular check-in will automatically be used the next time you check in another content item.

Figure A-2 Remember Metadata Fields of Server Options Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

Remember Last Entered Metadata Fields

Select this check box if you want metadata field values to be remembered whenever you check a new content item in to an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance using a check-in form. Once you select the check box, the Available Metadata Fields box is populated with a list of all available metadata fields on the content server whose values can be remembered.

Available Metadata Fields

When Remember Last Entered Metadata Fields is selected, this box lists all available metadata fields on the content server whose values can be remembered for check-in.

Button with right arrow.

Click this button to move a metadata field from the list of available fields to the list of selected fields; in other words, to specify that the values of the metadata field should be remembered with every new content item check-in.

Button with left arrow.

Click this button to move a metadata field from the list of selected fields to the list of available fields; in other words, to specify that the values of the metadata field should no longer be remembered with every new content item check-in.

Selected Metadata Fields

This box lists all metadata fields on the content server whose values will be remembered with every content item check-in.


Click this button to cancel any changes you made and return the dialog to the state when you opened it.


Click this button to close this dialog and submit any changes you made.


Click this button to close this dialog and cancel any changes you made.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.

A.2.2 Server Options: Authentication

The Authentication tab on the Server Options dialog is used to specify what authentication method is used when client computers connect to an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance.


Contact your system administrator if you need any help with selecting the authentication method for a content server.

Figure A-3 Authentication Tab of Server Options Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

Don't specify (Default)

Select this option if you want to use whatever authentication method is currently set up for the content server. It is recommended that you use this setting unless you are told to use a different one.

Basic Login

Select this option if you want to force Content Server's standard authentication.

Microsoft Login (NTLM)

Select this option if you want to force NTLM authentication.


Click this button to close this dialog and submit any changes you made.


Click this button to close this dialog and cancel any changes you made.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.

A.3 Server Properties Dialog

The Server Properties dialog displays the defined name and URL of the selected content server.

Figure A-4 Server Properties Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description


This is the name of the content server connection as specified on the Add Server dialog (see Section A.1, "Add Server Dialog").

Please note that you cannot edit the name of a server that has any offline files or checked-out content items (in other words, there are files in the offline cache for that server).


This is the WebDAV URL for the content server as specified on the Add Server dialog (see Section A.1, "Add Server Dialog"). This URL is used to access the resources provided by your content server. You cannot edit this information. If you need to modify a server URL, you should remove the server connection and re-create it using the URL you want.


Click this button to close this dialog and submit any changes you made.


Click this button to close this dialog and cancel any changes you made.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.

A.4 Edit Server List Dialog

The Edit Server List dialog shows all defined content server connections on your computer. You can add a new server connection, view or edit the properties of an existing one, or delete a server connection.

Please note that the list shows the defined server connections on your own computer only, not on other people's computers. Also, any defined server connections will continue to exist on your computer after you remove, reinstall, or update the Desktop client software; in other words, they will still be included in the server list the next time you open the Edit Server List dialog.

Figure A-5 Edit Server List Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description


This area lists all defined content server connections for your own computer.


Click this button to close this dialog.


Click this button to open the Add Server dialog (see Section A.1, "Add Server Dialog"), where you can define a new content server connection.


Click this button to open the Edit Server dialog (see Section A.5, "Edit Server Dialog"), where you can view the properties of the selected content server connection and set a number of options for it. This button is available only if you select a content server in the list.


Click this button to delete a content server connection. This button is available only if you select a content server in the list.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.

A.5 Edit Server Dialog

The Edit Server dialog enables you to view the properties of an existing content server connection and set a number of options for it. This dialog is essentially the same as the dialog to create a new server connection (see Section A.1, "Add Server Dialog"). You cannot edit any of the server properties, but you can click the Options... button to open the Server Options dialog (see Section A.2, "Server Options Dialog"), where you can set some options for the server connection (only for servers of type 'WebCenter Content Server').

Figure A-6 Edit Server Dialog

Screenshot, described in the table following the graphic.
Element Description

Server Name

This is the name of the content server connection as specified on the Add Server dialog (see Section A.1, "Add Server Dialog"). You cannot edit this information. If you want to change the name of a server, you should remove the server connection and re-create it using the name you want.

Server type

This is the type of the content server as specified on the Add Server dialog (see Section A.1, "Add Server Dialog"). Three types are supported: WebCenter Content Server, Content DB Server, and WebDAV Server. You cannot edit this information. If you want to change the type of a server, you should remove the server connection and re-create it using the type you want.

Server WebDAV URL

This is the WebDAV URL for the content server as specified on the Add Server dialog (see Section A.1, "Add Server Dialog"). This URL is used to access the resources provided by your content server. You cannot edit this information. If you need to modify the WebDAV URL, you should remove the server connection and re-create it using the correct URL.


This is the CGI URL for the Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance as specified on the Add Server dialog (see Section A.1, "Add Server Dialog"). You cannot edit this information. If you need to modify the CGI URL, you should remove the server connection and re-create it using the correct URL. This section is relevant only for servers of type 'WebCenter Content Server'.

Please note that there is no CGI URL section if Windows Explorer is the only integration on your computer.

Use Single Sign-On

This check box indicates whether the content server connection uses single sign-on (SSO). You cannot edit this information. If you need to modify the SSO setting, you should remove the server connection and re-create it using the correct setting.

Single Sign-On URL

This is the URL of the single sign-on (SSO) server that is used to control access to the content server. You cannot edit this information. If you need to modify the SSO URL, you should remove the server connection and re-create it using the correct URL.


Click this button to close this dialog and submit any changes you made.


Click this button to close this dialog and cancel any changes you made.


Click this button to open the Server Options dialog (see Section A.2, "Server Options Dialog"), where you can set a number of options for an Oracle WebCenter Content Server connection.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.

A.6 Column Settings (or Choose Details) Dialog

The Column Settings (or Choose Details) dialog enables you to specify what columns should be displayed for the integration folders and their files in the content pane of Windows Explorer and e-mail clients (Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes), and what the width of each column should be.

Figure A-7 Column Settings (or Choose Details) Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

Column names

Select the check box of each column that you want to display for the integration folders and their files in the content pane of Windows Explorer and e-mail clients (Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes). The columns are displayed left to right in the order they are listed in this dialog.

Move Up

Click this button to move the selected column up one spot in the list. The columns are displayed left to right as they appear in the list, so the higher a selected column is in the list, the more to the left it is displayed on screen. This button is unavailable if you are at the top of the column list.

Move Down

Click this button to move the selected column down one spot in the list. The columns are displayed left to right as they appear in the list, so the lower a selected column is in the list, the more to the right it is displayed on screen. This button is unavailable if you are at the bottom of the column list.


Click this button to display the selected column. (This has the same effect as selecting the check box next to the column.)


Click this button to hide the selected column. (This has the same effect as clearing the check box next to the column.)

Width of selected column (in pixels)

Enter the display width (in pixels) of the selected column. You can also drag the column edges in the application to change the column width (as is customary in Windows applications).


Click this button to submit any changes you made and close this dialog.


Click this button to cancel any changes you made and close this dialog.

A.7 Folder Properties Dialog

The Folder Properties dialog enables you to view and modify some properties of an existing content folder. It resembles the standard folder properties dialog in Windows, but may include some additional elements related to content management.

Figure A-8 Folder Properties Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description


This is the name of the folder as specified when the folder was originally created. You can change the folder name, providing no other folder of the same name already exists. If you change the name of the folder here, it is also automatically changed in folder hierarchy on the content server.

Please note that you can also change the name of a folder by right-clicking it in the integration hierarchy and choosing Rename, or by selecting it and pressing F2 on your keyboard.


This is the WebDAV URL of the folder.


This is the date and time that the content folder was originally created.


This is the date and time that the content folder was last modified (that is, when an action was last performed that affected the folder).

Content Type

This is the HTTP content type of the content folder ("httpd/unix-directory").

Content Information (or Folder Information)

This button is displayed for servers of type 'WebCenter Content Server' only.

Click this button to open the Hierarchical Folder Information page, which shows a number of content management properties of the content folder. See Section A.8, "Folder Information page" below for further information.


Click this button to close this dialog and submit any changes you made.


Click this button to close this dialog and cancel any changes you made.

A.8 Folder Information page

The Folder Information page shows the properties of the current content folder. If you want to modify some folder properties, choose Metadata Values from the Edit menu in the top-right corner of the page.


The look and feel of this page as well as the information provided on it depends on the content server configuration (including the folders feature).

Figure A-9 Hierarchical Folder Information page

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

Virtual Folder Name

This is the name of the content folder.


This is the user name of the person who "owns" the content folder; that is, who can change the folder metadata and delete the folder. The owner of a folder is often also the person who created it, but this is not necessarily the case.


This is the user name of the person who created the folder, which will often be the same person as the owner (but does not need to be).

Enable Metadata Prompts

If this property is set to 'Yes', you are prompted to provide metadata if you drag and drop a new file to a content folder in Windows Explorer. A file is considered new if the folder does not yet contain a file of the same name and is new to this content server. After you provide the metadata, the file is checked in to the content server as a new content item using the metadata provided.

If you drag and drop an existing file into a content folder (that is, the folder already contains a file of the same name), you will not be prompted for metadata and the file is automatically checked in to the content server as a new revision of the existing file (inheriting the metadata of the existing file).

If this property is set to 'No', a new file is always checked in to the content server automatically using the default metadata for the content folder (as defined by the content server administrator). Please note that if a required field does not have a default value assigned to it, you will still be prompted to provide metadata regardless of this setting.

Please note that this field may not be available, depending on the content server configuration (more specifically, the Folders component version).


This is the title of the content folder.


This is the default content type of content contributed to the folder. Content types are used to group content items together into categories. See the Oracle WebCenter Content Server documentation for more information on content types.

Security Group

This is the default security group of content contributed to the folder. Security groups are used to restrict access to content items on the content server. If content is assigned to a security group, only users that have been granted access to this security group can see the content. See the Oracle WebCenter Content Server documentation for more information on security groups.

If a content item is copied from one content folder to another, the new copy retains its original security group, unless the folder's Force Folder Security property (see below) is set to 'True'. In that case, the security group of the copied content item is changed to match that of the destination folder.

Expiration Date

This is the default expiration date of content contributed to the folder. If the date is set in the past, you can see the folder, but you are not able to contribute any content to it.


If this property is set to 'True', the folder is hidden. You see a dimmed folder icon if you have permission to the folder's security group and have selected the "Show hidden when browsing" check box on the Folder Configuration page in your user profile on the content server. Otherwise, the folder is not visible in the content folder hierarchy.

If this property is set to 'False', the folder is visible to all users who have permission to the folder's security group.

If Windows Explorer is configured to show hidden files and folders, you will see the folders in Windows Explorer. Their hidden status is indicated by a semi-transparent folder icon:

Hidden file or folder icon

Please note that this property is available only when the system administrator has enabled the hide/unhide feature on the content server.

Read Only

If this property if set to 'True', the folder or any content items in the folder cannot be renamed, moved, or deleted. Content item can still be checked in and folder metadata can be updated.

If this property is set to 'False', all folder operations are available.

Please note that this property is available only when the system administrator has enabled the read-only feature on the content server.

Inhibit Propagation

If this property is set to 'True', no folder metadata is changed during metadata propagation from a higher-level folder.

If this property is set to 'False', the folder is included in metadata propagation from a higher-level folder.

Force Folder Security

If this property is set to 'True', the security group and account of a content item that is copied into the content folder are always changed to match the security group and account of the target folder.

If this property is set to 'False', a content item that is copied into the content folder retains its security group and account even they are different from the security group or account of the target folder.

Folder Actions menu

This menu has the following options:

  • Update: If you choose this option, a window is displayed, where you can modify the properties of the current folder. Do not forget to click Submit Update when you are done.

  • Create Shortcut: If you choose this option, a window is displayed, where you can select the target folder for a shortcut link to the current folder.

  • Propagate: If you choose this option, the folder's default metadata values are copied to all uninhibited subfolders and their content items.

Please note that this menu may contain additional options, depending on the content server configuration.

A.9 Update Metadata Dialog

The Update Metadata dialog enables you to view or edit the properties of a content folder on an Oracle WebCenter Content instance.

Figure A-10 Update Metadata Dialog

Update Metadata dialog
Element Description


The name of the file whose metadata you can update.

Assign Info Form

Shows metadata options and default metadata values. You can make changes as needed. When you are done making changes, click OK.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


Click this button to close the dialog and save the changes.


Click this button to close the dialog without saving the changes.

A.10 Select Content Dialog

The Select Content dialog is used to select one or more files to be opened or viewed in its native application, inserted in a Microsoft Office application, or attached to an e-mail message. This dialog may comprise multiple panels, each representing a way to select a file:

  • Search: This page enables you to search for files on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance that meet your search criteria. You can then select one or more files in the search results list for further use. For more information, see Section A.10.1, "Select Content: Search."

  • Browse: This page enables you to navigate to files on a content server and select one or more of them for further use. For more information, see Section A.10.2, "Select Content: Browse."

  • Offline Files: This page lists all files that are currently in your local Desktop file cache. You can select any of these files for further use. For more information, see Section A.10.3, "Select Content: Offline Files."

A.10.1 Select Content: Search

The Search panel in the Select Content dialog enables you to search for files on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance and select one or more of them for further use: to be opened or viewed in a Microsoft Office application, inserted into an Office document, attached to an e-mail message, or compared to the current Word document (depending on where you opened this dialog).


You may not be able to do all these actions for files on every content server, depending on the server type. For example, you cannot compare file revisions on an Oracle Content Database server.

You search for files using a standard content server search form where you specify the search criteria that files should meet. You can then select one or more files in the search results list for further use. You can perform searches based on metadata (that is, information about files) or full text (that is, text contained in the actual files), or a combination of both. For more details on searching for files on the content server, see the Oracle WebCenter Content Server documentation.

Figure A-11 Search Panel of Select Content Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.

To find content, specify the search criteria that the content items should meet and click Search in the search form. The dialog then displays a list of all content items on the server that meet the specified criteria.

Figure A-12 Search Results List

Screenshot of search results list.

Depending on the application context, you may be able to select only one item or multiple items from the search results list. If you can select only one item for further processing, each item in the list has a Select button. If you can select multiple items, each item has a selection check box.

You can view an item's content information page by clicking its info icon. If you click the link in the ID column, you can open or save the file (depending on your computer configuration).

Element Description
Search for Content icon

This is the icon of the current dialog.

Browse for Content icon

Click the Browse icon to open the Browse page (see Section A.10.2, "Select Content: Browse").

Select Offline Files icon

Click the Offline Files icon to open the Offline Files page (see Section A.10.3, "Select Content: Offline Files").

Please note that this option may not be available, depending on the context in which you are selecting a file.

Back icon

Click this icon to go back one page in a multipage list of search results. If you click this icon on the first search results page, you return to the search form.

Please note that you can also right-click in an unused area of the search form and choose Back or Forward on the menu to move between the search results pages and the search form.


Select the content server that you want to search. If you select a different server than the current one, you may be prompted to provide your login name and password (depending on the server configuration).

Please note that the list of available servers only includes Oracle WebCenter Content Server instances; it does not show any Oracle Content Database servers or other WebDAV servers (as opposed to the server list on the Browse page). This is because the search page uses standard Oracle WebCenter Content Server search functionality.


Select the content profile that should be applied to the search form (providing any profiles are defined on the content server). Content profiles are used to limit the metadata fields shown on the search form (and also several other content server pages), depending on the type of content. For example, a "Sales" profile might show metadata fields for revenue numbers, sales forecasts, and the like, whereas a "Support" profile might show metadata fields for case number, status, and the like.

Please note that profiles are available only if you are connecting to Oracle WebCenter Content Server 11gR1 or Oracle Content Server 11gR1. They are not available for Oracle Content Server 10gR3. Contact your content server administrator if you need any assistance.

Search form

This is the standard search form on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance. Specify the search criteria and click Search when you are done to start the search query. A search results list is then displayed which shows all content items on the server that meet the specified search criteria.

Edit / View

These options are available only when you are opening a file in Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint using the WebCenter Content menu or ribbon. They allow you to select whether you want to open the file for editing or viewing in the current Office application.

If you select a file for editing, it is opened in the current Office application and checked out of the content server. You can make changes as required. When you are done and you close the document or application, you are given the opportunity to check the file back in to the content server as a new revision of the original file.

If you select a file for viewing, it is opened in the current Office application as a copy of the original file, which is not checked out of the content server. You can make changes as required, but when you are done and you close the document or application, you need to save it as a new file, either locally (using the application's built-in save-as feature) or on the content server (using the Save As New... option on the WebCenter Content menu or ribbon).


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


Click this button to close the dialog without selecting a file.

A.10.2 Select Content: Browse

The Browse panel in the Select Content dialog enables you to navigate to files on a content server and select them for further use: to be opened or viewed in a Microsoft Office application, inserted into an Office document, attached to an e-mail message, or compared to the current Word document (depending on where you opened this dialog).


You may not be able to do all these actions for files on every content server, depending on the server type. For example, you cannot compare file revisions on an Oracle Content Database server.

Figure A-13 Browse Panel of Select Content Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description
Search for Content icon

Click the Search icon to open the Search page (see Section A.10.1, "Select Content: Search").

Browse for Content icon

This is the icon of the current dialog.

Select Offline Files icon

Click the Offline Files icon to open the Offline Files page (see Section A.10.3, "Select Content: Offline Files").

Please note that this option may not be available, depending on the context in which you are selecting a file.

Look in

Click the server or folder that contains the file you want to select for further use. If you click on a server, you may be prompted to provide your login name and password (depending on the server configuration).

One Level Up

Click this icon to move up one level in the integration hierarchy.

View Menu

Click this icon to select the view mode of the content area:

  • Large Icons: This view mode displays your files and folders as large application icons with their names shown below the icons.

  • Small Icons: This view mode displays your files and folders as small application icons with their names shown next to the icons.

  • List: This view mode displays your files and folders as a list of file or folder names preceded by small application icons.

  • Details: This view mode displays your files and folders as in list mode, but with additional information such as file type, size, author, security group, timestamp, and the like (if available and relevant).

Content area

This area shows the contents of the selected server or folder in the integration hierarchy. You can work with the items in much the same way as in standard Open dialogs in Windows applications (including right-click menus and the like).

If you want, you can show or hide the preview pane in the content area: right-click, then choose View, and then Preview Pane.

File name

This box shows the name of a selected file. You can also manually enter a file name.

Files of type

If you want the content area to display only files of specific file types (that is, with particular file extensions; for example, only Microsoft Office files), then you can use this menu to select the file type mask.

Edit / View

These options are available only when you are opening a file in Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint using the WebCenter Content menu or ribbon. They allow you to select whether you want to open the file for editing or viewing in the current Office application.

If you select a file for editing, it is opened in the current Office application and checked out of the content server. You can make changes as required. When you are done and you close the document or application, you are given the opportunity to check the file back in to the content server as a new revision of the original file.

If you select a file for viewing, it is opened in the current Office application as a copy of the original file, which is not checked out of the content server. You can make changes as required, but when you are done and you close the document or application, you need to save it as a new file, either locally (using the application's built-in save-as feature) or on the content server (using the Save As New... option on the WebCenter Content menu or ribbon).


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


Click this button to close the dialog and use the selected file.


Click this button to close the dialog without selecting a file.

A.10.3 Select Content: Offline Files

The Offline Files panel in the Select Content dialog enables you to select files in the Desktop file cache on your local computer to be opened or viewed in its native application (for example Microsoft Word). Files are stored in your local cache in the following situations:

  • copies of files that you checked out of the content server,

  • read-only copies of files on the content server that you specifically marked to be available offline (so that you can access these files even if there is no connection to the server),

  • modified files managed by a content server that you have not yet checked back in to that server (typically checked-out files that were edited), and

  • newly created files in Microsoft Office applications that were not checked in successfully (for example, because no server connection could be established).


The icon of each file in the list may show the content management status of that file. For more information, see Section 9.7, "Content File Status."

Figure A-14 Offline Files Panel of Select Content Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description
Search for Content icon

Click the Search icon to open the Search page (see Section A.10.1, "Select Content: Search").

Browse for Content icon

Click the Browse icon to open the Browse page (see Section A.10.2, "Select Content: Browse").

Select Offline Files icon

This is the icon of the current dialog.


This column shows the name of each offline file, listed by content server. You can toggle the sort order of the file names within each server (ascending or descending) by clicking the column header.


This column shows the location of each offline file in the content folder hierarchy, listed by content server. You can toggle the sort order of the locations within each server (ascending or descending) by clicking the column header.

Edit / View

These options are available only when you are opening a file in Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint using the WebCenter Content menu or ribbon. They allow you to select whether you want to open the file for editing or viewing in the current Office application.

If you select a file for editing, it is opened in the current Office application and checked out of the content server. You can make changes as required. When you are done and you close the document or application, you are given the opportunity to check the file back in to the content server as a new revision of the original file.

If you select a file for viewing, it is opened in the current Office application as a copy of the original file, which is not checked out of the content server. You can make changes as required, but when you are done and you close the document or application, you need to save it as a new file, either locally (using the application's built-in save-as feature) or on the content server (using the Save As New... option on the WebCenter Content menu or ribbon).


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


Click this button to close the dialog and open the selected file in the current office application.


Click this button to close the dialog without selecting a file.

A.11 Save Dialog (Save As New)

The Save dialog is used to save the current document in a Microsoft Office application and check it in to a content server as a new content item. This dialog has two pages, each representing a way to check in a file:

  • Check-in Form: This page enables you to check the file in to an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance using a check-in form on that server. For more information, see Section A.11.1, "Save: Check-in Form."

  • Folder: This page enables you to check the file in to a content server by saving it into a folder on that server. For more information, see Section A.11.2, "Save: Folder."

A.11.1 Save: Check-in Form

The Check-in Form panel of the Save dialog is used to check the currently open Microsoft Office file in to an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance as a new content item using a check-in form on that server.

Figure A-15 Check-In Form Panel of Save Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description
Check-in Form icon

This is the icon of the current dialog.

Folder icon

Click the Folder icon to open the Folder page (see Section A.11.2, "Save: Folder").


Select the content server that you want to check the item in to. If you select a different server than the current one, you may be prompted to provide your login name and password (depending on the server configuration).

Please note that the list of available servers only includes Oracle WebCenter Content Server instances; it does not show any Oracle Content Database servers or other WebDAV servers. This is because this page uses standard Oracle WebCenter Content Server check-in functionality.


Select the content profile that should be applied to the check-in form (providing any profiles are defined on the content server). Content profiles are used to limit the metadata fields shown on the check-in form (and also several other content server pages), depending on the type of content. For example, a "Sales" profile might show metadata fields for revenue numbers, sales forecasts, and the like, whereas a "Support" profile might show metadata fields for case number, status, and the like.

Please note that profiles are available only if you are connecting to Oracle WebCenter Content Server 11gR1 or Oracle Content Server 11gR1. They are not available for Oracle Content Server 10gR3. Contact your content server administrator if you need any assistance.

Check-in form

This is the standard content check-in form on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance, where you assign metadata to the item before checking it in to the server. You can use the Reset button at the bottom of the form to revert the form to its initial state (that is, remove any data that you entered on the form).

The default title is the current file name (for existing files; for example, "Your Proposal.doc") or the default name for new documents (for unsaved files; for example, 'Document1' for Microsoft Word). Please note that the title and file name are not linked; that is, if you modify the title, the file name does not automatically change with it (and vice versa).

If you want the content item to show up in a content folder on the server, make sure that you specify the location in the Folder field.

All mandatory metadata fields are marked with an asterisk (*). The item cannot be checked in if any of these fields is empty.

File name

Enter the file name of the item to be checked in to the content server. The default file name is the current file name (for existing files) or the default name for new documents (for unsaved files; for example, 'Document1' for Microsoft Word). By default, the title is the same as the file name. Please note that the file name and title are not linked; that is, if you modify the file name, the title does not automatically change with it (and vice versa).

Save as type

Select the file type that you want to save the file as (and check it in to the content server). The available options depend on the application that you are working in. For example, you can save Microsoft Word files as standard Word documents (.doc or .docx), XML files (.xml), single-file web pages (.mht), document templates (.dot), Rich Text Format files (.rtf), or plain text files (.txt).

Please note that if you save and check in a document in a file format that does not support embedded Office properties (for example, RTF, XML, or plain text) and you open that file in view ("read-only") mode, you will not be able to check out the file from within the application (using the Check Out option in the WebCenter Content menu or ribbon).

This option is not available in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Reopen after check-in

After a file is checked in to the content server, it is closed in the Microsoft Office application. Select this check box if you want the document to be reopened automatically after it is checked in. (The file is also checked out of the content server again.) This is useful if you want to continue to work on the document after check-in.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


Click this button to close the dialog and check the file in to the content server using the metadata specified.


Click this button to close the dialog without check the file in to the content server.

A.11.2 Save: Folder

The Folder panel of the Save dialog is used to check the file currently open in Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint in to a content server by assigning it to a folder in the folder hierarchy on that server.

Figure A-16 Folder Panel of Save Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description
Check-in Form icon

Click the Check-in Form icon to open the content check-in form (see Section A.11.1, "Save: Check-in Form").

Folder icon

This is the icon of the current dialog.

Save in

Select the content server that you want to check the item in to. If you select a different server than the current one, you may be prompted to provide your login name and password (depending on the server configuration).

One Level Up

Click this icon to move up one level in the integration hierarchy.

View Menu

Click this icon to select the view mode of the content area:

  • Icons: This view mode displays your files and folders as large application icons with their names shown below the icons.

  • List: This view mode displays your files and folders as a list of file or folder names preceded by small application icons.

  • Details: This view mode displays your files and folders as in list mode, but with additional information such as file type, size, author, security group, timestamp, and the like (if available and relevant).

Content area

This area shows the contents of the selected server or folder in the integration hierarchy. You can navigate to the content folder that you want check the current file in to. Some folders may be read-only and you cannot save files to these folders (for example, My Checked-Out Content and My Saved Queries on Oracle WebCenter Content Server instances).

File name

Enter the file name of the item to be checked in to the content server. The default file name is the current file name (for existing files) or the default name for new documents (for unsaved files; for example, 'Document1' for Microsoft Word). The title of the checked-in file will be identical to file name.

Save as type

Select the file type that you want to save the file as (and check it in to the content server). The available options depend on the application that you are working in. For example, you can save Microsoft Word files as standard Word documents (.doc or .docx), XML files (.xml), single-file web pages (.mht), document templates (.dot), Rich Text Format files (.rtf), or plain text files (.txt).

Please note that if you save and check in a document in a file format that does not support embedded Office properties (for example, RTF, XML, or plain text) and you open that file in view ("read-only") mode, you will not be able to check out the file from within the application (using the Check Out option in the WebCenter Content menu or ribbon).

This option is not available in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Reopen after check-in

After a file is checked in to the content server, it is closed in the Microsoft Office application. Select this check box if you want the document to be reopened automatically after it is checked in. (The file is also checked out of the content server again.) This is useful if you want to continue to work on the document after check-in.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


Click this button to close the dialog and check the file in to the content server in the selected folder.


Click this button to close the dialog without check the file in to the content server.

A.12 Check In Content Dialog (Check In With Metadata)

The Check In Content dialog is used to check an existing content item that is open in Microsoft Office file back in to an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance (as a new revision). It enables you to modify the metadata of the file before checking it in to the server.

Figure A-17 Check In Content Dialog (Check In With Metadata)

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

Check-in form

This is the standard content check-in form on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance, where you assign metadata to the item before checking it in to the server. You can use the Reset button at the bottom of the form to revert the form to its initial state (that is, remove any data that you entered on the form).

You cannot change the content ID, since this is an existing item on the content server that already has a content ID assigned to it.

If you want the content item to show up in a content folder on the server, make sure that you specify the location in the Folder field.

If you change the security group, you may change the availability of the content item to other users. (A content item is available only to users who have access privileges to the security group that item is assigned to.)

All mandatory metadata fields are marked with an asterisk (*). The item cannot be checked in if any of these fields is empty.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


Click this button to close the dialog and check the file in to the content server using the metadata specified.


Click this button to close the dialog without check the file in to the content server.

A.13 Check In Content Dialog (E-mail)

The Check In Content dialog is used to check an e-mail message from your e-mail application (Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes) in to an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance as a new content item. You must first provide some metadata before the e-mail message is checked in to the server.

Figure A-18 Check In Content Dialog (E-mail)

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description


Select the content server that you want to check the item in to. If you select a different server than the current one, you may be prompted to provide your login name and password (depending on the server configuration).

Please note that the list of available servers only includes Oracle WebCenter Content Server instances; it does not show any Oracle Content Database servers or other WebDAV servers. This is because this page uses standard Oracle WebCenter Content Server check-in functionality.


Select the content profile that should be applied to the check-in form (providing any profiles are defined on the content server). Content profiles are used to limit the metadata fields shown on the check-in form (and also several other content server pages), depending on the type of content. For example, a "Sales" profile might show metadata fields for revenue numbers, sales forecasts, and the like, whereas a "Support" profile might show metadata fields for case number, status, and the like.

Please note that profiles are available only if you are connecting to Oracle WebCenter Content Server 11gR1 or Oracle Content Server 11gR1. They are not available for Oracle Content Server 10gR3. Contact your content server administrator if you need any assistance.

Check-in form

This is the standard content check-in form on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance, where you assign metadata to the item before checking it in to the server. You can use the Reset button at the bottom of the form to revert the form to its initial state (that is, remove any data that you entered on the form).

The following defaults are used for some of the metadata fields:

  • Title: For e-mail messages, the title defaults to the subject line of the e-mail message (unless your server administrator changed the configuration to use the e-mail message ID as the content item title). For attachments, the title defaults to the file name. You can modify the title if you want.

  • Author or Originator: This is the sender of the e-mail message ('From' field), as retrieved from the e-mail header. (Please note that the Author field in the form shows the content server user who is checking in the e-mail message.)

  • Addressee(s): This is the recipients of the e-mail messages ('To' field), as retrieved from the e-mail header.

  • Other Addressee(s): These are the additional recipients of the e-mail message ('Cc' field), if any, as retrieved from the e-mail header. Please note that any names in the 'Bcc' field are ignored.

  • Email Subject: This is the subject line of the e-mail message, as retrieved from the e-mail header.

Some of these metadata fields may not be visible depending on the content server configuration. Other metadata fields may also have default values if you set up Desktop to "remember" the metadata used for the last check-in of an e-mail or attachment. For more information, see Section 7.13, "Setting Metadata To Be Remembered for Form-Based Check-Ins."

If you want the content item to show up in a content folder on the server, make sure that you specify the location in the Folder field.

All mandatory metadata fields are marked with an asterisk (*). The e-mail message cannot be checked in if any of these fields is empty.

As noted above, the default title is the subject line of the e-mail (for example, "RE: Your proposal/plan"). By default, the file name of the checked-in e-mail is the title in the check-in form (with characters not allowed in Windows file names replaced by spaces; for example, "RE Your proposal plan.msg"). However, your server administrator may have changed the configuration to use the e-mail message ID as the file name.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


Click this button to close the dialog and check the e-mail message in to the content server using the metadata specified.

You check in one e-mail message or attachment at a time. If you selected multiple messages or if attachments will be checked in separately, the Check In Content dialog will reopen for the next item to be checked in.


Click this button to close the dialog without checking the e-mail message in to the content server.

If you selected multiple messages or if attachments will be checked in separately, the Check In Content dialog will reopen for the next item to be checked in.

A.14 Check In Content Dialog (Metadata Prompt)

The Check In Content dialog is used to provide metadata for one or more new files that you drag and drop or copy and paste into a content folder on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance, before these files are checked in to the content server from your local computer, network share, or other content server. A file is considered new if the folder does not yet contain a file of the same name. After you provide the metadata, each file is checked in to the content server as a new content item using the metadata provided.

If you drag and drop or copy and paste an existing file into a content folder (that is, the folder already contains a file of the same name), you are not prompted for metadata and the file is automatically checked in to the content server as a new revision of the existing file, inheriting the metadata of the existing file.


For this dialog to appear for new files, the "Enable Metadata Prompts" property must be enabled for the content folder (see Section A.8, "Folder Information page"). Otherwise, a new file is always checked in to the content server automatically using the default metadata for the content folder as defined by the content server administrator. If no default metadata has been defined for the folder, you are always prompted to provide the metadata regardless of the folder setting.

You can drag and drop individual files into a content folder, but also multiple files (file batches). If you are checking in multiple files, you can specify metadata for each individual file or for files as a group. Please note that the content ID and title are always considered properties specific to a file and are never automatically shared between files, even if you are specifying metadata for groups of files.

Figure A-19 Check In Content Dialog (Drag and Drop)

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

Source File

This field shows the full path and file name of the current file. If multiple files are dragged and dropped into the content folder, you can use the dropdown list to select a different file in the batch. Files whose metadata has not yet been set are displayed in bold in the list.

This field is not available if the "Apply to Remaining Items" check box is selected.


Select the content profile that should be applied to the check-in form (providing any profiles are defined on the content server). Content profiles are used to limit the metadata fields shown on the check-in form (and also several other content server pages), depending on the type of content. For example, a "Sales" profile might show metadata fields for revenue numbers, sales forecasts, and the like, whereas a "Support" profile might show metadata fields for case number, status, and the like.

If the content folder has a default content profile assigned to it, that profile is the default selected profile in this dialog. You may not be able to change the content profile selection, depending on the Desktop configuration on your computer (see Section B.3, "Disabling Overriding the Default Content Profile Selection").

Please note that profiles are available only if you are connecting to Oracle WebCenter Content Server 11gR1. They are not available for Oracle Content Server 10gR3. Contact your content server administrator if you need any assistance.


This shows the number of current files as well as the total number of files in the current batch. For example, "1/4" means that this is the first file of a total of four new files to be checked in to the content server.

Check-in form with metadata fields

This is the standard content check-in form on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance, where you assign metadata to the item or items before checking them in to the server. You can use the Reset button at the bottom of the form to revert the form for the current item to its initial state (that is, remove any data that you entered on the form).

If you want the content item to show up in a content folder on the server, make sure that you specify the location in the Folder field.

All mandatory metadata fields are marked with an asterisk (*). The item cannot be checked in if any of these fields is empty.

The content ID is provided automatically. You can modify it, but beware that the content ID must be unique for all items on the content server. You will see an error message if you attempt to check in a new content item using an existing content ID.

The default title for content items is the file name without the file extension (for example, 'Sales_Report_2010'). For e-mail messages, the default title is the subject line (for example, 'RE: Your sales report'). You may change the title if you want.

The metadata for a file is set as soon as you move away from that file's check-in form by clicking the Previous or Next button, or by selecting a different file in the Source File list. To indicate metadata has been set for a file, it is no longer displayed in bold in the list. You can always return to a file to change its metadata before checking it in (unless you chose to check it in immediately; see the next field).

You can specify metadata for multiple files at the same time by selecting the "Apply to Remaining Items" check box (see below). Please note that the content ID and title are always considered properties specific to a file and are never automatically propagated to other files, even with the "Apply to Remaining Items" check box selected.

Check in Item Immediately

Select this check box if you want to upload the current file and check it in to the content server immediately after clicking the Previous or Next button, or selecting a different file in the Source File list. The file is then removed from the Source File list.

This check box is available only if multiple files are being checked in to the content server.

Apply to Remaining Items

Select this check box if you want the current metadata (except for the content ID and title) to be applied to the current file as well all remaining files in the batch whose metadata has not yet been set; that is, those that are displayed bold in the Source File list. Please note that the content ID and title are always considered properties specific to a file and is never automatically propagated to other files, even with this check box selected.

This check box is available only if multiple files are being checked in to the content server and there are still files in the batch whose metadata is not set (that is, displayed bold in the Source File list).

Please note this feature is not available in Microsoft Outlook.


Click this button to close the dialog without checking any remaining files in to the content server.

Exclude Item

Click this button to remove the current file from the list of files to be checked in to the content server. You will be prompted to confirm the action.

This check box is available only if multiple files are being checked in to the content server.

<< Previous

Select this button to move to the previous file in the batch that has not yet been checked in.

Next >>

Select this button to move to the next file in the batch that has not yet been checked in.


Click this button to close the dialog and check all files in to the content server that have not yet been checked in.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.

A.15 Check In Document Dialog

The Check In Document dialog enables you to decide what to do with a checked-out file in Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, when that file or the application is closed.

This dialog appears if the current file does not have any unsaved changes. If there are unsaved changes, a slightly different dialog opens (see Section A.16, "Save Changes and Check In Document Dialog").


The 'Edit Metadata' setting is remembered in between sessions. This means that it will match whatever you chose the last time you saved a managed content item.

Figure A-20 Check In Document Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

Check In Document? (Yes/No)

Select Yes if you want to check the document in to the content server as a new revision.

Select No if you do not want to check the document in to the content server.

Edit Metadata

This check box is available only if the current file is checked out of an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance, not an Oracle Content Database server or other WebDAV server.

If you select this check box, you will be prompted to update the metadata of the file before it is checked in to the content server. The Save dialog is opened showing a check-in form, where you can update the file metadata, if required (see Section A.12, "Check In Content Dialog (Check In With Metadata)"). When you are ready, click OK in the Save dialog to submit the file to the content server.

Document is ready for further workflow processing

This check box is displayed only if the file is currently in a workflow and you were assigned editing privileges for this workflow item.

Select this check box if you are done editing the file and want to release it for further processing in the workflow after it is checked in to the content server as a new revision. Specifically, the document revision moves from the Edit to the GenWWW state and is ready to go to the next step in the workflow. Please note that you still need to approve the file in the integration hierarchy before it actually moves to the next workflow step. For more information, see Section 13.3, "Approving or Rejecting Files in Workflows."

Clear this check box if you are not done editing the file, which means it is checked in to the content server as a new revision, but remains in the current workflow step, enabling you to retain ownership of the file. (The file remains in Edit mode and does not move to the GenWWW state.)

Undo Check Out and Discard Changes

Select this check box if you want to close the file without saving the changes and checking it in to the content server. In addition, the checked-out status of the file is canceled on the server.

This check box is available only if the content item is currently checked out.


Click this button to close the dialog and process the file in accordance with your choices. The file is closed in the Microsoft Office application.


Click this button to close the dialog without doing anything to the file. The file remains open in the Microsoft Office application.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.

The table below lists all possible save scenarios, with an explanation of what happens for each of them.


If the document is currently in a workflow on Oracle WebCenter Content Server, then the dialog includes an option called 'Document is ready for further workflow processing'. Select this option to move the document to the next step in the workflow after checking it back in to the server.

Save Scenario Check In Edit Metadata Undo Check-Out Action

Scenario 1




The file is automatically checked in to the content server as a new revision of the existing content item, inheriting all metadata from the previous revision.

After the file has been checked in to the content server, it is closed in the Microsoft Office application.

Scenario 2




You are given an opportunity to modify the file's metadata before check-in. When you are done, the file is checked in to the content server as a new revision of the existing content item.

After the file has been checked in to the content server, it is closed in the Microsoft Office application.

Scenario 3




The file is not checked in to the content server, and remains checked out. This means that other users on the server cannot check out the file until you check it back in or undo the check-out.

The file is stored in a special cache on your local computer (see Section 9.5, "Local Caching of Content Files"). You can reopen the file from the Select Content dialog (see Section A.10.3, "Select Content: Offline Files") or using the Offline Content Manager.

After the file has been saved to the local cache, it is closed in the Microsoft Office application.

You should use the application's built-in save-as feature if you want to save the file in a different location than the local cache (that is, as an unmanaged file on your own computer).

Scenario 4




Any changes to the file are discarded, and the file is closed. The checked-out status of the content item is cancelled on the server, which means that other users on the server can check out the file.

A.16 Save Changes and Check In Document Dialog

The Save Changes and Check In Document dialog enables you to decide what to do with a checked-out file in a Microsoft Office application, when that file or the application is closed.

This dialog appears if the current file has unsaved changes. If there are no unsaved changes, a slightly different dialog opens (see Section A.15, "Check In Document Dialog").


The 'Edit Metadata' setting is remembered in between sessions. This means that it will match whatever you chose the last time you saved a managed content item.

Figure A-21 Save Changes and Check In Document Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

Save Changes? (Yes/No)

This section is shown only if your document has any unsaved changes. You can decide whether you want to save the changes or discard them.

Select Yes if you want to save the changes you made.

Select No if you want to discard the changes you made.

Check In Document? (Yes/No)

Select Yes if you want to check the document in to the content server as a new revision.

Select No if you do not want to check the document in to the content server.

You cannot check in the file if you choose not to save the changes.


Optionally, enter a comment that will be added to the checked-in content item (in the xComment metadata field). There may be a default comment if one has been defined. The maximum number of characters is set by the content server administrator (on the DesktopIntegrationSuite component configuration page).

Edit Metadata

This check box is available only if the current file is checked out of an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance, not an Oracle Content Database server or other WebDAV server.

If you select this check box, you will be prompted to update the metadata of the file before it is checked in to the content server. The Save dialog is opened showing a check-in form, where you can update the file metadata, if required (see Section A.12, "Check In Content Dialog (Check In With Metadata)"). When you are ready, click OK in the Save dialog to submit the file to the content server.

Document is ready for further workflow processing

This check box is displayed only if the file is currently in a workflow and you were assigned editing privileges for this workflow item.

Select this check box if you are done editing the file and want to release it for further processing in the workflow after it is checked in to the content server as a new revision. Specifically, the document revision moves from the Edit to the GenWWW state and is ready to go to the next step in the workflow. Please note that you still need to approve the file in the integration hierarchy before it actually moves to the next workflow step. For more information, see Section 13.3, "Approving or Rejecting Files in Workflows."

Clear this check box if you are not done editing the file, which means it is checked in to the content server as a new revision, but remains in the current workflow step, enabling you to retain ownership of the file. (The file remains in Edit mode and does not move to the GenWWW state.)

Undo Check Out and Discard Changes

Select this check box if you want to close the file without saving the changes and checking it in to the content server. In addition, the checked-out status of the file is canceled on the server.

This check box is available only if the content item is currently checked out.


Click this button to close the dialog and process the file in accordance with your choices. The file is closed in the Microsoft Office application.


Click this button to close the dialog without doing anything to the file. The file remains open in the Microsoft Office application.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.

The table below lists all possible save scenarios, with an explanation of what happens for each of them.


If the document is currently in a workflow on Oracle WebCenter Content Server, then the dialog includes an option called 'Document is ready for further workflow processing'. Select this option to move the document to the next step in the workflow after checking it back in to the server.

Save Scenario Save Changes Check In Edit Metadata Undo Check-Out Action

Scenario 1





Any unsaved changes to the document are saved, and the document is automatically checked in to the content server as a new revision of the existing content item, inheriting all metadata from the previous revision.

After the document has been checked in to the content server, it is closed in the Microsoft Office application.

Scenario 2





Any unsaved changes to the document are saved, and you are given the opportunity to modify the file's metadata before check-in. When you are done, the file is checked in to the content server as a new revision of the existing content item.

After the document has been checked in to the content server, it is closed in the Microsoft Office application.

Scenario 3





Any unsaved changes to the document are saved, but the document is not automatically checked in to the content server; it remains checked out. This means that other users on the server cannot check out the file until you check it back in or undo the check-out.

The file is stored in a special cache on your local computer. You can reopen and check in the document using the Check In option (see Section 11.8.1, "Checking In a Managed Document While Editing It"), or you can check it in from Windows Explorer (see Section 10.11, "Checking In Content Files").

After the document has been saved to the local cache, it is closed in the Microsoft Office application.

You should use the application's built-in save-as feature if you want to save the file in a different location than the local cache (that is, as an unmanaged file on your own computer).

Scenario 4





The changes to the document are discarded and the document is not checked in to the content server; it remains checked out. This means that other users on the server cannot check out the file until you check it back in or undo the check-out.

The file is stored in a special cache on your local computer. You can reopen and check in the document using the Check In option (see Section 11.8.1, "Checking In a Managed Document While Editing It"), or you can check it in from Windows Explorer (see Section 10.11, "Checking In Content Files").

After the document has been saved to the local cache, it is closed in the Microsoft Office application.

Scenario 5





Any changes to the document are discarded and the document is closed. The checked-out status of the content item is cancelled on the server, which means that other users on the server can check out the file.

A.17 Content Item Properties Dialog

The Content Item Properties dialog provides information about a file managed by a content server. None of the information in this dialog can be edited.

Figure A-22 Content Item Properties Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description


This is the file name of the content item.


This is the WebDAV URL of the content item.


This is the file size of the content item.


This is the date and time that the content item was created.


This is the date and time that the content item was last modified.

Content Type

This is the content type of the content item in the form of its MIME type; for example, 'application/msword' for Microsoft Word documents.

Content Information

This button is displayed for servers of type 'WebCenter Content Server' only.

Click this button to open the standard content information page for the item, as retrieved from the content server.


Click this button to close the dialog.


Click this button to close the dialog.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.

A.18 Content Query Capture Dialog

The Content Query Capture dialog is used to search for content items on the content server that meet specific criteria. This page is essentially the standard Oracle WebCenter Content Server search form. It provides a number of fields as well as a Search button to perform the search query based on the specified criteria.

Figure A-23 Content Query Capture Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.

If any profiles are defined on the content server, you can select the profile that should be applied to the search form. Content profiles are used to limit the metadata fields shown on the search form (and also several other content server pages), depending on the type of content. For example, a "Sales" profile might show metadata fields for revenue numbers, sales forecasts, and the like, whereas a "Support" profile might show metadata fields for case number, status, and the like.


Profiles are available only if you are connecting to Oracle WebCenter Content Server 11gR1 or Oracle Content Server 11gR1. They are not available for Oracle Content Server 10gR3. Contact your content server administrator if you need any assistance.

Depending on the content server configuration, you may be able to perform searches based on metadata (that is, information about files), full text (that is, text contained in the actual files), or a combination of both. For more details on searching for content items on the content server, see the Oracle WebCenter Content Server documentation.

Specify the search criteria and click Search to perform the query. A list of all content items that meet the specified criteria is available under Search Results for the current content server in Windows Explorer. Open that folder to view the search results in the content pane.

A.19 Insert Content Item Dialog

The Insert Content Item dialog is used to select one or more files on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance for insertion into the current Microsoft Office document (Word, Excel, or PowerPoint). You search for files using the standard search features of the content server (browsing or criteria-based query, if available). This dialog comprises multiple panels, each representing a different item to insert:

  • Link: This page enables you to select one or more files on a content server and insert hyperlinks to these files into the current Microsoft Office document. For more information, see Section A.19.1, "Insert Content Item: Link."

  • File: This page enables you to select one or more files on a content server and insert the contents of these files into the current Microsoft Office document. For more information, see Section A.19.2, "Insert Content Item: File."

  • Image: This page enables you to select one or more image files on a content server and insert these images into the current Microsoft Office document. For more information, see Section A.19.3, "Insert Content Item: Image."

For more information, see also Section 11.11, "Inserting Managed Content into Office Documents."


You cannot insert content items from Oracle Content Database servers or other WebDAV servers.

A.19.1 Insert Content Item: Link

The Link panel of the Insert Content Item dialog enables you to select one or more files on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance and insert hyperlinks to these files into the current Microsoft Office document. You search for files using the standard search features of the content server (browsing or criteria-based query, if available). For each selected content item, you can set the hyperlink text and also choose the file rendition and revision that the hyperlink should point to. The hyperlinks are inserted at the current cursor position in the document.

Figure A-24 Link Panel of Insert Content Item Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

Content Item

This field shows the content ID of a selected file on a content server that the hyperlink will point to. If you selected multiple files, then you can use the dropdown list to review each selected item.


Click this button to open the Select Content dialog, where you can select one or more files on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance. You search for the file using the standard search features of the content server (browsing or criteria-based query, if available). For more information, see Section A.10, "Select Content Dialog."

Link Text

This field shows the hyperlinked text that will be inserted into the current Microsoft Office document. The default is the title of the selected content item (as stored on the content server), but you can modify this as required. If you provide no text at all, the link text will be the full URL to the selected link target.

Link to

This lists all available file targets that the hyperlink can point to:

  • Native Rendition: This links to the native file; that is, the original file as created in its associated application (for example, .doc or .docx files for Microsoft Word documents).

  • Web-Viewable Rendition: This links to a version of the original file that can be viewed in a web browser. Contributors may manually specify a file as the web-viewable rendition when checking a content item in to the content server, but web-viewable renditions are often created automatically on the content server and checked in along with the native file (for example, a generated PDF version).

  • HTML Rendition: This links to an HTML version of the original file, as converted on the content server when the file is requested for viewing.

  • Content Information page: This links to the page on the content server that provides metadata information about the content item (title, author, and so on). This page also includes links to the various available renditions of the content item.

  • Other renditions: The list shows all custom renditions that may also be available on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance. The default is the alternate file, but server administrators may configure the content server to include other custom renditions of content items in this list.

Link to Latest Revision

Select this check box if you want the hyperlink to always point to the latest released revision of the file on the content server. This means that the link target will always be up to date.

If you clear this check box, the hyperlink references a specific revision of the file, which means it will point to an older revision of the file if that file is updated on the content server.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


Click this button to close the dialog and insert hyperlinks to the selected content items into the current Microsoft Office document.


Click this button to close the dialog without doing anything.

A.19.2 Insert Content Item: File

The File panel of the Insert Content Item dialog enables you to select one or more files on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance and insert the contents of these files into the current Microsoft Office document at the current cursor position. You search for files using the standard search features of the content server (browsing or criteria-based query, if available). For each selected content item, you can choose the file rendition that should be inserted (native or web-viewable).

Please note that the file contents are inserted statically; that is, there is no dynamic link between the file contents in the Office document and the source file on the content server. This means that the document is not updated automatically if the source file is updated on the content server, or vice versa.

Figure A-25 File Panel of Insert Content Item Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

Content Item

This field shows the content ID of the selected file on the content server whose contents will be inserted in the current Microsoft Office document. If you selected multiple files, then you can use the dropdown list to review each selected item.


Click this button to open the Select Content dialog, where you can select one or more files on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance. You search for files using the standard search features on the content server (browsing or criteria-based query, if available). For more information, see Section A.10, "Select Content Dialog."

When browsing to files on the content server, you will, by default, only see files of formats that are appropriate for the current Office application (for example, *.doc, *.docx, *.dot, and *.txt files when you are in Microsoft Word). You may choose to select a file of a different format (say, a .pdf or .xls file while in Microsoft Word), but that may result in the binary file data being inserted as text. Therefore, make sure that you select files whose formats are compatible with the current Office application (for example, native word-processing or text files when you are in Microsoft Word).


This lists all available file targets whose content can be inserted in the current Microsoft Office document:

  • Native Rendition: This inserts the contents of the native file; that is, the original file as created in its associated application (for example, .doc or .docx files for Microsoft Word documents).

  • Web-Viewable Rendition: This inserts the contents of a version of the original file that can be viewed in a web browser. Contributors may manually specify a file as the web-viewable rendition when checking a content item in to the content server, but web-viewable renditions are often created automatically on the content server and checked in along with the native file (for example, a generated PDF version). If there is no web-viewable rendition, the native rendition is inserted.

  • Other renditions: The list shows all custom renditions that may also be available on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance. The default is the alternate file, but server administrators may configure the content server to include other custom renditions of content items in this list.

The file formats that can be successfully inserted into your Office document depend on the configuration of your computer and Microsoft Office (installed conversion filters and the like). Desktop's insertion features work exactly the same as the native insertion features of the Office application you are working in (from the Insert menu). The only difference is that you can insert files from a content server rather than your local computer. See your Office application help for more information on inserting files into your Office document.

Files that are compatible with the application can generally be inserted successfully (for example, .doc or .txt into Word, and .xls or .csv into Excel), but other files may not. If you insert a non-compatible file (for example, a JPEG file into a Word document), it will be included as a series of characters rendered from the binary file.

If you want to insert an image, make sure that you go to the Image panel (see Section A.19.3, "Insert Content Item: Image") and select an image file there.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


Click this button to close the dialog and insert the contents of the selected content item into the current Microsoft Office document.


Click this button to close the dialog without doing anything.

A.19.3 Insert Content Item: Image

The Image panel of the Insert Content Item dialog enables you to select one or more image files on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance and insert these images into the current Microsoft Office document. You search for files using the standard search features of the content server (browsing or criteria-based query, if available). For each selected content item, you can choose the file rendition that should be inserted and also provide alternative text (that is, the text that appears when you hover the mouse cursor over the image in a web environment). The images are inserted at the current cursor position in the Office document, in line with text.

Please note that the inserted images are not linked to their respective content items on the server. This means that the image in the document is not updated automatically if the source image is updated on the content server, or vice versa.

You can select any file on the content server, but only graphic files can be successfully inserted into the Microsoft Office document. The supported graphics file formats depend on the installed conversion filters for your Microsoft Office applications. If you select a non-graphic file (for example, a Word document), the Office application will attempt to convert it to a graphic. If this fails, an error is reported and nothing is inserted.

Figure A-26 Image Panel of Insert Content Item Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

Content Item

This field shows the content ID of the selected image file on the content server that will be inserted in the current Microsoft Office document. If you selected multiple files, then you can use the dropdown list to review each selected item.


Click this button to open the Select Content dialog, where you can select one or more image files on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance. You search for files using the standard search features on the content server (browsing or criteria-based query, if available). For more information, see Section A.10, "Select Content Dialog."

Alternative Text

This is the alternative text for the selected image, which is the text that appears when you hover the mouse cursor over the image in a web environment (that is, the text for the ALT attribute of the IMG tag).


This lists all available image file targets that can be inserted in the current Microsoft Office document:

  • Native Rendition: This inserts the contents of the native image file; that is, the original file as created in its associated application. If you select this option, make sure that it is a graphic file (for example, .bmp, .tif, .gif, or .jpg).

  • Web-Viewable Rendition: This inserts the contents of a version of the original image file that can be viewed in a web browser. Contributors may manually specify a file as the web-viewable rendition when checking a content item in to the content server, but web-viewable renditions are often created automatically on the content server and checked in along with the native file (for example, a generated JPG version or reduced thumbnail).

  • Other renditions: The list shows all custom renditions that may also be available on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance. The default is the alternate file, but server administrators may configure the content server to include other custom renditions of content items in this list.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


Click this button to close the dialog and insert the selected image file into the current Microsoft Office document.


Click this button to close the dialog without doing anything.

A.20 Select Revision Dialog

The Select Revision dialog enables you to select a revision of a Microsoft Office document on the content server that you want to open in the application or compare with the revision of that document that is currently open in Microsoft Word.

Figure A-27 Select Revision Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

Content information area

This area provides metadata information about the current content item revision, such as the title, content ID, author, folder location, and so on.

Revision history

This list shows all existing revisions of the current content item, along with their title, author, release date, and comments. You can select any revision from the list.

Content Information...

Click this button to open the content information page of the selected content item revision.


Click this button to close the dialog and open the selected content item revision in the Office application or compare it with the document revision currently open in Microsoft Word.


Click this button to close the dialog without doing anything.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.

A.21 Check-in Comment Dialog

The Check-in Comment dialog enables you to add a comment to a file that is about to be checked in. You can enter a new comment or reuse or edit one that was recently added to a managed content item.

Figure A-28 Check-in Comment Dialog

Surrounding text describes Figure A-28 .
Element Description

Comment entry box

Enter a comment that will be added to the checked-in content item (in the xComment metadata field). There may be a default comment if one has been defined. The maximum number of characters is set by the content server administration (on the DesktopIntegrationSuite component configuration page).

Recent Comments...

Click this button to open the Recent Check-in Comments dialog, where you can see a list of comments that were recently added to documents and re-use them. See Section A.22, "Recent Check-in Comments Dialog."

Remaining characters

This shows the number of characters that you can still enter for the current comment. The maximum number of characters is set by the content server administrator (on the DesktopIntegrationSuite component configuration page). The default is 2,000 characters.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


Click this button to close the dialog and use the current comment as metadata of the checked-in item. If there was already comment assigned to the item, this will be replaced.


Click this button to close the dialog without doing anything. The item will be checked in with the existing comment (or no comment if none was there already).

A.22 Recent Check-in Comments Dialog

The Recent Check-in Comments dialog shows comments that were recently added to checked-in content items on your computer, in reverse chronological order (that is, the most recent is at the top). You can select a comment in the list and then use it for the file being checked in (as-is or after editing).

Figure A-29 Recent Check-in Comments Dialog

Surrounding text describes Figure A-29 .
Element Description

Recent comments list

This list shows comments that were recently added to checked-in content items on your computer, in reverse chronological order (that is, the most recent is at the top). Click on a comment to select it.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


Click this button to close the dialog and use the selected recent comment in the Check-in Comment dialog (see Section A.21, "Check-in Comment Dialog"), where you can reuse it as-is or edit it before checking in the file.


Click this button to close the dialog without doing anything. You will return to the Check-in Comment dialog.

A.23 Email Checkin Settings Dialog

The Email Checkin Settings dialog enables you to set some configuration options for checking e-mail messages in to the content server. You can specify how e-mail attachments are handled, and also whether the integration folders should be shown in the folders list of your e-mail client.

Figure A-30 Email Checkin Settings Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

Attachment Handling Settings

Select the appropriate option to specify how attachments to e-mail messages should be handled when checking e-mail messages in to the content server:

  • Separate Attachments: Each e-mail attachment is checked in to the content server as a separate item from the e-mail message, each with its own content ID. The body text of the checked-in e-mail message will include links to each of the checked-in attachments.

  • Keep Attachments: The attachment is embedded in the e-mail message and both are checked in as a single content item with a single content ID. The attachment is embedded in the e-mail message.

  • Ask: You are prompted to specify how each e-mail attachment should be handled every time you check in an e-mail message with one or more attachments.

Please note that this setting only applies if you check in an e-mail using the Check In Mail Item feature in Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes, not if you drag and drop an e-mail into a content folder. In that case, e-mail is always checked in with its attachments embedded, regardless of this setting.


Click this button to close this dialog and submit any changes you made.

Edit Server List

Click this button to open the Edit Server List dialog (see Section A.4, "Edit Server List Dialog"), where you can view all defined content server connections, as well as add, modify, and delete connections.


Click this button to close this dialog and cancel any changes you made.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.

Show WebCenter Content Servers

Select this check box if you want the integration hierarchy to be shown in the folders list of your e-mail client (Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes).

You must restart your e-mail application for the integration hierarchy to be displayed. You will see a folder called WebCenter Content Servers at the bottom of the folders pane in your e-mail application. For more information, see Chapter 5, "Integration into E-mail Clients."

A.24 Distribution List Checkin Dialog

The Distribution List Checkin dialog enables you to manage your e-mail distribution lists. It shows a list of all defined distribution lists for an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance, and you can add, edit, or delete distribution lists.

Figure A-31 Distribution List Checkin Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

Select a server

This list includes all defined Oracle WebCenter Content Server connections on your computer. You can switch between content servers by selecting a different item on the list.

Please note that the list of available servers only includes Oracle WebCenter Content Server instances; it does not show any Oracle Content Database servers or other WebDAV servers.

If you select a different server than the current one, you may be prompted to provide your login name and password (depending on the server configuration).

Edit Server icon

Click this button to open the Edit Server List dialog (see Section A.4, "Edit Server List Dialog"), where you can manage your defined content server connections.

Distribution list area

This area lists all defined e-mail distribution lists on the content server. You can select a distribution list and then edit or delete it.


Click this button to open the Edit Distribution List dialog (see Section A.25, "Edit Distribution List Dialog"), where you can define a new distribution list.


Click this button to open the Edit Distribution List dialog (see Section A.25, "Edit Distribution List Dialog"), where you can edit the selected distribution list.


Click this button to delete the selected distribution list.

Address Book

Click this button to open the Check In Distribution List From Address Book dialog, where you can check in an e-mail distribution list that is based on an address book of your e-mail application. For more information, see Section A.26, "Check In Distribution List From Address Book Dialog."


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


Click this button to close this dialog and submit any changes you made.

A.25 Edit Distribution List Dialog

The Edit Distribution List dialog enables you to manage the members of an e-mail distribution list. You can add new members, and edit or delete existing ones.

Figure A-32 Edit Distribution List Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

List name

This field shows the name of the currently selected e-mail distribution list. You cannot edit this information. If you want to manage a different e-mail distribution list, click Cancel to close this dialog and select the correct distribution list in the Distribution List Checkin dialog (see Section A.24, "Distribution List Checkin Dialog").


This box lists all members currently included in the e-mail distribution list. If you select a member, its properties are shown in the name and address fields below the members list.


This is the name of the selected member of the e-mail distribution list. You can edit the name and click Modify to submit the changes.


This is the e-mail address of the selected member of the e-mail distribution list. You can edit the e-mail address and click Modify to submit the changes.


Click this button to add a new member to the current e-mail distribution list. (Enter a new name and e-mail address first.)


Click this button to save the modified properties of the selected distribution list member. You can modify the name and/or e-mail address in the fields below the members list.


Click this button to delete the selected member from the e-mail distribution list.


Click this button to cancel any changes you made and return the dialog to the state when you opened it.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


Click this button to cancel any changes you made and close this dialog.


Click this button to submit any changes you made, close this dialog, and open a check-in form for the distribution list.

A.26 Check In Distribution List From Address Book Dialog

The Check In Distribution List From Address Book dialog enables you to create an e-mail distribution list based on an address book in your e-mail application (Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes).

Figure A-33 Check In Distribution List From Address Book Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

Show lists from

This list includes all available e-mail address sources (for example, your organization's global address list or a personal address list). You can switch between sources by selecting a different item on the list.

Contacts box

This box shows all entries in the selected address list.

Check in

Click this button to check the e-mail distribution list in to the content server. You are directed to a content check-in form, where you can provide metadata for the distribution list before checking in the file.


Click this button to show the details of the selected e-mail list entry (full name, e-mail address, and the like).


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


Click this button to close this dialog and submit any changes you made.

A.27 Attachment Options Dialog

The Attachment Options dialog enables you to specify how the attachments to a specific e-mail message should be handled when checking the e-mail message in to Oracle WebCenter Content Server.

The file names of all detected attachments to the e-mail message are listed in the box. If you select the check box before an attachment, it is embedded into the e-mail message and checked in along with the message (all having the same content ID). If you do not select an attachment, it is checked in to the content server as a separate item from the e-mail message, each with its own content ID. The attachment is checked in first, followed by the e-mail message. You can check in an attachment by itself without checking in the e-mail message. After the attachment is checked in, simply cancel the content check-in form when it reappears for the e-mail check-in.


You can avoid having to specify how e-mail attachments should be handled every time you check in an e-mail by modifying the setting on the Email Checkin Settings dialog (see Section A.23, "Email Checkin Settings Dialog").

Figure A-34 Attachment Options Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description


This is the sender of the selected e-mail message (as specified in the "From" field of the message).


This is the recipient of the selected e-mail message (as specified in the "To" field of the message).


This is the subject of the selected e-mail message (as specified on the subject line of the message)

List of attachments

This list contains all detected attachments to the current e-mail message. Select the check box next to an attachment if you want to embed the attachment into the e-mail message and check the attachment and message in to the content server as a single item. Clear the check box if you want to check in the attachment as a separate item.


Click this button to close this dialog and check the e-mail message and attachment(s) in to the content server as specified.


Click this button to close this dialog. Nothing will be checked in to the content server.

A.28 Get Attachment Dialog

The Get Attachment dialog is used to retrieve one or more files from an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance and attach them to the current e-mail message. This dialog comprises multiple panels, each representing a different item to attach to the e-mail:

A.28.1 Get Attachment: Link Panel

The Link panel of the Get Attachment dialog enables you to select one or more files on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance and insert hyperlinks to these files into the current e-mail message in your e-mail application. You search for files using the standard search features of the content server (browsing or criteria-based query, if available). For each selected content item, you can set the hyperlink text and also choose the file rendition and revision that the hyperlink should point to. The hyperlinks are inserted at the current cursor position in the e-mail message.

Figure A-35 Link Panel of Get Attachment Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

Content Item

This field shows the content ID of a selected file on the content server that the hyperlink will point to. If you selected multiple files, then you can use the dropdown list to review each selected item.


Click this button to open the Select Content dialog, where you can select one or more files on a content server. You search for files using the standard search features of the content server (browsing or criteria-based query, if available). For more information, see Section A.10, "Select Content Dialog."

Link Text

This field shows the hyperlinked text that will be inserted into the current e-mail message. The default is the title of the selected content item (as stored on the content server), but you can modify this as required. If you provide no text at all, the link text will be the full URL to the selected link target.

Link to

This lists all available file targets that the hyperlink can point to:

  • Native Rendition: This links to the native file; that is, the original file as created in its associated application (for example, .doc or .docx files for Microsoft Word documents).

  • Web-Viewable Rendition: This links to a version of the original file that can be viewed in a web browser. Contributors may manually specify a file as the web-viewable rendition when checking a content item in to the content server, but web-viewable renditions are often created automatically on the content server and checked in along with the native file (for example, a generated PDF version).

  • HTML Rendition: This links to an HTML version of the original file, as converted on the content server when the file is requested for viewing.

  • Content Information page: This links to the page on the content server that provides metadata information about the content item (title, author, and so on). This page also includes links to the various available renditions of the content item.

  • Other renditions: The list shows all custom renditions that may also be available on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance. The default is the alternate file, but server administrators may configure the content server to include other custom renditions of content items in this list.

Link to Latest Revision

Select this check box if you want the hyperlink to always point to the latest released revision of the file on the content server. This means that the link target will always be up to date.

If you clear this check box, the hyperlink references a specific revision of the file, which means it will point to an older revision of the file if that file is updated on the content server.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


Click this button to close the dialog and insert hyperlinks to the selected content items into the current e-mail message Office document.


Click this button to close the dialog without doing anything.

A.28.2 Get Attachment: File Panel

The File panel of the Get Attachment dialog enables you to select one or more files on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance and attach these files to the current e-mail message. You search for files using the standard search features of the content server (browsing or criteria-based query, if available). For each selected content item, you can choose the file rendition that should be attached (native or web-viewable).

Figure A-36 File Panel of Get Attachment Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

Content Item

This field shows the content ID of the selected file on the content server that will be attached to the current e-mail message. If you selected multiple files, then you can use the dropdown list to review each selected item.


Click this button to open the Select Content dialog, where you can select one or more files on a content server. You search for files using the standard search features on the content server (browsing or criteria-based query, if available). For more information, see Section A.10, "Select Content Dialog."


This lists all available file targets whose content can be attached to the current e-mail message:

  • Native Rendition: This links to the native file; that is, the original file as created in its associated application (for example, .doc or .docx files for Microsoft Word documents).

  • Web-Viewable Rendition: This links to a version of the original file that can be viewed in a web browser. Contributors may manually specify a file as the web-viewable rendition when checking a content item in to the content server, but web-viewable renditions are often created automatically on the content server and checked in along with the native file (for example, a generated PDF version).

  • Other renditions: The list shows all custom renditions that may also be available on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance. The default is the alternate file, but server administrators may configure the content server to include other custom renditions of content items in this list.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


Click this button to close the dialog and attach the selected content items to the current e-mail message.


Click this button to close the dialog without doing anything.

A.29 Offline Content Manager Dialog

The main Offline Content Manager window shows a list of all files and folders currently in your offline cache, grouped by content server, along with a number of buttons that can be used to perform some content management tasks on the items in the offline content list.

Figure A-37 Offline Content Manager

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

List of offline content

This list shows all files and folders that are currently in your offline cache, grouped by content server, along with their location and status. You can right-click any of the items in the list to see relevant content management tasks (which can also be performed using the buttons to the right of the list). For more information, see Section 14.7.4, "Performing Content Management Tasks on Offline Content."

Files in the offline content list show their content management status as overlays on their application icons. For more information, see Section 9.7, "Content File Status."


Click this button to exit the Offline Content Manager.


Click this button to open the View Options dialog, where you can filter the offline content list to show only particular servers or items. For more information, see Section A.30, "View Options Dialog."

Check Status

Click this button to check the current status of the selected folder or file. Desktop verifies that the item still exists on the content server. If so, it compares the content management status of the locally cached copy with that of the item on the content server and reports any discrepancies. For example, it notifies you if a file was checked out of the content server by someone or if your locally cached copy is no longer the latest revision. (You can then use Refresh to get the latest revision.)

If an item no longer exists on the content server, you will be given the opportunity to remove it from the offline content list.


Click this button to open the selected content file in its associated application in read-only mode. For more information, see Section 10.8, "Viewing Content Files."


Click this button to refresh the selected offline folder or file.

If you refresh an offline file, the offline copy in your local cache is updated to the latest released version on the content server.

If you refresh an offline folder, the existing offline files in that folder (and all subfolders) are updated to their latest released revisions on the content server. Any files that were added to a folder after it was made available offline will not be made available offline if you refresh that folder. For that to happen, you need to right-click the folder and choose Make Content Available Offline in the context menu. For more information, see Section 14.2, "Making Folders and Files Available Offline."


Click this button to remove the selected item from the offline cache on your computer. Use this option with care, as you may be removing files that have not yet been checked in to the content server.

Check In

Click this button to check the selected file in to the content server associated with the file. Depending on the server configuration, you may be prompted for your login credentials or provide metadata prior to check-in.


Click this button to show the properties dialog for the selected folder or file. For more information, see Section A.31, "Offline Folder Properties Dialog," or Section A.32, "Offline Content Item Properties Dialog."

A.30 View Options Dialog

The View Options dialog enables you to filter the offline content list to show only certain types of offline content or content from certain servers.

Figure A-38 View Options Dialog

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

Show Checked Out Content

Select this check box to show all offline content that you have checked out of the content server.

Show Offline Folders

Select this check box to show all content folders marked to be available offline in the list. All files in the folder are also displayed. For more information, see Section 14.2, "Making Folders and Files Available Offline."

Show Offline Content

Select this check box to show all content files marked to be available offline in the list. For more information, see Section 14.2, "Making Folders and Files Available Offline."

Show the Following Servers

This option enables you to show or hide offline content folders and files on specific content servers. All defined server connections are listed, and you can select or clear server check boxes to show or hide their offline content.


Click this button to close this dialog and make the current view options take effect.


Click this button to close this dialog and cancel any changes that you made.

A.31 Offline Folder Properties Dialog

The Folder Properties dialog shows a number of properties of an offline content folder. It resembles the standard folder properties dialog in Windows, but includes some additional elements specific to offline content folders. You cannot modify any of the information in this dialog.

Figure A-39 Folder Properties Dialog For Offline Content Folders

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

Folder name

This is the name of the offline folder as stored on the content server and displayed in the integration hierarchy.


This is the full WebDAV URL of the offline content folder.


This is the name of the server that the content folder resides on, as shown in the integration hierarchy.


This shows the type of content folder (typically, "Available Offline").

Content Information

This button is displayed for servers of type 'WebCenter Content Server' only.

Click this button to open the Hierarchical Folder Information page, which shows a number of content management properties of the offline content folder. For more information, see Section A.8, "Folder Information page."


Click this button to close this dialog.

A.32 Offline Content Item Properties Dialog

The Content Item Properties dialog shows a number of properties of an offline content file. It resembles the standard file properties dialog in Windows, but includes some additional elements specific to offline content files. You cannot modify any of the information in this dialog.

Figure A-40 Content Item Properties Dialog For Offline Content Files

Screenshot, described in the text surrounding this graphic.
Element Description

File name

This is the name of the offline file as stored on the content server and displayed in the integration hierarchy.


This is the full WebDAV URL of the offline content file.


This is the name of the server that the content file resides on, as shown in the integration hierarchy.

Content ID

This is a unique identifier of the offline content file on the content server.


This is the entity tag of the offline content file, which is an HTTP response header that is used by the WebDAV protocol to determine changes to files.


This is a unique identifier of the current revision of the offline content file on Oracle WebCenter Content Server.


This is the date and time that the offline content file was last modified.

Content Type

This is the content type of the offline content file (for example, 'Microsoft Word Document').


This is the file size of the offline content file.

Content Information

This button is displayed for servers of type 'WebCenter Content Server' only.

Click this button to open the standard content information page for the offline file, as retrieved from the content server.


Click this button to close this dialog.