12 Oracle WebCenter Portal

This chapter describes issues associated with Oracle WebCenter Portal. It includes the following topics:

12.1 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and workarounds. It includes the following topics:

12.1.1 Support for Discussions Server from Jive Software

Oracle supports the embedded discussions server from Jive Software. Use the supplied task flows that come with WebCenter Portal to call this discussions server. Any custom development against APIs in the Jive Web Service layer are subject to review by Oracle and may not be supported.

There are a limited set of beta features that Jive Software delivers as part of the discussions server that Oracle does not recommend and cannot yet support.

Documentation for Jive Forums is included for reference only. Jive software installations and upgrades outside of the WebCenter Portal product installation are not supported.

12.1.2 Troubleshooting Service Provisioning Issues

When you create a group space, an error similar to the following might be seen if provisioning a service exceeds the time allowed:

Group space created with the following warnings:

Issues were faced while provisioning the services.
Errors were encountered for the following services - Discussions and Announcements. Check if these services have been configured correctly.

When a group space is created, services are provisioned in parallel in multiple threads. If provisioning a service exceeds the specified timeout, the thread is interrupted. The timeout may be exceeded due to time needed to copy the metadata when the latency between the midtier and the database is too high, network issues, database performance issues, and so on.

To check if the issue is due to exceeding the timeout, search the log file for a message similar to the following:

<Nov 3, 2009 4:44:06 PM GMT> <Warning> <oracle.webcenter.webcenterapp> <BEA-000000> <Concurr: The thread is timed out in 10000 milisec. 
for oracle.webcenter.collab.forum:Execution timedout
queued :     12 ms
suspended :    0 ms
running : 5842 ms
timeout : 5000 ms
service : oracle.webcenter.community
resource : oracle.webcenter.collab.forum
source : oracle.webcenter.concurrent.RunnableTask@23268a92 (oracle.webcenter.concurrent.RunnableTask) submission : 15>

<Nov 3, 2009 4:44:06 PM GMT> <Warning> <oracle.webcenter.webcenterapp> <BEA-000000> <Concurr: The thread is timed out in 5000 milisec. 
for oracle.webcenter.collab.announcement:Execution timedout
queued :   37 ms
suspended :    0 ms
running : 5875 ms
timeout : 5000 ms
service : oracle.webcenter.community
resource : oracle.webcenter.collab.announcement
source : oracle.webcenter.concurrent.RunnableTask@37538945 (oracle.webcenter.concurrent.RunnableTask) submission : 18>

<Nov 3, 2009 4:44:06 PM GMT> <Warning> <oracle.webcenter.collab.forum.internal.jive.CategoryTaxanomyCreator> <BEA-000000>
 <java.io.InterruptedIOException: Operation interrupted

In this case, the running time of 5875 ms exceeded the timeout of 5000 ms. The root cause of the timeout should be addressed; for example, resolve networking or database performance issues.

The networking issues could be resolved by incresing the TCP/IP timeout value.To change the timeout values, log in as a root user and execute the following command:

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_time_wait_interval 480000 (default value is 60000)

Restart the Administration and Managed Servers. Once this is done, the group space can be created again and the error will not be encountered. If the performance cannot be improved and the error persists, the timeout value may be increased for the service encountering the error. For more information, see Section A.5.5, "Configuring Concurrency Management."

12.1.3 Oracle WebCenter Portal's Pagelet Producer Failover Support

Oracle WebCenter Portal's Pagelet Producer supports failover in a clustered configuration. However, the in-flight data (unsaved or pending changes) is not preserved. On failover, administrators must reestablish their administrative session. End users may also need to reestablish the session if the proxy is required to have a state. If SSO is configured, credentials are automatically provided, and the session is reestablished.

12.1.4 Option to Create a Portal Resource Displayed for Design-Time Task Flows

You can bring runtime task flows into JDeveloper, edit them, and export them back to the deployed application. However, Oracle recommends that you not expose task flows created in JDeveloper as portal resources. When you create an ADF task flow inside the /oracle/webcenter/portalapp folder, the context menu on the task flow definition file displays the Create Portal Resource option. Do not use this option to expose a design-time task flow as a portal resource. Task flows typically involve multiple files. When you export a new task flow from JDeveloper, all files may not be exported properly, and this may result in the task flow being broken post-deployment.

12.1.5 SQL Query with NCHAR Data Type Throws Exception

When using a SQL data control, you may encounter an error if the query contains a column with the NCHAR data type. As a workaround, you can use the to_char(NCHAR_COLUMN NAME) function.

12.1.6 Setting Up WNA-Based SSO Using JDK 1.6.22 Produces an Error

Setting up Windows Native Authentication-based single sign-on using SUN JDK 1.6.22 produces an error. Use the jrockit JDK instead of the Sun JDK, or contact Oracle Support to get a backport request for bug 10631797.

12.1.7 Configuring the REST Server Post-Installation

For certain features of the WebCenter Portal REST server to work correctly when using a REST client like the Oracle WebCenter Portal iPhone application, the flag WLForwardUriUnparsed must be set to ON for the Oracle WebLogic Server Plugin that you are using.

  • If you are running Apache in front of WebLogic Server, add this flag to weblogic.conf.

  • If you are running Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) in front of WebLogic Server, add this flag to mod_wl_ohs.conf.

The examples below illustrate the possible configurations for both of these cases.

For more information about how to configure WebLogic Server Plugins, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Web Server 1.1 Plug-Ins with Oracle WebLogic Server.

Example 1: Using <location /rest> to apply the flag only for /rest URIs (recommended)

<Location /rest>
  # the flag below MUST BE set to "On"
  WLForwardUriUnparsed    On
  # other settings, example: WebLogicCluster or WebLogicHost & WebLogicPort
  # set the handler to be weblogic
  SetHandler weblogic-handler

Example 2: Applying the flag to all URIs served by Oracle WebLogic Server

<IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
   # the flag below MUST BE set to "On"
  WLForwardUriUnparsed    On
  # other settings, example: WebLogicCluster or WebLogicHost & WebLogicPort
  WebLogicCluster johndoe02:8005,johndoe:8006
  Debug ON
  WLLogFile             c:/tmp/global_proxy.log 
  WLTempDir             "c:/myTemp"
  DebugConfigInfo       On
  KeepAliveEnabled ON
  KeepAliveSecs  15

12.1.8 Resources in Framework Application Disappear after Redeployment of Application

If a Framework application has been customized at runtime to add new resources through the Resource Manager, those new resources are lost after a new deployment or a redeployment of the same application.

Any new pages created at runtime that use the lost resources are still available even though the resources themselves are no longer available in the Resource Manager.

This issue happens when the application version or the redeployment version is changed during the redeployment of the application, either using Fusion Middleware Control or WLST. It can also happen on redeployment when the generic-site-resources.xml file has been changed at design time (for example, by creating new resources).

This issue occurs because the generic-site-resources.xml file is overwritten on redeployment.

To work around this issue, you must manually add the mds-transfer-config.xml file to the application.


Any resources created at design time must be manually added to the runtime application before redeploying the application.

  1. Download the mds-transfer-config.xml file from the following location:


  2. Extract the MAR file (for example AutoGeneratedMar.mar) from the EAR file.

  3. In the extracted MAR file directory, create a new directory, called META-INF, and copy the mds-transfer-config.xml file to the new directory.

  4. Update the MAR file with META-INF\mds-transfer-config.xml, for example:

    jar -uvf AutoGeneratedMar.mar META-INF\mds-transfer-config.xml
  5. Update the EAR file with the updated MAR file:

    jar -uvf YourApp.ear AutoGeneratedMar.mar
  6. Redeploy YourApp.mar.

12.1.9 Style Sheets Not Loaded Correctly for Sample WSRP Producer Test Pages through Oracle HTTP Server

If Oracle HTTP Server is used as a front end for the Sample WSRP Portlets producer, the style sheets for the WSRP Producer Test Pages of the WSRP Tools and Rich Text Editor portlet producers are not loaded properly in Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. However, the style sheets do load properly in Internet Explorer. Functionality of the portlets is not affected.

12.1.10 Cannot Customize or Personalize a JSF Portlet

When clicking OK after customizing or personalizing a JSF portlet (that is, a portlet created using the Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge), the portlet does not respond and displays a timeout message. This is caused by performing an edit action and changing the portlet mode in a single operation. End users can work around this issue by clicking Apply (instead of OK) to perform the edit action first, then clicking Return to change the portlet mode back to View mode.Portlet developers can avoid the issue occurring by editing the code for the generated Edit Defaults mode (in the edit_defaults.jspx file) and Edit mode (in the edit.jspx file) and removing the code for the OK button so that end users are forced to use the Apply button instead.

12.1.11 Fallback Support for Custom Translations

There is no fallback support for custom translations. For example, if you create a custom translations file named scope-resource-bundle_fr.xlf and the space language setting is country-specific (fr-FR), the custom translation file is not used because Spaces is looking for scope-resource-bundle_fr-FR.xlf.As a workaround, copy _fr xlf and include the country specification in the names of the custom translation files (for example, scope-resource-bundle_fr-FR.xlf).

12.1.12 Spaces Do Not Display Correct Language When the Spaces Application is Accessed Using OAM

When users access the Spaces application through OAM, spaces do not display the language selected on the OAM login page. The Spaces application does not use the same xlf file name standard as OAM.

12.1.13 Announcement Publication Format can be Incorrect in Thai

When the display language is set to Thai, the announcement publication format can be incorrect. This happens when announcements are opened to edit and are then saved, even if nothing in the announcement itself is updated.

12.1.14 Favorite Based on Seeded Page Lost When Language Preference Changed from en-US

If you add a seeded page, such as the Activities page, to your list of Favorites, and then change your preferred application language from en-US using Preferences, the favorite seeded page cannot be found.

12.1.15 The Run as Servlet Link on Producer Test Page Does Not Work for JSF Portlet

You can create a JSF portlet (that is, a portlet that uses the Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge) using the Create JSR 286 Java Portlet Wizard by selecting the Generate ADF-Faces JSPX implementation method on the third step of the wizard.

If you create a JSF portlet in this way, you may find that clicking the Run as Servlet link on the portlet's Producer Test Page produces an error. The portlet itself, however, runs correctly.

To avoid this issue, add the ADF Page Flow scope to the project that contains the portlet. For information, see the section "Adding and Removing Technology Scopes" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

12.1.16 Using OpenSocial Pagelets to Post Activities to User's Activity Stream

Pagelets based on OpenSocial gadgets are not able to post activities to a user's activity stream. To implement a temporary solution, grant User Profile 'edit' permission to Oracle WebCenter Portal's Pagelet Producer using the following WLST/WSAdmin command:

principalClass="oracle.security.jps.internal.core.principals.JpsAuthenticatedRoleImpl", principalName="authenticated-role",
permTarget="/oracle/webcenter/peopleconnections/profile/s8bba98ff_4cbb_40b8_beee_296c916a23ed/.*", permActions="view,edit")

After running the command, restart the Pagelet Producer server.

12.1.17 Accessing Owners' Profile Information Using the OpenSocial API

To access owners' Profile/Activities/Friends information using the OpenSocial API with Oracle WebCenter Portal's Pagelet Producer, you must target the WebCenterDS data source to the WC_Portlet managed server as described in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter. After saving this configuration, Activities and Friends information can be fetched, but Profile information is not returned. To access Profile information, restart the WC_Portlet managed server.

12.1.18 Granting View Document Permissions to Public and Authenticated Users for a Hierarchical Space

When you grant the View Document permission to the Public-User and Authenticated-User roles on a hierarchical space, equivalent "Read" permissions are not set correctly in Content Server. If you want public users and authenticated users to have View Document permissions on a space, you do not need to grant the permission to both the roles separately. When you grant the View Document permission to public users, authenticated users inherit the View Document permission automatically.

If you want to revoke View Document permissions from public users but grant View Document permissions to authenticated users, then revoke the permission from the Public-User role and add it for the Authenticated-User role.

12.1.19 Issues when Using the Russian or Swedish Language

In the Spaces application when the language is set to Russian, you cannot perform certain user management tasks for spaces, including adding a new user to a space, inviting a registered user to a space, and modifying or revoking a user's role assignment.

If the language is set to Swedish, the Roles page under Spaces Administration is not accessible.

12.1.20 Conditions for Deleting Messages from the Activity Stream

Users can delete only messages from the Activity Stream that were entered from the Publisher task flow and include a link. (In other words, messages in the Activity Stream that were not entered via the Publisher and do not include a link cannot be deleted.)Users can delete only messages with a link from the Activity Stream. Other activity stream entries, such as notifications of page creations, cannot be deleted.

12.1.21 Configuring Web Services Security for Discussions Server

In Release, discussions server is shipped with no message protection for Web Service interaction between discussions server and Spaces; this allows you to use discussions server without any further configuration. However, after patching your Oracle WebCenter or earlier version, if you encounter WS-Security-related errors, you must reconfigure the discussions server security settings. For information, see the "Configuring Security Policies for Spaces, Discussions, and Portlet Producer Web Service End Points" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching Guide.

12.1.22 Unable to View Entire Content on iPad as Scrollbars Not Displayed

The Apple iOS platform does not display scrollbars. When you view a page on an iPad, content may appear truncated because scrollbars are not displayed. Also, iFrame components ignore dimensions on iPad. To view the entire content area, use the two-finger scroll gesture on your iPad.

12.1.23 RSS Links Not Working Properly on iPad

The Apple iOS platform renders RSS links by loading them through the site reader.mac.com. If the WebCenter Portal instance is not accessible outside your firewall, RSS links cannot be viewed.

12.1.24 Cannot Upload Content Using iPad

The Apple iOS platform does not support a native file system browser. Therefore, you cannot upload content from an iPad. All upload actions, such as publish, upload, and share are disabled or hidden when you access WebCenter Portal from an iPad.

12.1.25 Cannot Copy Text Displayed on Pages

If you access a page through an iPad, you cannot copy the text displayed on the page. This is a limitation from the Apple iOS platform.

12.1.26 Embedded Images Not Rendered

The Mail task flow does not render embedded images. If an email contains inline images, they are shown as attachments, and not within the message body.

12.1.27 Unable to Check Out a Document When Using Firefox First Time

The first time you access WebCenter Portal using the Mozilla Firefox browser, and attempt to open a document using Desktop Integration over an SSL or HTTPS connection, you will receive a warning that the certificate is not trusted, even if the environment has a valid certificate. You can open the document, but cannot check in or check out the document from within a Microsoft Office application. However, subsequent use of Desktop Integration through the Firefox browser will work as expected and you will be able to check documents in and out from within a Microsoft Office application.

12.1.28 Navigating in the Preferences Dialog in Internet Explorer 9 (Accessibility Issue)

When using only the keyboard in WebCenter Portal in Internet Explorer 9, on the General Preferences page in the Preferences dialog, the Expression Editor dialog loses cursor focus after a value is changed using the down arrow key. The cursor focus goes back to the General Preferences page instead of the Expression Editor dialog. To work around this issue, use Internet Explorer 8 or any other supported browser like Safari 23.x or Firefox 10.x.

12.1.29 Web Clipping Portlet is Deprecated

The Web Clipping portlet is deprecated in Release 11g ( and should not be used. Instead, create a clipper pagelet using Oracle WebCenter Portal's Pagelet Producer.

12.1.30 Messages Displayed During Import or Export Appear Incomplete (Accessibility Issue)

While accessing WebCenter Portal: Spaces using Internet Explorer 10, progress messages displayed during import or export space appear incomplete. To workaround this issue, click the browser compatibility icon next to the address bar to enable browser compatibility.

12.1.31 Deployment Fails Because Versioned Applications Are Not Supported

Application versioning is no longer supported by default for ADF applications. Upon initial deployment, an existing (or earlier) or new application ( or later) deploys successfully regardless of the application's versioning. However, when redeploying an unversioned application from JDeveloper to a WebLogic Server where a versioned instance of that application is already running, deployment will fail. This is because the server is already running a versioned instance and WebLogic Server does not allow deploying an unversioned instance of the same application. You will see an error message like this:

Weblogic Server Exception: 
weblogic.management.ManagementException: [Deployer:149082]You cannot deploy application 'Application1_application1' without version. The application was previously deployed with version 'V2.0'.

To resolve this issue, undeploy the versioned application first and then deploy the unversioned application.

12.1.32 Some Formatting Lost in Rich Text Editor When Shifting from Rich Text or HTML to Wiki Markup

In the Rich Text Editor, if you switch from the Rich Text or HTML pane to the Wiki Markup pane, you might encounter formatting issues. For example, only the image source and title properties or attributes are saved when switching to Wiki Markup.

12.1.33 Unable to Access All Nodes in a Large Navigation Model

If you have a navigation model with many nodes, depending on the page template used for your portal, you may not be able to access all those nodes when you render that navigation model in a page. If there are more nodes than fit in the area of the page template used for navigation, a >> icon provides access to a drop-down list of the remaining nodes. However, if this drop-down list is longer than the available screen size, you will not be able to access the nodes at the end of the list. For example, this situation may arise if you are using a page template where the navigation is displayed in a bar along the top of the page.

To work around this issue, consider using a different page template that displays navigation down the side of the page. Alternatively, you can use folders in your navigation model to group similar nodes together and reduce the number of nodes displayed at any one level of the navigation model.

12.2 Documentation Errata

This section describes documentation errata. It includes the following topic:

12.2.1 Oracle SES Active Connection

In Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter, in "Table 22-3 Oracle SES Connection - Name", the definition of Active Connection should read as follows:

"Select to use the Oracle SES instance defined on this connection as your search platform for your WebCenter Portal application. While you can register multiple Oracle SES connections for an application, only one connection is used—the default (or active) connection."

12.2.2 Extending the Spaces Application Using JDeveloper

If you want to develop custom resources or build custom shared libraries for the Spaces application ( you must use Oracle JDeveloper to develop your extensions.

In Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter, section "Downloading a Workspace for Spaces Development" incorrectly states to use Oracle JDeveloper Specifically, step 2 should read as follows:

"Step 2 Download and install Oracle JDeveloper 11g (

Oracle JDeveloper 11g ( is available for download from: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/jdev/downloads/index.html"

12.2.3 Using Spaces Extension Samples Whitepaper

In Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter, section "Deploying Your Own Custom Code and Task Flows in Shared Libraries" incorrectly refers to the accompanying whitepaper as "Using Spaces Extension Samples (". For WebCenter Portal, you must refer to the whitepaper "Using Spaces Extension Samples (".

12.2.4 Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Not Supported

In Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter, the "Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 or 2010 for WebCenter Portal" section and the "Third-Party Product Integration" appendix incorrectly specify Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 as a supported mail server. Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 is not certified for use with Oracle WebCenter Portal.

12.2.5 Presence Servers Supported for the IMP Service

In Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter the "Microsoft Live Communications Server (LCS) Prerequisites" section and the "Third-Party Product Integration" appendix do not provide complete product details about the presence servers supported by the Instant Messaging and Presence (IMP) service. You can configure any of the following servers as the communication server for the IMP service:

  • Microsoft Office Live Communications Server (LCS) 2005 R2

  • Microsoft Office Communications Server (OCS) 2007 SP1

  • Microsoft Lync 2010