15 AcceptableValueLists API

This chapter provides use cases for the AcceptableValueLists API that describe how to create a new acceptable value list and enter it into Oracle Enterprise Repository and populate an asset's single or multiple selection lists with acceptable values.

This chapter includes the following sections:

15.1 Overview

Acceptable Value Lists are used in single- and multiple-selection drop-down box metadata elements.

When creating or editing an asset type, Acceptable Value Lists are used as metadata elements. These metadata elements are referenced by ID in the editor and viewer XML for the asset type/compliance template.

When creating or editing assets, values contained in Acceptable Value Lists are used as options for the metadata elements defined for the particular asset type/compliance template. To use the acceptable values for an Acceptable Value List, the custom data for the asset (Asset.GetCustomData()) is modified to reference the ID of the acceptable value.

15.2 Use Cases

This section describes the use cases using the AcceptableValueLists API. It contains the following topics:

15.2.1 Use Case: Create and Edit an Acceptable Value List


Create a new acceptable value list and enter it into Oracle Enterprise Repository.

Sample Code

Example 15-1 Use Case: Create and Edit an Acceptable Value List

package com.flashline.sample.acceptablevaluelists;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.Calendar;
import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.base.OpenAPIException;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.AcceptableValue;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.AcceptableValueList;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.AuthToken;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.service.v300.FlashlineRegistry;
public class CreateAndEditAcceptableValueList {
  public static void main(String pArgs[]) throws OpenAPIException,
      ServiceException {
    try {
      // Connect to Oracle Enterprise Repository
      URL lURL = null;
      lURL = new URL(pArgs[0]);
      FlashlineRegistry repository = new FlashlineRegistryServiceLocator()
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Authenticate with OER
      // //////////////////////////////
      AuthToken authToken = repository.authTokenCreate(pArgs[1],
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Build an array of acceptable values for the list.
      // //////////////////////////////
      String newAcceptableValueListName = "My AcceptableValueList
      AcceptableValue[] acceptableValues = new AcceptableValue[3];
      acceptableValues[0] = new AcceptableValue();
      acceptableValues[0].setValue("My Value");
      acceptableValues[1] = new AcceptableValue();
      acceptableValues[1].setValue("My Next Value");
      acceptableValues[2] = new AcceptableValue();
      acceptableValues[2].setValue("My Last Value");
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Create the AcceptableValueList in Repository
      // //////////////////////////////
      AcceptableValueList newAcceptableValueList = repository
          .acceptableValueListCreate(authToken, newAcceptableValueListName,
      System.out.println("The new acceptableValueList id  =\""
          + newAcceptableValueList.getID() + "\"");
    } catch (OpenAPIException lEx) {
      System.out.println("ServerCode = " + lEx.getServerErrorCode());
      System.out.println("Message    = " + lEx.getMessage());
    } catch (RemoteException lEx) {
    } catch (ServiceException lEx) {
    } catch (MalformedURLException lEx) {

15.2.2 Use Case: Find an Acceptable Value List and Use it in an Asset


Populate an asset's single or multiple selection lists with acceptable values.

Sample Code

Example 15-2 Use Case: Populate Lists with Acceptable Values

package com.flashline.sample.acceptablevaluelists;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.base.OpenAPIException;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.AcceptableValue;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.AcceptableValueList;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.Asset;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.AuthToken;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.query.AcceptableValueListCriteria;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.service.v300.FlashlineRegistry;
public class FindAcceptableValueListAndUseInAsset {
  public static void main(String pArgs[]) throws OpenAPIException,
      ServiceException {
    try {
      // Connect to Oracle Enterprise Repository
      URL lURL = null;
      lURL = new URL(pArgs[0]);
      FlashlineRegistry repository = new FlashlineRegistryServiceLocator()
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Authenticate with OER
      // //////////////////////////////
      AuthToken authToken = repository.authTokenCreate(pArgs[1],
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Find the AcceptableValueList
      // //////////////////////////////
      AcceptableValueListCriteria criteria = new AcceptableValueListCriteria();
      criteria.setNameCriteria("My AcceptableValueList");
      AcceptableValueList[] acceptableValueLists = repository
          .acceptableValueListQuery(authToken, criteria);
      AcceptableValueList myAcceptableValueList = acceptableValueLists[0];
      AcceptableValue[] acceptableValues = myAcceptableValueList
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Find one value within the AcceptableValueList
      // //////////////////////////////
      AcceptableValue myAcceptableValue = null;
      for (int i = 0; i < acceptableValues.length; i++) {
        if (acceptableValues[i].getValue().equals("My Value")) {
          myAcceptableValue = acceptableValues[i];
      long myAcceptableValueID = myAcceptableValue.getID();
      Asset myAsset = repository.assetRead(authToken, 561);
      String customData = myAsset.getCustomData();
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Modify customData to use myAcceptableValueID.
      // //////////////////////////////
      String modifiedCustomData = customData;
      // ...
      // //////////////////////////////
      // save modified custom data
      // //////////////////////////////
      repository.assetUpdate(authToken, myAsset);
    } catch (OpenAPIException lEx) {
      System.out.println("ServerCode = " + lEx.getServerErrorCode());
      System.out.println("Message    = " + lEx.getMessage());
    } catch (RemoteException lEx) {
    } catch (ServiceException lEx) {
    } catch (MalformedURLException lEx) {