22 Extraction API

This chapter provides use cases for the Extraction API that describe how to extract an asset, read an extraction, and update an extraction in Oracle Enterprise Repository.

This chapter includes the following sections:

22.1 Overview

As part of the Use - Download (extraction) process the user is asked to associate the selected asset with a particular project. These instances of usage, along with surveys (which are included in usage updates) are the primary drivers for metrics within Oracle Enterprise Repository.


In earlier product releases the term Extraction was used to describe the act of downloading or otherwise accessing an asset's payload. The term Extraction has since been replaced by the phrase Use - Download. Note, however, that within the context of this Extraction API document, most instances of use of the term Extraction (particularly in code examples) were left intact to simplify the use of REX API.


  • State

    State refers to the usage status of an asset that has been selected for use/download. There are four possible states:




    • DEPLOYED (DEPLOYED is covered under Projects).

  • Extraction Download

    Contains the file info associated with the extracted asset. Values for an extraction download can be 0 or 1.

  • File Info

    Information and URL links to the actual files associated with the asset make up the File Info as contained in an extraction download. File Info values for an extraction download can be 0 to n.

  • Related Asset

    Within Oracle Enterprise Repository, a given asset can be associated with others through a number of pre-defined and/or custom-configured relationships. An asset can contain 0 to n related assets.

Related Subsystems

  • AssetSubsystem

  • ProjectSubsystem

  • CategorizationTypeSubsystem

  • SurveySubsystem

22.2 Use Cases

This section describes the use cases using the Extraction API. It includes the following topics:

22.2.1 Use Case: Extract an Asset


An Extraction is created when an asset is associated for use in a project by the user. A list of related assets is also made available for extraction during this process. In this case the user can simultaneously extract both the primary asset and any related assets. A unique extraction is then recorded for each asset. Creating an extraction results in an array containing 0 to n extraction downloads. The file info value for each download can be 0 to n. The file info contains information about the file. This information is used to create a link to the file.

To extract an asset the following conditions must be met:

  • The user must be a member of the project to which the asset is to be extracted.

  • The user must be assigned the appropriate role type(s).

  • The project must be open.

  • The asset(s) must be registered and active.

  • If Custom Access Settings are enabled, the user performing the extraction must have appropriate access rights to the specified asset(s).

  • If Custom Access Settings are enabled, the user performing the extraction receives file info only for those files to which the user has the appropriate permissions.

  • These conditions are checked by the appropriate methods in which they are used. Exceptions are thrown if the conditions are not met.

Sample Code

Example 22-1 Use Case: Extract an Asset

package com.flashline.sample.extractionapi;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.base.OpenAPIException;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.Asset;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.AuthToken;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.Extraction;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.ExtractionDownload;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.FileInfo;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.service.v300.FlashlineRegistry;
public class ExtractAsset {
  public static void main(String pArgs[]) throws OpenAPIException,
      ServiceException {
    try {
      // Connect to Oracle Enterprise Repository
      URL lURL = null;
      lURL = new URL(pArgs[0]);
      FlashlineRegistry repository = new FlashlineRegistryServiceLocator()
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Authenticate with OER
      // //////////////////////////////
      AuthToken authToken = repository.authTokenCreate(
          pArgs[1], pArgs[2]);
      long ASSET_ID_1 = 589;     // must be a valid asset id in OER
      long ASSET_ID_2 = 569;     // must be a valid asset id in OER
      long PROJECT_ID = 50000;   // must be a valid project id in OER
      long EXTRACTION_ID = 0;
      // ----------------------------------------
      // Create a new extraction
      long[] lAssetIDs = { ASSET_ID_1, ASSET_ID_2 };
      ExtractionDownload[] extractionDownloads =
 repository.extractionCreate(authToken, PROJECT_ID, lAssetIDs);
      System.out.println("Number of new extraction downloads created: " +
      // ----------------------------------------
      // Read an extraction by project and asset
      Extraction extraction =
 repository.extractionReadByProjectAndAsset(authToken, PROJECT_ID, ASSET_ID_1);
      EXTRACTION_ID = extraction.getID();
      // ----------------------------------------
      // Read an extraction by ID
      Extraction extractionByID = repository.extractionRead(authToken, EXTRACTION
      System.out.println("The extraction '"+extractionByID.getDisplayName()+"' was
 read by id ("+EXTRACTION_ID+")");
      // ----------------------------------------
      // Read asset extractions
      Extraction[] assetExtractions =
 repository.extractionReadAssetExtractions(authToken, PROJECT_ID, ASSET_ID_1,
      System.out.println("The number of extractions for this asset is:
 "+(assetExtractions==null ? 0 : assetExtractions.length));
      // ----------------------------------------
      // Read project extractions
      Extraction[] projectExtractions =
 repository.extractionReadProjectExtractions(authToken, PROJECT_ID, true);
      System.out.println("The number of extractions for this project is:
 "+(projectExtractions==null ? 0 : projectExtractions.length));
      // ----------------------------------------
      // Read related assets
      Asset[] relatedAssets = repository.extractionReadRelatedAssets(authToken,
      System.out.println("The number of related assets is: "+relatedAssets==null ?
 0 : relatedAssets.length);
      // ----------------------------------------
      // Read File-Info for an extraction
      List fileInfosList = new ArrayList();
      if (projectExtractions != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < projectExtractions.length; i++) {
          extraction = repository.extractionRead(authToken,
      // ----------------------------------------
      // Get File
      List fileInfoList = new ArrayList();
      Iterator fileInfosListIter = fileInfosList.iterator();
      while (fileInfosListIter.hasNext()) {
        FileInfo[] fileInfos = (FileInfo[]) fileInfosListIter.next();
        for (int i = 0; i < fileInfos.length; i++) {
      String[] fileLinks = new String[fileInfoList.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < fileInfoList.size(); i++) {
        FileInfo fileInfo = (FileInfo) fileInfoList.get(i);
        fileLinks[i] = repository.repositoryFileTranslator(authToken, fileInfo);
        System.out.println("Project extraction file-info link: "+fileLinks[i]);
      // -----------------------------------
      // revert extractions
    } catch (OpenAPIException lEx) {
      System.out.println("ServerCode = " + lEx.getServerErrorCode());
      System.out.println("Message    = " + lEx.getMessage());
    } catch (RemoteException lEx) {
    } catch (ServiceException lEx) {
    } catch (MalformedURLException lEx) {

Notes about FileInfo Objects

FileInfo objects represent individual files associated with the extracted asset. The physical location of the file may be obtained by the two following methods.

  1. Using the downloadURI property on the FileInfo object itself, for example, fileInfo.getDownloadURI().

  2. Using the OpenAPI method repositoryFileTranslator passing the FileInfo object, for example, flashlineRegistry.repositoryFileTranslator(authToken, fileInfo).


    DO NOT use the URI property on the FileInfo object which represents an Oracle Enterprise Repository specific path.

22.2.2 Use Case: Read an Extraction


Several methods beyond those covered in the Extract an Asset use case is used to read extractions. Extractions can be grouped by asset, project, or user. The specific grouping of extractions determines the method to be used.

To read an extraction the following conditions must be met:

  • The project must be open.

  • The asset(s) must be registered and active.

  • The extraction must be active.

These conditions are checked by the appropriate methods in which they are used. Exceptions are thrown if the conditions are not met.

Sample Code

Example 22-2 Use Case: Read an Extraction

package com.flashline.sample.extractionapi;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.base.OpenAPIException;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.Asset;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.AuthToken;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.Extraction;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.service.v300.FlashlineRegistry;
public class ExtractRead {
  public static void main(String pArgs[]) throws OpenAPIException,
      ServiceException {
    try {
      // Connect to Oracle Enterprise Repository
      URL lURL = null;
      lURL = new URL(pArgs[0]);
      FlashlineRegistry repository = new FlashlineRegistryServiceLocator()
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Authenticate with OER
      // //////////////////////////////
      AuthToken authToken = repository.authTokenCreate(
      long PROJECT_ID = 50000; // must be a valid project id in the OER
      long ASSET_ID = 569;    // must be a valid asset id in the OER
      // ----------------------------------------
      // Read project extractions
      Extraction[] projectExtractions = repository
          .extractionReadProjectExtractions(authToken, PROJECT_ID, true);
      // ----------------------------------------
      // Read asset extractions
      Extraction[] assetExtractions = repository
          .extractionReadAssetExtractions(authToken, PROJECT_ID, ASSET_ID, true);
      // ----------------------------------------
      // Read user extractions
      Extraction[] userExtractions = repository
          .extractionReadUserExtractions(authToken, true);
      // ----------------------------------------
      // Read related assets
      Asset[] assets = repository.extractionReadRelatedAssets(authToken,
    } catch (OpenAPIException lEx) {
      System.out.println("ServerCode = " + lEx.getServerErrorCode());
      System.out.println("Message    = " + lEx.getMessage());
    } catch (RemoteException lEx) {
    } catch (ServiceException lEx) {
    } catch (MalformedURLException lEx) {

22.2.3 Use Case: Update an Extraction


An extraction record is updated when the state of the asset is changed or when the consumer of the asset completes an asset survey. A state change or survey completion can be separate transactions or performed in tandem.

To update an extraction the following conditions must be met:

  • The project must be open.

  • The asset must be registered and active.

  • The extraction must be active.

  • The survey taken must be active.

These conditions are checked by the appropriate methods in which they are used. Exceptions are thrown if the conditions are not met.

Sample Code

Example 22-3 Use Case: Update an Extraction

package com.flashline.sample.extractionapi;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.base.OpenAPIException;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.Answer;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.AuthToken;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.Categorization;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.Choice;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.ChoiceList;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.Extraction;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.ExtractionDownload;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.IExtraction;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.Question;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.entity.SurveyTaken;
import com.flashline.registry.openapi.service.v300.FlashlineRegistry;
public class ExtractUpdate {
  public static void main(String pArgs[]) throws OpenAPIException,
      ServiceException {
    try {
      // Connect to Oracle Enterprise Repository
      URL lURL = null;
      lURL = new URL(pArgs[0]);
      FlashlineRegistry repository = new FlashlineRegistryServiceLocator()
      // //////////////////////////////
      // Authenticate with OER
      // //////////////////////////////
      AuthToken authToken = repository.authTokenCreate(
      long PROJECT_ID = 50000; // must be a valid project id in the OER
      long ASSET_ID = 569; // must be a valid asset id in the OER
      // ----------------------------------------
      // Create a new extraction
      long[] lAssetIDs = { ASSET_ID };
      ExtractionDownload[] extractionDownloads =
 repository.extractionCreate(authToken, PROJECT_ID, lAssetIDs);
      Extraction[] assetExtractions = repository
          .extractionReadAssetExtractions(authToken, PROJECT_ID, ASSET_ID, true);
      // this assumes that there is at least 1 extraction and the first one is
      // used
      IExtraction iExtraction = repository
      Extraction extraction = repository.extractionRead(authToken,
      // can set the status of the extraction to 'Deployed', 'Rejected', or 'In
      // Process'.
      assetExtractions[0].setStatus("In Process");
      extraction = repository.extractionTentativelyAccept(authToken,
      SurveyTaken surveyTaken = repository.surveyTakenRead(authToken,
      extraction = repository.extractionUpdateSurvey(authToken,
          extraction, surveyTaken);
      surveyTaken = repository.surveyTakenRead(authToken, extraction);
      extraction = repository.extractionUpdateSurvey(authToken,
          extraction, surveyTaken);
      Categorization[] rejectionReasons = repository
      surveyTaken = repository.surveyTakenRead(authToken, extraction);
      extraction = repository.extractionUpdateSurvey(authToken,
          extraction, surveyTaken);
      surveyTaken = repository.surveyTakenRead(authToken, extraction);
      Question[] questions = repository.surveyReadQuestions(authToken);
      ChoiceList choiceList = null;
      Choice[] choices = null;
      Answer[] answers = new Answer[4];
      for (int i = 0; i < answers.length; i++) {
        answers[i] = new Answer();
      choiceList = questions[0].getChoiceList();
      choices = choiceList.getChoices();
      choiceList = questions[3].getChoiceList();
      choices = choiceList.getChoices();
      surveyTaken = repository.surveyTakenUpdate(authToken, surveyTaken);
      // -----------------------------------
      // revert extractions
    } catch (OpenAPIException lEx) {
      System.out.println("ServerCode = " + lEx.getServerErrorCode());
      System.out.println("Message    = " + lEx.getMessage());
    } catch (RemoteException lEx) {
    } catch (ServiceException lEx) {
    } catch (MalformedURLException lEx) {


Bear in mind that a state change or a survey taken is a two-step process. The first step is to change the state or take the survey. The second step is to update the extraction status using the extractionUpdateStatus method. A state change or survey taken can be separate transactions or performed in tandem. If performed in tandem only a single extractionUpdateStatus method call is required.

The extractionUpdateStatus method requires a SurveyTaken. This is true regardless of whether a survey was taken at the time the extractionUpdateStatus method is called (as in a state change, for example). This survey is retrieved using the surveyTakenRead method. If a survey has not been taken for this extraction, then one is created by the surveyTakenRead method.

The current survey in Oracle Enterprise Repository consists of four questions. When a survey is taken an array is created storing answers for the four questions. Each answer must contain three pieces of information to be valid:

  • The value (the user response to the question)

  • The question ID

  • The choice ID

Questions 2 and 3 are single answer questions, so the choice ID here is always set to 0. Questions 1 and 4, however, are multiple-choice. The multiple choices are retrieved using the surveyReadChoiceList method.

Methods to Avoid:

The following objects are used in the Extraction and Survey subsystems:

  • Extraction

  • ExtractionDownload

  • FileInfo

  • SurveyTaken

  • Question

  • ChoiceList

  • Choice

  • Answer

The use of any of the get methods within these objects is acceptable. All the remaining methods - especially the set methods - should be avoided. The events provided by these remaining methods are covered by the methods in the Extraction and Survey subsystems.