Oracle® Enterprise Data Quality

Installing and Upgrading Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server

Release 14.x and 15.x


February 2015

Oracle Enterprise Data Quality (EDQ) Address Verification consists of two components:

To install and configure these components, follow the procedures in this document.

1 Installing the Address Verification Server

This section describes the prerequisites for installing Address Verification Server, and how to install it on different EDQ Server environments.

1.1 Installing Prerequisites

You must install a compatible release of EDQ in order to install an Address Verification Server. This version ( of EDQ AV may require you to update your version of EDQ for compatibility purposes. Please consult the following table for a guide to compatibility:

Table 1 EDQ Compatibility

EDQ Address Verification Server Version Required EDQ Version

12.x, 13.x,

EDQ 9.0.7 or later, EDQ or later, or EDQ 12.1.3 or later,,,

EDQ 9.0.10 or later, EDQ or later, or EDQ 12.1.3 or later

For more information about installing EDQ, see the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Installation Guide for the release you want to install.

1.2 Additional Components You Can Install

The other components that can be selected during installation are:

  • Install Manager: installs the required data files, purchased separately from Loqate.

  • Batch Processor: allows standalone use of EDQ Address Verification

  • Demo Interface: allows EDQ Address Verification to be tested without an EDQ environment.

1.3 Obtaining the EDQ Address Verification Product

The EDQ Address Verification ZIP installation file can be downloaded from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. Use the following procedure:

  1. Enter the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud URL into a web browser:

  2. Click Sign-in/Register.


    If you are not already logged in, the Oracle Single Sign-On page appears. Enter your Oracle user id and password and click Sign In.

    The Terms & Restrictions page appears

  3. Click the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud Trial License Agreement and the Export Restrictions check boxes, and then click Continue.

    The Media Pack Search page appears.

  4. On the Media Pack Search page, do the following:

    1. Click the Select Product Pack drop-down list and select or Oracle Fusion Middleware from the Select a Product Pack drop-down list.

    2. Click the Platform drop-down list and select the platform on which you are installing EDQ.

    3. Click Go.

    The Results list expands to show all available media packs that include your search criteria.

  5. Select the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server Media Pack option.

  6. Click the Download button.

  7. Browse to the directory where you want to save the file. Click Save to start the file download. A ZIP file is downloaded.

  8. Extract the ZIP file to a temporary directory.

1.4 Installing Address Verification On a Windows Environment

  1. Extract the EDQ Address Verification ZIP file to the chosen directory on your EDQ Server.

  2. Navigate to the windows sub-directory of the extracted directory.

  3. Right-click the installation file suited to your Windows environment and select Run as administrator:

    • Windows 32-bit environment: setup.exe

    • Windows 64-bit environment: setup_x64.exe


      If installed using the standard Windows installer, EDQ is configured to run in a 32-bit Java Virtual Machine (JVM), even on a 64-bit operating system such as Windows 7. Therefore, before installing the 64-bit version of the AV Server it is important to ensure that EDQ is running in a 64-bit JVM. See the Troubleshooting section of this document for more details.

  4. Specify the installation directory. The default is C:\Program Files\EDQAV\ though you can specify a different directory.

  5. Select the C++ API, Java API, and Install Manager components for installation. The other components are optional.

    The penultimate installer wizard window contains the path to the Install Manager component. Make a note of this path so you can run the Install Manager once the installation is complete and verified.

  6. When the installation is complete, ensure that the file in the oedq_local_home/av directory of the EDQ installation points to the Address Verification Server installation location. See Section 3, "Configuring Address Verification Server" for further details.

  7. If you changed your file, then restart the EDQ Application Server.

  8. Verify that the SYSTEM path variable has been added. For example:

    1. On a Windows 7 operating system, open the Control Panel then double-click System, and then select Advanced system settings.

    2. Select the Advanced tab

    3. Click Environment Variables.

    4. If the PATH variable does not contain the Address Verification installation path, add it manually using a semicolon to separate it from the other paths listed.

    5. Restart your server.

1.5 Installing Address Verification On a Linux or UNIX Environment

To install the Address Verification Server onto a Solaris, AIX, or Linux environment use the following procedure:

  1. Extract the EDQ Address Verification ZIP file to a temporary directory on your EDQ Server.

  2. Go to the sub-directory relating to your server platform, aix, hpux, linux, or solaris.

  3. Ensure that the permissions for the installer file allow you to run it or change them using the chmod command.

    For example, for the Solaris installer the command would be:

    chmod +x solaris_installer

  4. For installations in an AIX environment, perform these additional steps:

    1. Set the environment variable LIBPATH to point at the directory containing the AIX ppc64 Loqate binaries ( and

    2. Remove (or comment out) the loqate.libdir setting from the file.


    There are no 32-bit Loqate libraries available for AIX.

  5. Run the installer for your server platform. For example, ./linux_installer_x86.


    There are two Linux installer files: linux_installer_x86 for 32-bit environments, and linux_installer_x64 for 64-bit environments.

    There is one installer files for AIX.

    There are two Solaris installer files (for SPARC and x86-based systems respectively). The Solaris SPARC installer requires a 64-bit environment.

  6. Specify the installation directory. The default is /opt/edqav though you can specify a different directory.

    The Address Verification components are displayed in a numbered list. The currently selected components are indicated by an asterisk to the left of the component.

  7. Select 8 to continue the installation and install the default components.

  8. The penultimate installer wizard window contains the path to the Install Manager component. Make a note of this path so you can run the Install Manager once the installation is complete and verified.

  9. When the installation is complete, ensure that the file in config/av directory of the EDQ installation points to the AV Server installation location. See Section 3, "Configuring Address Verification Server" for further details.

  10. If the file has been changed, restart the EDQ Application Server.

1.6 Installing Published Processors

You can install these two published processors that summarize the results of the Address Verification processor:

  • The Summarize Address Verification processor is a published processor that summarizes the results of the Address Verification processor. It reads the av.AccuracyCode flag added by Address Verification and produces a number of results views that indicate how many records were verified, to which level, whether postal codes were modified or not, and other views.

  • The Summarize GeoCoding Results processor is a published processor that runs on the data after Address Verification where the geocoding option is enabled, and summarizes the GeoCoding results in terms of accuracy.

The processors are contained in a .dxi file in the additional processors directory of the extracted Address Verification ZIP file.

To install the processors:

  1. Do one of the following to begin the installation:

    • Start EDQ Director. Select File, then select Open Package File.... Go to the additional processors directory, and then double-click on the Summarize Address Verification.dxi or Summarize GeoCoding Results.dxi file.

    • Start EDQ Director. Go to the additional processors directory and then drag the Summarize Address Verification.dxi and Summarize GeoCoding Results.dxi files into the Project Browser.

    • Go to the additional processors directory then double-click one of the .dxi files to start EDQ Director.

  2. Click and drag the Summarize Address Verification and Summarize GeoCoding Results processors into the Published Processor directory to complete installing these processors.

1.7 Installing the Global Knowledge Repository

The Global Knowledge Repository, comprising the data used by Address Verification, must be purchased directly from Oracle's partner, Loqate. The repository is installed by running the Install Manager, an Address Verification component which is added during installation.

For instructions to install the Global Knowledge Repository data files for Address Verification using the Install Manager, use the documentation provided at the Loqate web site at

Oracle recommends that you use the following directories when you install the Global Knowledge Repository data files:

  • Windows: C:\Program Files\EDQAV\data.

  • Solaris, AIX or Linux: /opt/edqav/data.

You must ensure that your installation directories are correctly specified in the file, see Section 3, "Configuring Address Verification Server" for further information.


If you have multiple EDQ Servers that all require, both the Address Verification Server and data files can be mounted on network file system and shared between multiple servers if required.

2 Upgrading EDQ Address Verification

This section describes how to upgrade the Address Verification Server and the Global Knowledge Repository.

You must upgrade both the Address Verification Server and the Loqate Global Knowledge Repository data files that it uses. Newer versions of the Address Verification Server will not work with old versions of the Global Knowledge Repository data files.

You must obtain the Global Knowledge Repository data files from Oracle's partner Loqate at

2.1 Upgrading Your Address Verification Server

Use the following procedure to upgrade Address Verification Server:

  1. Rename (or backup then delete) the current directory or directories containing your Address Verification Server and its data files.

  2. Install the new version into the directory location where the previous version was installed. It is not necessary to change any system path variables, nor the file that EDQ uses to find the Address Verification Server.

2.2 Upgrading the Global Knowledge Repository

You can upgrade the Global Knowledge Repository without upgrading the Address Verification Server to ensure that you are using the most recent address data.

You can use the Install Manager, which verifies the software version and provides only the data that is valid for the installed version. Alternatively, you manually upgrade the can Global Knowledge Repository using the following steps:

  1. Stop the Address Verification Server.

  2. Back up the contents of the existing data directory to another file location.


    You can delete these files when the upgrade is completed successfully.

  3. Copy the new Global Knowledge Repository data files, that you obtained from Loqate, into the data directory.

  4. Start your Address Verification Server.

3 Configuring Address Verification Server

After the EDQ Address Verification API and data files are installed, EDQ must be configured to use them. You must modify the file found in the av subdirectory of the EDQ local home directory.

This file must contain the correct paths to the installed Address Verification software and data, as defined in the following properties:

  • loqate.datadir: The location of the Loqate data.

  • loqate.libdir: The location of the EDQ Address Verification library files.

  • loqate.jar: The location of the Loqate JAR file.

The values of these properties vary depending on your installation environment. Oracle recommends the following:

Configuration Property Suggested Windows Path Suggested UNIX Path


C:\\Program Files\\EDQAV\\data



The DLL directory must be on the system path (this property is not required.)

The directory need not be on the system path. This property is used to set the location, for example: loqate.libdir = /opt/edqav/


C:\\Program Files\\EDQAV\\loqate.jar


Note the following:

  • On UNIX operating systems, the library directory must be set on the shared library path. On AIX, use LIBPATH; for all other UNIX operating systems, use LD_LIBRARY_PATH. This requirement does not apply to Linux operating systems.

  • If you edit the file, you must restart your EDQ Application Server.

4 Troubleshooting the Installation

This section describes common errors encountered when installing EDQ Address Verification, and how to resolve them.

4.1 Incomplete Installation


A process containing the Address Verification processor is run, and all the output fields are blank except for av.Accuracy Code, which has a value of -1.0. Additionally, an error is recorded in the main EDQ server log file, oeqd_home/logs/main0.log, in the following format:

WARNING: [dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss: OAV Java API jar "[path to loqate.jar]" does not exist.


Address Verification was not installed in the path referred to in the file. Verify that the software has been installed and that the paths in this file are correct. At a minimum, the following API files must be installed:

Windows EDQ Server Linux/Solaris/AIX EDQ Server






Perform the installation process again.

4.2 64-bit Installation Where EDQ is Running in a 32-bit JVM


After installing EDQ Address Verification Server, the following error may be written to the main0.log file when the EDQ Application Server starts:

WARNING: 07-Mar-2012 07:19:56: widget bean com.datanomic.director.widget.loqator.server.LoqatorBean reported as dead: Failed to load OAV JNI library lqtjava: C:\Program Files\EDQAV\lqtjava.dll: Can't load AMD 64-bit .dll on a IA 32-bit platform (Code: 247,005)


This error usually occurs when the 64-bit version of Address Verification Server is installed and your EDQ Server is running in a 32-bit Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This could be the case even on a 64-bit Operating System, such as Windows 7. If you EDQ was installed using the provided Windows installation program, it is configured to run in a 32-bit JVM unless otherwise specified..


If you have a 32-bit operating system, you must uninstall the 64-bit version of Address Verification and install the 32-bit version.

If you have a 64-bit operating system, configure EDQ to run in a 64-bit JVM using the following steps:

  1. Ensure you are logged into your EDQ Server as a user with administrator rights.

  2. Stop your EDQ Application Server service, then stop the EDQ Config Store and Results Store database services.

  3. Find the utility file, dnConfig.exe, in the director/[version number] directory where you installed EDQ. By default, this file is installed in the C:\Program Files\Oracle\Enterprise Data Quality\director\version number directory. If you have multiple versions installed, choose the latest version number.

  4. Right-click on dnConfig.exe and select Run as administrator.

    The Enterprise Data Quality Configuration utility is started.

  5. Select the Application Server tab, then select the Use 64-bit JVM option, and then click Apply JVM Change: Surrounding text describes jvm_change.png.

  6. Click Launch Tomcat Manager, and then select the Java tab

  7. Adjust the Maximum memory pool option to allow EDQ to use more memory. Oracle recommends that you set the maximum pool to approximately 50% of the available physical memory on your machine. For example, on a machine with 8GB of RAM this setting would be changed to 4096 (4GB):

  8. Start the EDQ services in the following order:

    EDQ Config Store

    EDQ Results Store

    EDQ Application Server

4.3 Invalid Data Directory


After installing EDQ Address Verification Server, the following error may be written to the main0.log file when EDQ starts:

WARNING: 29-Aug-2012 15:34:49: widget bean com.datanomic.director.widget.loqator.server.LoqatorBean reported as dead: OAV data directory "C:\Program Files\EDQAV\data" not found or invalid (Code: 247,002)


In order to load the Address Verification processor, EDQ requires a valid data directory containing the Loqate Global Knowledge Repository data files. Although the set of data files (.lfs files) that are installed may vary depending on the licensed regions or countries, there must be a valid data directory. During startup EDQ attempts to locate the loqate.ini file in the path stated in the loqate.datadir property in the file. If the loqate.ini file is not present in the defined location, this error occurs.


Ensure that you have a valid loqate.ini file. This should be provided to you by Loqate as part of the delivery of the licensed Global Knowledge Repository data files. Ensure that this file is present in the directory defined by the loqate.datadir property.

4.4 Missing Required File in Solaris Installation


After installing EDQ Address Verification Server on Solaris, the following error may be written to the main0.log file on startup of the EDQ Application Server:

WARNING: 21-Sep-2012 19:25:14: widget bean com.datanomic.director.widget.loqator.server.LoqatorBean reported as dead: Failed to load OAV JNI library lqtjava: /opt/EDQTool/edqav-12.1.2/ java: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory (Code: 247,005)


Typically, this error occurs because the file has a dependency on a file named,, provided as part of Oracle Solaris Sun Studio, which may or may not be installed. To test this, check the dependencies of by running the following command:


If the output indicates that the file is not found, it is either not installed or cannot be loaded.


Add the file to your installation::

  1. Download and unpack the latest version of Oracle Solaris Sun Studio from the Oracle Technology Network web site at

  2. Add your Oracle Solaris Sun Studio location to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH, as in the following example:


  3. Retest using the ldd command.

5 Related Documents

For more information, see the following documents in the documentation set:

  • Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Installation Guide

See the latest version of this and all documents in the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Documentation website at:

Also, see the latest version of the EDQ Online Help, bundled with EDQ.

6 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Installing and Upgrading Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification Server, Release 14.x and 15.x


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