View Secret Key Properties for a KSS Keystore

Returns the secret key properties for a KSS keystore. If the keystore is password-protected, you must provide Base64-encoded header values for the keystore and key passwords.

REST Request

GET /idaas/platform/admin/v1/keystoreservice/secretkey


The following table summarizes the GET request parameters.

Name Description Type
keyAlias Alias of the secret key. Query
keystoreName Name of the keystore. Query
stripeName Name of the stripe. Query

Response Body

Media Types: application/json

The response body contains information about the certificate, including:

Attribute Description
"Property n" List of secret key properties, where n serves as an index that starts at 1 and is incremented by 1 for each additional property.

cURL Example

The following example shows how to view all certificates for an alias by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information, see "cURL Access".

curl -i -X GET -u username:password -H keystorePassword:bXlQd2Q= -H keyPassword:bXlLZXlQd2Q= http://myhost:7001/idaas/platform/admin/v1/keystoreservice/secretkey?"stripeName=myStripe&keystoreName=myKeystore&keyAlias=myKeyAlias"

Example of Response Header

The following shows an example of the response header. For more about the HTTP status codes, see "Status Codes."

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Example of Response Body

The following shows an example of the response body in JSON format.

   "Property 1":"DES"