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StorageTek Tape Analytics Planning and Installation Guide, Version 1.0.2
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Installing STA : Before Installing STA

Before Installing STA

Before installing STA, take note of the following:

The information in this chapter assumes you are installing the STA software for the first time. If you have already installed STA, and you intend to either upgrade, reinstall, or downgrade the software, you must consult the “Upgrading, Reinstalling, and Downgrading STA” chapter within the StorageTek Tape Analytics Administration Reference Guide.

Note – Oracle recommends you install (or upgrade to) the latest version of STA.

Oracle will provide support only if STA is installed on a server dedicated to STA. Do not proceed with installation if you do not intend the server to be dedicated to STA.

You will be prompted to permanently remove all existing software located in the /Oracle/Middleware directory, if found. If the installer detects this directory, allow the installer to remove and reinstall it. If the installer detects an existing MySQL installation, allow the installer to remove it. If you are prompted to overwrite existing files, allow the installer to do so.

Caution – Before choosing to permanently remove or replace existing software, back up files as needed.

STA Pre-Installation Checks

The following STA requirements and recommendations are checked by the installer prior to beginning the installation process.

The installer will check for 64-bit Linux. Contact your Linux Administrator if you do not have 64-bit Linux installed. See “Operating System Requirements” for more information.

The installer will check for the glibc-devel package (part of the Development Libraries group) and the rpm-build package (part of the Development Tools group). These should have been installed as per the instructions in “Installing Linux on the Server”. If these are not installed, contact your Linux Administrator to have them installed before STA installation. For example, the yum installer can be used to install these groups:

# yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
# yum groupinstall "Development Libraries"

The installer will check to see if SELinux is disabled. Oracle highly recommends you disable SELinux before installing STA. If Linux was installed as instructed and recommended in “Installing Linux on the Server”, SELinux should already be disabled. Contact your Linux Administrator for details.

The installer will check to see if IPTables is running on your system. If Linux was installed as instructed in “Installing Linux on the Server”, by default, IPTables should already be stopped. Contact your Linux Administrator for details.

Note – If IPTables is already running per your site policy, Oracle highly recommends you to stop IPTables before installing STA. Once you have installed STA, configured the libraries, and confirmed STA is monitoring the libraries successfully, you can then re-enable IPTables. You should then test the system again to ensure STA is successfully monitoring the libraries.

You can use the following commands to administer IPTables:

Check IPTables status:

# service iptables status

If IPTables is running, stop IPTables:

# service iptables stop

Restart IPTables after STA installation:

# service iptables start

To avoid network port collisions and other issues, the STA platform must not run other SNMP services.

To check the status of, deconfigure, and stop typical SNMP daemon and SNMP trap daemon services, you can issue the following commands:

Check the status of SNMP services:

# service snmpd status
# service snmptrapd status
# chkconfig --list snmpd
# chkconfig --list snmptrapd

Deconfigure SNMP services:

# chkconfig snmpd off
# chkconfig snmptrapd off

Stop SNMP services:

# service snmptrapd stop
# service snmpd stop

Note – If you receive a “FAILED” error when executing the “service stop” commands, these SNMP services may already be stopped.

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