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StorageTek Tape Analytics Administration Reference Guide, Version 1.0.2
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Database Services Administration : STA Backup Service

STA Backup Service

The following topics are discussed here:


The STA Backup Service is one of several services running within the STA Services Daemon. The STA Backup Service performs automatic full and incremental backups of the STA database and key configuration directories, writing these files to a specified location on the server on which STA is installed. They can also be written in compressed form to a remote server, if you have configured one.

Note – Oracle recommends that you configure a remote backup server.

For a list of procedures required to configure the STA Backup service, see the “Configuring STA Services” chapter within the StorageTek Tape Analytics Configuration Guide.

The STA Backup Service within the STA Services daemon can be reconfigured outside of the STA application using the STA Backup Services administration utility, staservadm.

Before proceeding, check to ensure the STA Services Daemon is running. See “Check the Status of the STA Services Daemon”.

Full Backup Process

After it is configured, the STA Backup service performs the following process once every 24 hours:


Configuring the Backup Service

You configure the STA Backup service with the STA Backup Service Administration Utility, staservadm. See the StorageTek Tape Analytics Configuration Guide for information about using this utility to configure the STA Backup service, and for a list of preference settings you can use with the utility.

Display the Backup Service Preference Settings

Enter the following command to display the status of the current preference settings:

staservadm -Q

If the Configured field says “no,” then the Backup Service is running in an “idle” mode and is not performing any backups. You will need to supply the proper configuration settings.

See the StorageTek Tape Analytics Configuration Guide for instructions on entering settings.

# staservadm -Q
Contacting daemon...connected.
Querying Preferences.
Current STA Backup Service Settings:
   Configured            [yes]
   File Transfer      -X [SCP]
   Full Backup        -T [02:22]
   Sleep Interval     -i [30 sec]
   Backup Hostname    -s [stabackups.mycompany.com]
   Backup Username    -u [root]
   Backup Password    -p [*******]
   Backup Directory   -d [/backups/tbivb01]
   Database Username  -U [stadba]
   Database Password  -P [********]

Clear Preference Settings

Enter the following command to clear the current preference settings:

staservadm -C

Notice that the Backup service is no longer configured and will return to the “idle” state when you do this. You must now provide new settings.

See the StorageTek Tape Analytics Configuration Guide for instructions on entering settings.

# staservadm -C
Contacting daemon...connected.
Clearing Preferences.
 Current STA Backup Service Settings:
   Configured            [no]
   File Transfer      -X [SCP]
   Full Backup        -T [00:00]
   Sleep Interval     -i [300 sec]
   Backup Hostname    -s []
   Backup Username    -u []
   Backup Password    -p []
   Backup Directory   -d []
   Database Username  -U []
   Database Password  -P [] =======================================

Verify Files Have Been Sent to the Target Server

To verify that files have been sent successfully:

Note – For Backup Service configuration information, see the “Configuring STA Services” chapter within the StorageTek Tape Analytics Configuration Guide.

Check the Server Logs

The staservd.log.0 log file registers the activities of the Backup services configuration utility ServerAdm.

# cd /var/log/tbi/db/backups
# grep "INFO: done. Database dump completed" staservd.log.0
INFO: done. Database dump completed, file located at /dbdata/mysql/backups/2011304.stafullbackup.sql
INFO: done. Database dump completed, file located at /dbdata/mysql/backups/2011304.stafullbackup.sql
INFO: done. Database dump completed, file located at /dbdata/mysql/backups/2011305.stafullbackup.sql
INFO: done. Database dump completed, file located at /dbdata/mysql/backups/2011306.stafullbackup.sql

Check the Target Backup Server

# ssh stabck@stabackups.mycompany.com
Password: bckpwd1
Last login: Wed Nov  1…
# ls -1 /backups/tbivb01

Verify a Local Copy of the Backup Files Appears on the Server

Verify that a copy of the most recent backup files have been saved locally on the server on which STA is installed.

# ls -1 /dbdata/mysql/backups

Reset the STA Backup Service Password

See “Password Administration”.

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